It's a Jimmy Fallon gets piss drunk before the show starts episode

>It's a Jimmy Fallon gets piss drunk before the show starts episode.

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i'd love to believe that's what his problem is, but his time on snl taught me that he's just a mediocre, compensatory personality with connections.

>It's a Jimmy Fallon giggles uncontrollably and breaks character during a sketch episode

i like him the most out of the hosts, rest is a fucking sjw propaganda garbage, colbert is unwatchable

i miss letterman

he is do shit on snl for this


>Guest: Hi
>Jimmy Fallon:

my god, she has the body of a 70 year old

>rest is a fucking sjw propaganda garbage

triggered stormblerina detected

[laughs in fakenese]

Beat me by 30 seconds. Aww fuck


>it's a jimmy fallon bursts into fake laughter and claps his hands whilst so every 5 sentences his guest says

cuckold detected

>ywn hold some job that not only lets you get drunk beforehand but actually encourages it

there's a safe space for you a few boards over, friend




Literally the worst the Tonight Show has ever been. He's just so tame. He never makes fun of his guests or says anything even slightly cynical. I mean if you want a grown-up version of fucking Zoom this is it, but he's no good at anything that requires thought on his part. Maybe that is his genius. Not actually working, just showing up and getting payed.



>that ass

Does this faggot white boy not realize how dangerous it is to act like that in in the opposing team's territory JUST as they've lost? Just have a hunch he doesn't care about politics at all.


Unlike you he doesn't seem to be looking for one

Marvel money and she doesn't care anymore

his entire personality is

>talks nervously, then laughs


Yeah I'm sure those weak little shits will REALLY hurt him

get triggered, fags

isn't it kind of rude to come out like that, with your nipples angrily poking out of your shirt?

it's distracting, this hussy should learn some manners!

We got our fix of irony with Letterman. Fallon is the new sincerity. He's no Carson, but he's usually watchable. Some of the games he plays are unbearably stupid (what's in the box) but watching celebrities play Catchphrase is really fun. He also doesn't consider himself a political satirist like the moron who had the time slot after his.

I mean you don't have to go for satire to have a bit more bite. I just feel that the best late night comedians always have a good idea of how stupid a lot of celebrity culture is and can make fun of the fact that they're part of it and so are their guests.

So Conan?

I know what you mean. Fallon definitely isn't great, but he's the host I like watching the most. I think Kimmel is boring and while I respect Colbert's attempts to make late night a little smarter, it mostly takes the form of cheap, easy Trump jokes.

I like Conan, but he's on TBS so nobody watches him.

that's actually funny
what a great comedian

He pissed away 20 years of goodwill in a couple of months on his talk show by being a pompous asshole. Every minute has him matching the absolute maximum douchebag factor that Jon Stewart reached once every couple of episodes of TDS in its heyday.

Mostly I meant Letterman. He wasn't afraid to be a bit harsh at times and I miss that. Conan is much more about self-deprecation, that's not bad at all but it is different. Leno used to have more bite to him too before his last 2-3 years on the Tonight Show.
Letterman's style was my favorite, he just wanted everyone to remember that despite all the hype, he and everyone on his show were just people who were every bit as flawed and open to criticism as anyone else.

Microsoft buying Rare is an allegory for Lindsay Lohan's body.

Yeah. His new show is pretty bad. Not the worst on network tv though. That would be Seth Meyers.

There is no current talk show host who would ever have Andy Kaufman on, and that's a tragedy.

>Yeah. His new show is pretty bad. Not the worst on network tv though. That would be Seth Meyers.
They're both equally terrible.

I was also a fan of Craig Furgeson when he had the Late Late Show. He did things very different from most people and I appreciated that he was ok with toying with the late night formula a bit.

I don't think so. Colbert's show at least still has the pretense of being a comedy program. Meyers had segments where he literally tells his viewers to vote for Hillary. As much as I enjoyed watching Colbert have to end his show with the news Trump won, Meyers crying about Hillary losing was the best part for me.

I want her to destroy me

Feet was great. Now he's been replaced by a fat British version of Jimmy Fallon with less charm.

now I understand what quasimoto meant by leaving you sunk in like a crackheads ass.

That second pic gotta be a shop.

Ferg, not feet. Stupid.

She only destroys her secret girlfriend Taylor Swift

eh, at least James Corden doesn't mind playing with the formula either. Seating arrangements and having all the guests out at once are interesting at least. I don't think Jimmy Fallon has ever taken a risk in his life and he sure as fuck aint gonna do it now. This is how things become stale and boring, at least Corden is open to change.



Ironycels need to die, it's effeminate and cowardly passive aggression.

fuckoff with your bignipples-shaming

It's time to stop posting, Jimmy. Everyone knows its you an no one is buying what you're selling here.

>C-can I.. can I touch your hair?

Is there anything more cringeworthy than this?

There is

he isn't wrong
it's fine to make fun, but you can't substitute virtue signalling for jokes and expect to have an audience

Cringeworthy isn't a strong enough word. It's pure evil.

How much it offended liberals

>it's an user can't spot a pretty obvious drinking problem episode
user, are you retarded? it's even publicized. But you shouldn't need that to see it

>Breaking News: Comedian Tells Jokes
>More at 11:00
