‘Rogue One’: White Supremacists Call for Boycott of ‘Star Wars’ Film Over ‘Anti-White Agenda’

>‘Rogue One’: White Supremacists Call for Boycott of ‘Star Wars’ Film Over ‘Anti-White Agenda’


Fucking Sup Forums...

Other urls found in this thread:


> m-muh pole

Sup Forums did the same during tfa you reddit tourist

>the Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums did the same thing during TFA

fixed that for you amigo

>mfw they link the actual Sup Forums thread in mainstream articles

> le Sup Forums is a progressive negro loving women respecting board meme pushed by Sup Forumsedditors and Sup Forumsmblrinas

Nice try

>Sup Forums did the same during tfa

Lying piece of shit.

>"We were this close to providing peace and security for the galaxy.
Why does he have an Australian accent?

Takes 5 seconds in the archive for your delusions to be disproven you dirty reddit ape-coon

>If you dont want to pay the shekels to see our garbage diversity propaganda you are literally a nazi.

bravo disney

>It's a Sup Forums is filled with racists again episode
If you people actually stepped outside of your house, you would notice the amount of beautiful Native African women (I don't mean full on black but say Algerians which are very attractive) and who doesn't love Koreans, Japanese women?

Instead it has to be "muh white women is only best"

>only racists don't want to see Star Wars sequel #9 TM
this is legit shilling

Reminder that it's CTR posting these threads.

Nignogs only look decent if they have majority non-negroid blood. Slants and gooks are always ugly as fuck. The slant women you adore have had surgery and have makeup caked on. Women in general are just really unattractive without makeup but gooks are on another level

Why are tweets and Reddit posts considered newsworthy these days?

So Disney can back it's
> if you don't see the film you're a racist and that's the worst thing you can be

Tactic up


star wars is fucking dead. The Mouse killed it.

>You will never be an Imperial Officer keeping the peace of the Pax Imperia and advancing the status of humans.

>imperial side is a lone white man draped in white while surrounded by pitch black figures

What did they mean by this?

Lucas killed it in the 90s. Disney is just trying to get some of that nostalgia money off millennials.

I don't blame Disney for doing what they do, they are capitalists, I blame hack-faud Lucas and the yesmen around him.

why do retards like you lurk this board?

go back to your safe space

They are.


>we don't need to cater Star Wars to the white male audience
>but they better come see it or else they are WHITE SUPREMACISTS
and these people wonder why "white" people voted for Trump.

tumblr.com/ go and enjoy my fella


Wait a second, the guy who wrote that apologized for the tweet.

Doesn't that mean that there is no anti-white agenda now that the writer backtracked on it?

Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums.

That is not true, pol constantly wines about twitter and jewbook.

pretty classy, tbphmgs
I wish people would fucking leave their politics out of fucking everything.


and apparently I'm the one that needs a safe space.

t. perpetually offended coon
Might want to check r/movies out, heard they encourage censorship so niggers like yourself don't hyperventilate after reading posts like the ones your replied to

I still don't understand how tumblr works

>why do political types care when entertainment media inject politics into the message?

Is this meta post-irony?

Sup Forums makes more headlines for getting triggered these days than SJWs do these days. Case in point: this fucking thread.

Why does Sup Forums hates women and blacks so much? It is because they are virgins who were mugged?


All this proves is that the sjws that whine about le pole boogeyman on this board are apart of an extremely vocal minority of Sup Forumsmblr refugees.

Sup Forums has ALWAYS been like this. Sup Forums is also not Sup Forums.


Like pottery

Proofread your sentences, Jamal.

>Why does Sup Forums hates women and blacks so much? It is because they are virgins who were mugged?
Yes this must be it. Surely it could not be any other reason.

The fact that you cuck faggots roam here is just depressing. Go slit your throats and go back to your fucking safe space you triggered piece of shits. You don't even deserve to talk to 4chanians like me you degenerate.

Sup Forums used to be self aware. Sup Forums used to be able to have a conversation about literally anything without shitposting their politics into it until it died.

This board used to be usable despite the fact that it shared users with Sup Forums

since when does Sup Forums hate women

Go fuck yourself you fucking cunt

>inb4 40 responses to this clear bait

Baby is angry because his safe space isn't so safe anymore :(

blame /leftypol/ and reddit. Take a look at /his/ and /lit/

Try not to be such a blatant newfag. Lurk for at least one year.

> chooses to respond to the one post that's painfully obvious bait

Says a lot about your argument famalam

>I was merely pretending to be retarded

> m-muh buzzwords

To be fair, it was the director who called the Empire White Supremacists and went on a crusade against anyone who voted for Donald Trump.
This is just a reaction he caused.


both are actually usable boards that stay on topic as opposed to this shithole.

>did you see this commercial that had a black guy in it? reee I am angery

Not always. They have become hugboxes for Marxism.

Don't be bringing that logic into this thread.

Maybe you should fuck off back there the , whiny cuck.

The idea of news sites treating Sup Forums as anything but a massive joke is bizarre.

Back in my day, racism was funny and creative banter instead of a bunch of fags reposting the same shit while getting triggered over and over

>news based on a reddit post

Society deserves much worse than another Hitler.

Why are the news promoting this angle?

They did the same thing for ghostbusters and it ruined sales.

>strawman racists/sexists don't like this movie
is not going to make people watch the movie.

I'd like to call a boycott over the Bane plane scene dialogue and the spoopy "hollow whistling with piano key" trailer audio.

A movie explaining a plot point from a late 70's adventure film is going to be full of IT'S 2016!!!!! quips and "fast" pacing.

Feels bad man.

This makes me want to watch it more.

And by more I mean it goes from "I wouldn't watch this piece of shit if you paid me" to "I wouldn't watch this piece of shit if it was free".

between Brexit, the Cubs, and Trump they think we're Nostradamus.

At this point we can shitpost anything and some clickbait faggots will be posting it as the lords gospel within the hour.

I'm not gonna watch it because I'm tired of Disney's MO

>Im sick of being called a neo nazi racist by these fucking niggers!

>Sup Forums
They cited a reddit post, Sup Forums isn't even mentioned in the article. Learn to read before posting you dumb nigger

who is this Sup Forums person?

He wouldn't have apologized for being a dumbass if he wasn't forced to by Disney


And you call Sup Forums a "safe space".

What's the +/- on Rouge One breaking 700M?

These fucking Jews down in hollywood are going to do this fake controversy for every goddamn movie now, aren't they?

Fuck off. Most people here use Sup Forums.
You need to go back to your safe space on reddit.

>I wish people would fucking leave their politics out of fucking everything.
>unless I agree with them

Jeez. What a bunch of fucking cry babies.

They're literally "triggered" like a SJW

Nice fake news

>I'm such a cuck I want people to tell me that I'm evil for being white! I'm so tolerant of other opinions! The jews tell me that's a good thing.
Good goy

muh original trilogy

I go to Sup Forums but don't speak for me you cunt.

I'd say well under

Don't tell me what to do you fag.

If it's so depressing you can always kill yourself.

No wonder TFA was so successful


can we talk about how shit this film looks? Very bland trailers, and I don't want another re-hashing of the first Star Wars plot.

Plus that blind kung fu guy seems like something you'd pitch for a kids cartoon.

Of course it was. Could've easily beat Avatar if they chose not to force an agenda thoughm
Tfa's China box office is proof of this

Under.. There hasn't been much hype for movie and I think a lot of casuals see this as filler and some might think it's non canon, if this makes over 800M then that's a testament to how big of a draw Vader is

>It's a "we have to put up with slopes and moon crickets because we want to fuck their women because they are the closest we can get to fucking actual aliens from Star wars" thread

Not sure if 10 triggered Sup Forumslacks or 1 REALLY triggered Sup Forumslack.

they are so lacking in self awareness, its nuts.

>Calling blacks niggers makes me a nazi
Funny since my ancestors were Scottish.

So thus, this is the power of newfags.
Sup Forums didn't boycott star Wars for being anti white.

pls stop the shilling pls

> Sup Forums is one person

The post-release reason was muh glib facsimile pre-release was definitely because of ongobongoyega. The archives are a click away

Why are even stormtrooper considered bad?

We have republic, group of corrupted ignorats that have no idea what are they doing (ie. jar jar binks), while in fact real control over galaxy is in hand of small green gobil and his squad (they have right to decide who is good and who is bad), jedi are just intergalaxy KGB.

At some point corrupted republicans decided to make hard working people pay even more tax.

Traiding guild do some calculations and they realize that with new taxes they are unable to make any profit.

Instead of paying extremly high taxes they rebel against oppresive corrupted republic senators.

What is so hard to understnad?

They are portrayed as bad guys because they lost war.

In every history book you can read how murricans liberated iraq and libya, how they spread their universal values of freedom with m1 abrams.


I can on some level understand the idea of a more casual film fan here finding the "Sup Forums" content obnoxious then they just want to talk about their movies on a surface "entertainment" level.

But are there honestly people here who can look at the modern media and unironically think that there is no anti-white, anti-male agenda being pushed?

Cultural genocide is a strong phrase, but I think it's completely appropriate to use.

Sup Forumsfags need to stop getting triggered so much

> this is the power of newfags.
Sup Forums didn't boycott star Wars for being anti white.

As soon as the trailer with the nigger dropped there were a hundred threads laughing at how much of an ape he looked like, are you sure we were on the same board at the time? As said, you can check the archives

>The KEKS in this thread will defend this

Fucking shitskins need to be exterminated.

>be white supremacist empire
>make thousands of copies of this guy

What did the Nazi Empire mean by this?