What happened

what happened

Other urls found in this thread:


liberals eating their own

Something about island niggers and their culture

she's our girl now

wasnt her like a sjw hero

>Three cherry picked posts hours apart
Probably nothing, she's still popular with the people who actually pay to see shit like that

She told a le funny relatable anectode about wiping her ass with sacred rocks in Hawaii and it was genuinely disrespectful towards the natives and their culture and is now deservedly getting backlash.

she forgot yoga was cultural appropriation and bought yoga pants

She was le ebin 'relatable normal grl who iz just like me!!!!' but she has became too big for her boots and her shitty personality is coming through.



She's so lovely


Holy shit what a fucking idiot.

>White ppl are so uncultured & insensitive.

actual tweet i just found in response to this

She's white.

is it ironic that all 3 tweet responses are a spic, an asian, and a nigger?

white people.. baka

Eventually those in vogue will be hated.

So... now we have those "contrarians" rise up,
I expect Sup Forums to go against that and praise JLaw.

Screenshot this, she will be loved by Sup Forums now that the plebeian contrarian population starts to her.


when did it become okay to be attack all white people? seriously social media was a fucking mistake

Racism doean't pay.

Honestly love it when this happens

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
what did she do

when trump won

Lol how the fuck is this allowed

she was in hawaii her butt itched and rubbed it on a rock turned out it was some sacred rock she dislodged it and it rolled down a mountain.

this fuels the hate for petty people to generalize all white people as racist uncultured and disrespectful.

This kid probably got an A too

> they wanted a race war
> now they're wondering why is a race war starting

looking forward you skinning your honky asses

>when did it become okay to be attack all white people?
uuuuhh maybe when white people ruined the entire world??

she was tho

u triggered white boi? u need to hide in ur safe space homie

People don't realize this shit is the reason why trump won. White people are fed up being told that they're racist and wrong.

>genuinely disrespectful towards the natives and their culture
Who cares about a bunch of island niggers?

White people are the biggest reason why the world was/is good

Racism accusations are at an all time high. Its lost its meaning further than even cuck. People called you racist literally for voting for a republican candidate, without any context as to why you voted them. People call you racist for simply being white and not pleading with people to forgive you for existing.

But that's a rant for another day. Jennifer Lawrence is a cunt and I'm glad she's getting grilled, even if I don't specifically agree with it

>it's a twitter screencap thread

>sacred rock
Those uncultured savages, holy shit

She actually was a cunt this time. Not racist, just deeply and genuinely disrespectful.

>generalize all white
he never said she wasn't

Being non white must be agony.

Imagine being so pathetic that your worthless monkey ancestors being enslaved is the only reason you have anything in life.

Imagine the obsession and mental gymnastics.

i find her annoying but i will defend her on this unfair hate because it also affects me white people should not be a scapegoat for all problems

Leftists have their followers believe otherwise.

If some nigger came and scratched his ass on a runestone I'd want to cut his fucking head of to be honest.

someone post more screencap tweets

>haha almost killed the sound guy :ppppp


For a board that loves racism you certainly get triggered when you're targeted

>people being outraged over a fake story told by a phony celebrity personality

i hate everything

>loves racism

That's where you're wrong, friend. We don't like racism at all, and how its been openly used against the innocent white people of the world.

im not racist. but it is obviously unaccepted today.

but thanks to lefties it is now socially acceptable to literally blame and attack all white people. blatant racism and you can get away with it.

>For a board that loves racism
yeah those pol babbies and alt-right, neo nazi '''''''cucks'''''''' are finally getting a taste of there own medicine

Remember when she shouted at that guy who was reading off his phone because he didn't speak English?

She thought she was really fucking clever and that the guy was "staring at the world through his phoneeee" or some complete horseshit. It was because there was a Facebook video going around saying "stop seeing life through your phone xD" and she obviously thought it was relevant so she yelled at a guy who was just doing his job.

Must be REALLY embarrassing in hindsight for her.