Any movie where the school shooters are the good guys?

Any movie where the school shooters are the good guys?

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how could that possibly work

All of them?

all of them


bowling for columbine

Sure, but where they are actually considered the good guys or protagonists in the movie itself.

only in a Body Snatcher scenario

God bless america kinda

Dumb frogposter.


not a school

This kind of implies that the shooter is a victim, and that you need to be nice to strangers or they will nail you and you will deserve it.


Are the shooters in van sant's "elephant" protagonists?

>Dude bullying people is okay lmao

in america it is

private school for the children wealthy elite leftists

the protagonists are victims of their schoolmates parent's child sex rings

they escape and pose as wealthy kids as they plan their revenge

Bullying people is wrong. However the narrative that all or even most school shooters are the victims of bullying is false. In fact more of them are bullies than bullied, and more then either combined had nothing to do with bullying.

Such a narrative both stigmatizes bullying victims and alleviates partial responsibility from actual school shooters. But such diffusion of responsibility is not a bug, it's a feature, since campaigns like that's true goal is not the end of bullying. It's the disarmament of the American people in preparation for one world government.

Sup Forumsytechnique

It is the year 1908. A multiracial PoC gay Jewish youth and xer friend who is a genderqueer asexual African American Muslim nonbinary otherkin who has autism and is in a wheelchair were enrolled at a certain art school. A certain man who had applied the previous year with abhorrent paintings depicting racism, homophobia and transphobia had applied again, this time with paintings suggesting mass genocide of all nonwhite straight males.

Their professor, a teansgendered atheist who bus deaf informed them of his problematic paintings. As the film progresses and explores sensitivities topics like living in a straight while male dominated society as people of color and a part of the lgbtqrjkpnfga community, stories of people in those groups being targeted for violence erupt all over the news.

The students eventually discover it is happening at a certain school, the certain school and certain man went to because he was twice rejected from art school. The students go their to open a dialogue with that certain student but when they get there they are shot at and about to be murdered. They are taken to the gymnasium to have their execution witnessed by the entire student body who call themselves Nazi's and Whi state their goal is to kill every non straight white male.

Left with no other choice, the students overpower their captors, steal their guns and shoot up the school to try and prevent mass genocide.