Talent (tim) vs no talent (sam)

talent (tim) vs no talent (sam)

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Tim's not being honest. a typical cuck.


>you pissed off Sup Forums, Sup Forums, infinitechan with your cucking

Jesus, really Sam?

I lost my job and have the free health US insurance. It does nothing but make you worse off after you wait hours for a poorhouse doctor that will take it.

If only that was Tim's reaction. Fucking faggot just whines and doesn't even try and figure out what's going on. He just cries bigot.

what's going on exactly?

Sam is such a whiny faggot.
Im normally on his side but he sounds as if he wanted to cry.

>I don't have health insurance!
>Get my job back!

can't make this shit up senpai

Man, Sam is obviously having a stupid little baby tantrum, thinking he will have his show back because of it but he's making himself way more unlikable

he knows he isn't getting the show back he is just pissed that he got blacklisted. Pretty understandable desu

>tfw no Sam and Tim show

>he got blacklisted

by who and from where?


by Adult Swim and he's blacklisted in the industry now

>he got blacklisted

well deserved

Probably the guy shitting on an aspiring comedian despite being a rich fuck and all the while claiming you live in a working class neighborhood and have problems normal people can relate to besides not being able to stop stuffing your face with donuts.

>all these threads

tim really gets your panties in a bunch

I'm married with a kid and I'd fuck that cutie desu.

yeah man fuck people with opinions they don't deserve to have jobs

how do you know he got blacklisted?

and if he didn't get blacklisted, does that mean that he would easily rip through the 'industy' and become huge? or make another show on as?

Sam is not funny, a typical cuck

Tim is right, why does Sam need AS or the industry? If anything it's a badge of honour to his fans.

how is Sam going to find another profitable outlet to make a show?

you can't make money off of youtube

>Fuck people who are just not funny but have a comedy show they don't deserve

Fixed it

he had good ratings you have no case

He's a whiny little bitch and this interview with Tim just confirmed that, he's also trying to act like ''dude i'm trolling you xD'' on Tim but he just comes off as more annoying and more retarded

And his show wasn't funny


man why would you be mad about losing your job

His first episode did and that was thanks to eric andre

Big Bang Theory has excellent ratings. Is is t a good show?

no they got better ratings than expected and perfectly suitable for a first season
you think AS cares about that? The show made them enough money and was going to be renewed but they got pressured and canceled it.

is that actually sam?

you absolutely can, pewdiepie is a millionaire

sure thing Tim

the second phone call is much clearer, you can easily tell it's him

seems like you misread the post

I can't tell who's trolling who

They had good ratings online because Sup Forums autists watched each shitty episode hundreds of times to analyse "Le epic redpills"

I remember each thread. You shitted up the board. And still do. Nearly as annoying as the Richard Spencer fags.

Also AS is a privately owned company, no?
>I won't bake you faggot a faggot cake, it is my opinion and my private business nobody can force me to do it
>WHAT?? MDE wasn't renewed for a second season BY a privately owned business??? OHHH, THE UNJUSTICE!!!!

O am I laffing

So it's about the ratings when it's convenient for you but not about them when it's not? Got it.

Sam started strong and then basically fell apart and threw a tantrum.

>it only had good rating because a bunch of people i disagree with watched it!

are you actually this retarded?

no they got good ratings on air. You can criticize a private company for their decisions doesn't mean you are going to make them legally do something retard.
not sure how you extrapolated that from anything I posted m8

I actually lost respect for sam as the vid went on

>They had good ratings online because Sup Forums autists watched each shitty episode hundreds of times to analyse "Le epic redpills"
They watched the show hundreds of times when it aired on tv? Did they have multiple tvs going on at the same time?



he went on to say tim and eric isn't funny

that's legitimately hilarious coming from somebody like sam hyde.

t. someone whos never liked sam in the first place

What the fuck is with these faggots compromising over comedy? Every single one of these people got their start doing raunchy stupid comedy. Then they get big and turn against it. Fuck Tim Heidecker and Judd Apatow, Sara Silverman, and that whole camp of idiots who now pretend to have some sort of moral high ground or authority over comedy itself. They were doing edgy content 10 years ago now they turn around and tow the corporate line. It's disgusting.

hey Tim

Where's your evidence for this extraordinary accusation?

hey buddy check out decker on adult swim


>inb4 contrarians turn against Hyde

are you just going to post this in every single Sam thread? Pretty sad tbqfachwymf.
>believing anything you see here.

agreed. Eric Andrea does way more edgy and offensive shit than Sam and hes still fine in the network.

will le sphegett be making an appearance?

I do but okay


If Sam is telling the Truth then Tim is the in the wrong. If Tim is telling he is still having a meltdown.

that was a weird conversation. sam usually comes on on top/mercilessly makes the other person look pretty dumb, but he definitely came off as the weaker party

>he is still having a meltdown.
nice meme, Tim was calm and collected, Sam was sperging out for no reason.

Because he usually just relies on picking on the other persons ignorance and politeness by spurting inside jokes and memeing like a child.

Tim knows who actually knows his kiddy bullshit schooled him

Sam needs to fucking drop this alt right shit already

Still hoping he's somehow being ironic


man, what a bummer. maybe he should get a job or something.

>Tim gets Sams show not only cancelled despite it doing well in the ratings, but also blacklist him as a nazi

>"no reason"

really made me think

once you shoo and boo the jew, you will rue.

Pretty soon its going to be all he has left.

you're obviously not a Hyde fan if you think this is some sort of ruse

didn't sam have a job in marketing or doing video editing?

dropping those gigs and gambling everything on some edgy show is fucking pathetic

I know he's always had Sup Forums humor my man, but this is fucking awful stuff

I liked MDEWP but Sam's not coming off well here. Tim's a professional and hasn't wronged Sam in any way. It is super gay how the show's cancelled, but then again, the fanbase are edgy epic dickheads so

Well thats the point isn't it, its coming to the point where he's alienating everyone who isn't an egdelord

Do we have any concrete proof Tim got the show canceled?

Of course not

no, proof but the conspiracy theory is that posse at AS that inclue eric andre and tim got pissed at the funneling of limited funds to WP, so they swayed their weight with the management


no, there's no proof.

the only thing tim ever did was say if people were really offended by the material they can call advertisers and cry about it

>getting fired from adult swim for being edgy

youre either very retarded or trolling. Have you ever seen shit like Super Jail?

Tim vs Sam is a meme that starts here and youtube and stuff, and has no basis in reality.

lmao at this interview. They're both so full of shit and sarcastic. I can't even tell if it's a real feud.

pretty funny that his fans spamming his vids on Sup Forums ultimately gets his show taken off. I mean I like Sup Forums and the "sam hyde is the shooter" meme but beyond that I don't give a shit about this stuff

Studios don't have "limited funds" in that sense so thats already bullshit

>Tim is a valued AS asset
>Sam is not
>Tim doesn't like Sam and openly throws a tantrum over being trolled
>AS decides to cut ties despite World Peace being mildly successful
how is this so hard to understand? the idea that Tim had no influence is just stupid

>going after Trumpism

Fuck off for defending Tim you faggots you know this is because Sam called Chelsea ugly to her face.



Sam was utterly BTFO by life. He deserves it.

obviously there's no confirmation one way or the other, but i don't believe he maliciously campaigned against mde's show. i think the biggest crime is how, especially given the roots of his content, he just kinda stood by and did nothing to help. i wouldn't expect tim to be one so easily affected by some angry twitter messages -- i feel like that played a part in his inaction

>pretty funny that his fans spamming his vids on Sup Forums ultimately gets his show taken off

Exactly. If they could only separate memes from IRL there'd probably be a second season, but Sam does encourage it, to his detriment.

Election is over, you can stop being a meme person now

The show getting cancelled was 100% Sam's fault and you are retarded for thinking otherwise.

In that interview Sam actually says that it wasn't his fans that were spamming Tim calling him a cuck. I mean come fucking on. Do you really think there was no overlap between those retards on Sup Forums constantly making million dollar extreme threads and the retards tweeting Tim. Do you really think the fact that mde was on Adult Swim didn't embolden them to do it even more.

10x more importantly, Sam didn't even defend his show against the criticisms. If you want to work in Hollywood, you can't admit to being alt-right and agreeing with its ideology without drawing extreme controversy and if there's anything hollywood hates, it's controversy. If he had just said the show wasn't racist and disavowed the people calling themselves "alt-right" that supported his show, he would still have it.

But no, he kept his mouth shut and let his retarded fanbase make the narrative of who he was for him. All he had to do was say they are just trolls and I don't agree with them or at least told them to shut the fuck up.

He didn't and he became a symbol of the alt-right's growing prominence so he was cancelled. Do you think Adult Swim wants CNN reporting that their network is racist and should be boycotted?

>those times when you realize that Sup Forums retards aren't trolling at all and honestly don't understand how to think critically at all
>don't understand what evidence or proof are, believe their feelings influence both

it's fucking incredible

>It's up to you to PROVE there's no pizza child sex ring!

Loving this new logic

Tim made a bunch of post about how much Trump sucks.

Pro-trump people and/or Sup Forums fags started responding to him

He responded to them all and dug himself deeper, making himself a lulzcow. Since hesa 40 year old man, he didnt realize what was going on and made a parody song where he calls himself a cuck, which only made it worse. Then he blamed Sam for all of it and said to the network that Sams fans are "dangerous"

they used up a large portion of the money that could've gone to the next season of Decker and instead used it on Sam's project and Tim got pissed

Wow sorry guys I must have clicked the /TMZ/ section instead of Sup Forums


are we sure this isn't a bit?

Tim isn't an idiot like Bernstein or those other fuckers Sam messes with.

and you know this all for a fact

tim is very much anti-trump, but that doesn't make him anti-sam hyde or pro-cancelling shows on a whim, even if he did have the power to do so. sam hyde just found out that he can't troll hollywood the same way he trolls idiots on Sup Forums.

Thats not how business funding works you retard.
A Studio doesn't have a bank account with X amount of money to allot to shows, what they do is they borrow more money if they're confident a show will make it back.

MDE got better ratings than s1 of Eric Andre too

>I mean come fucking on


And no, Tim got trolled because he shit talked Trump, so Trump supporters shit talked him and he got really mad over it. Blaming it on Sam Hyde is more fucking paranoid than any accusation that Sam leveled against him.

Sam has literally NEVER said he was "alt-right" thats what buzzfeed and every other liberal rag called him in order to demonize him after Gellman said he was going to quite because of them.

You faggots had it out for sam since the beginning for some weird reason, and now after you got his show cancelled you are acting like you didnt.