Sam Hyde Interviewed by Tim Heidecker

Other urls found in this thread:,_California#Demographics

Is it really though

yea im listening now

But is it really

yeah sounds like him for sure

is this the sam and tim interview?

Two of my totally random comedy heroes OmG XDDd

I mean like is the link actually that

Yeah, it is.

I'm not OP, but yes the link is a legit interview. not sure if this is live or prerecorded.

Sam's mostly busting his balls at the moment

Are you scared of clicking It's a safe site.

ok guys I'm really confused. Is this an interview with Sam Hyde and Tim Heidecker? Serious answers only

sam hyde sounds so ass blasted

Fuck, this is hard to listen to.

It's Tim interviewing Sam

This guy doesn't sound like Sam at all.

After the 3 minute mark, he calls in again with better audio, 100percent Sam.

Tim Heidecker works with Eric not Sam Hyde you dunce

I literally became uncomfortable listening to it and that kind of shit never happens to me. I kind of don't even want to listen to the whole thing.

You are done. Get over it. Stop shilling your shit here faggot.

I've not been following this but as a big fan of Tims I've lost a lot of respect for him if this call is legit. He seems very defensive and evasive, admittedly it's a bit of a dick move to confront him in public like this, but the fact he didn't just graciously end the call is embarassing.

>Suggests Sam might of thought he hung on him
>Sam asks immediately asks if he did
>Tim get's embarrassingly shouty and asks how Sam could suggest that

I love listening to this

sounds like it was inevitable

Tim is based

This is embarassing, Sam throwing a childish tantrum without one hint of irony or humor.

brett geldman is going to be in the new season of stranger things

what is sam hyde up to now? youtube videos still?


Tim is a cuck

Sam Hyde is gonna kill himself next year.

What the fuck are you talking about. He's not evasive at all, he's letting Sam speak and doing his best to keep things civil and answer honestly.

What the fuck kind of mental gymnastics are you performing if you think Tim is the bad guy here for having Sam on TWICE. If he was being evasive, why would he pick up a second time after the first call messed up? The dude let him speak and nobody hung up on anybody, not Sam not Tim.

>Tim get's embarrassingly shouty and asks how Sam could suggest that
I thought his shouting HOW COULD YOU SUGGEST THAT was sarcasm on his part.

>brett geldman is going to be in the new season of stranger things
>implying his presence won't further degrade the already shit show

Based Sam Hyde!

i have no dog in this fight but sam hyde got destroyed

stuttering and stammering and bringing up his ''''evidence'''' that tim just shoots down outright.

I don't think Tim is the bad guy, and i don't give two fucks about Sam Hyde or his show.

I just thought Tim was a little bit embarassing on this and I feel like it'd probably be best for him to stay away from the internet for a while, he's obviously on edge atm, i know very little about the subject matter, I'm just used to Tim being above this shit.

They've gotta be "trolling" us.

I like both of these characters 2bh. But Sam Hyde sneaks past

Admittedly after watching more of it, Sam begins to look like an even pettier idiot, but Tim let himself get dragged down to his level Sam's.

what a fucking autistic faggot

sam exposes him and he starts screeching like a child

Sam's calling that cuck Gelman a moneygrubbing attention whore, but I've never seen that Gelman character literally beg before and after his videos, as far as I know he hasn't censured his own shows to get estabilishment Cartoon Network dollars, and he definitely doesn't disfigure himself online and throw failed attention whore antics for a living.

I just got to this part. it was clearly a joke why the both of them chuckled afterward.

Tim is based

am I the only one that feels like this was a joke interview?
it honestly feels like eminem and bruno/sacha baron cohen.

who and who?

Sam should have known not to reveal his power level

It was only a matter of time

>tim lying about not stumping to get world peace taken off the air

Exposes him? Sam has one vague acussation and a persecution complex, anytime Tim tried to express his views or adress Sam's /ourboy/ starts shouting like a lunatic and fake laughing like a beta bitchboy.

I hope Tim dies an agonizing death.

Tims smugness is infuriating

Where is the evidence that he had a say though?

Oh man this is getting pathetic

Tim is a lying company man.

it's all an act, you just don't get it

nah, he ignores everything sam says and tries to "take the high ground", then starts shouting when he doesn't get his way

Tim literally spends half the video shouting and talking over Sam and interrupting him constantly while at the same time demanding to be aloud to finish speaking.

Tim is a fucking piece of shit holy shit.

I'm hoping that's the case. What a ruse that'd be. MDE season 2 is real and they're setting it up to be huge.

Guys, listen to me a second. I don't say things like this lightly, but...

Based Sam Hyde!

I kinda believe Tim, it was really wierd how MDE got picked up in the first place, and Tim can't be that SJW if his company was behind Nathan4You, I imagine all the "trendy" AS employees and the new guys behind super SJW stuff like the Fight League or whatever it's called would be more against it.

He said he heard from people that Tim was one of the reasons it got cancelled, tim can lie all he wants, he even said "All I said to them was that I was getting harassed by their fans" bs i'm sure he was much more vocal about it, but he can lie to save face tim doesn't seem like a very trustworthy guy

Sam is such a butthurt infant. Tim Heidecker put him on the quiet step by speaking like an adult.

I like how Heidecker pretends he knows nothing at all about exerting political pressure to get the results you want. You dont have to directly pull every last string in order to exert that pressure.

This Ssam guy sounds really fucking butthurt.

I just want comedians to be funny again.

kek, you dumb pol tard's rekt your own guy.

he was YOUR guy. YOUR guy. and you fucked him.


"Brett Gellman won't do anything for $40,000"
-Tim Heidecker

I get literally the opposite vibe, he did have to rein it in sometimtes, but it's just that if Tim tries answering any of Sam's acusations Sam just starts shouting and going "HUH? OH? HAHA" like a real life copypasta.

>w-whaaa happened?
Tim is a cunt

Since the show has been cancelled, MDE is just YouTube.
Can mods ban all the MDE threads? Thanks.

>i just supported my friend that said he wanted MDE off the air
>i dindu nuffins

What a fag

>exerting political pressure

Fucking Sup Forumstards idiots, saying a bad show is bad isn't "political pressure"

>speaking like an adult
>but why'd you get my show cancelled man

>I dindu nuffin
>I only expressed my annoyance at getting harrassed by the "alt-right" audience of MDE and suggested "something" should be done
>not my fault, I didn't have anything to do with it

Yeah he definitely wanted the show gone. Not because he disliked the show, but because he thought it was the show's audience attacking him.

tim is an sjw cuck im 100 percent sure that he had something to do with getting WP canceled but i say this with 0 percent proof

If he was lying he could just deny it entirely, it'd make more sense. Tim makes a pretty tight case, and and Sam's the one with an extensive lying record.

>caring this much about a couple of late night comedians because of identity politics

You guys are all cocksuckers.

tim got destroyed
>i have no power
>you have 4 shows on as

Yay history is told by the victors!
Like Trump, right?

>ohhh yeah


It's pretty funny 2bh. I like both and having them argue is entertaining

>I work hard everyday!
>half the people who work for me are women

What did Tim mean by this?

Nice try Tim

Like anyone needs to be harrassed by you autistic obsessives. Fully right to be annoyed when manchildren with too much time are digitally throwing eggs when he's a busy working man

>I didn't and there's no way I could influence it
>There is no proof i've done anything even if I wanted to outside of conspiracy reddit posts
>tim didn't reply to this but sarah has since apologized
>I haven't talked to Judd since the premiere of Bridesmaids 2
>Glendale is not super posh you have no idea what you're talking about (He's true, see:,_California#Demographics . median income is about 50 grand)
>Half the people we employ are women

I'm only a few minutes in but im just gonna stop, it's like mike tyson fighting an infant.

sorry sam but you got BTFO

trumptards and autists will argue otherwise though. Sad.

>but because he thought it was the show's audience attacking him.

Nah that's a fucking lie. World Peace was a huge threat and was changing the landscape for comedy.

it still was a tv show TV show checkmate faggot

You are tucked neatly in Tim's pocket, he is clearly a sociopath. Probably sam too, but sam sounds like he was telling the truth, tim is always shifty

>World Peace was a huge threat

See it like your actually a fucking moron. All it took was a couple tweets. Hediecker didn't even say anything about the show being bad, he basically spent that whole thing tripping over himself and backpedling

>this is what a shill looks like

We're not allowed to talk about shows that no longer run? Shit, better tell all the people talking about Sopranos, X-Files, Star Trek, etc, etc, etc.

im autistic i dunno why typed tv show twice but yeah fuck you dude suck mah ballz, tim

you got sam fired you meme spouting faggot

>aww is something wrong???
>you got my show cancelled through your politics
>haha where's your proof xD?

Sam is literally a bratty child, when he gets called out on his shit he just resorts to giggling and saying slurs

Literally stuck in kindergarten

Hi tim

This is embarassing.

Sorry but Tim was lying and blaming sam for being called a cuck on the intenet.

Tim is fucking done now.

Hahaha oh my god, what is this? Is this for real?

But it's funny when Sam makes fun of people for being jews amirite

tim can't be a troll, that's insensitive and dickish!

As far as I know Tim hasn't broken into crackhouses, fucked trannies, choked girls, or screamed at his mom, all of those psycho traits are on Sam, and that's hit entire carreer too.

how was anything i posted a meme you faggot?