How do we fix late night TV?

How do we fix late night TV?

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Fuck Donald Trump and fuck fat people.

Do u mean how do we fix the whiny baby nazis who dont wanna be called nasty names?

They really want to make sure Donals stays for two terms don't they

Time to retire Liberals and just call them Child rapists

>whiny baby nazis
who's whining now?

He's got a point, also the Sup Forums right are the biggest bunch of fucking whiners on the internet these days

Everyone in the media needs to be shot.

Donald Trump is a bad man. I hope he slips in the shower breaks his hip.

he dropped these

((( )))

It's time to retire 'comedian' and just say 'shill'

He's right tho

Somebody think of the feelings of white supremacists!

Calling people are nationalist and post frog memes 'Nazis' is just diminishing who the National Socialists were, what they stood for and what they did.

Calling people are nationalist and post frog memes 'Nazis' is just diminishing who the National Socialists were, what they stood for and what they did.


Is this guy jewish?


If trump supporters are neo nazis because a few of his supporters are does that mean liberals are all serial killers and rapists?

We don't. Right now they're pushing us further right by claiming that moderate sane views, and the views of those they previously demonized, are equally bad. By applying words like "Nazi" and so on to average folk, they're actually de-stigmatizing pro-white movements and things actually related to nazis. It's really great and I don't want it any other way.

Will Trump make as good of a wall?


>act racist on Sup Forums and twitter
>act like naziboos
>people call you racist
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stop it reeeeeeee

I don't get it. Isn't this what you want? Isn't this why you call everyone that disagrees with you a leftistcuck? I thought the point was to get people to react? Then once they react you get mad at THEM?

The fuck are you doing?

poor nazis, so oppressed

we live in an era where black people are allowed to vote, yet nazis still aren't allowed to take over the country and replace dissenting voices with nazi propoganda

truly a frightening time


Whats wrong with national socialism?
Just because Hitler '''subscribed''' to it (he didnt)?
So one guy being a fucking monster invalidates the entire ideology forever?

Why are you yelling?

>all nationalists are nazis

NSDAP are the negroids of the nationalist world

Childhood is idolizing Hitler
Adulthood is realizing Strasser made so much more sense

according to neo nazis, yes

How do we fix white people?

I don't know how Seth Meyers has a career besides being semi attractive compared to the rest of comedians

Bring back Totalitarianism democracy is a curse to be quite honest senpai

not all trump supporters are neo nazis

but all neo nazis are trump supporters


>The term "McCarthyism", coined in 1950. Today, the term is used by critics of McCarthy in reference to what they consider demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.

He's right though. The alt-right is just a more pussy version of nazis.

Fun fact turned out that pretty much all Mc Carthy said was true after the USSR dissolved and the KGB archives were opened.

>alt-right is against socialist policies
>calling alt-right national socialists

Am I missing something here?

>muh pizzagate

rape any babies lately? you sick bastard

The true face of Alt Right

>muh preferred pronouns

>when even the fucking weather channel thinks you're an idiot

Amazing that they've angered the most objective and non-partisan news channel possible into being political.


I'm actually all for this. Dilutes the term Nazi and disassociates fascism from purely right wing ideas

You'd think after Donald Trump was elected, they'd stop, but no, they're just doubling down.

You're absolutely right, you don't get it.

SNL writer for like 15 years
BFFs with Amy Poehler.

Did he really do anything wrong?

Promoting interaction between whites with non-whites in a safe environment from an early age. Small town echo chambers promote radicalization.

He lost the popular vote, thus he is not most Americans president. He's not mine.

>Gas all non whites and kikes
>I was being ironic when I said that when it suits me

Come on Sup Forumstards...

>Illegal content

Yeah, you're a Tumblrina, we get it.

I think it's a little too late for that my friend

Trump winning was the ultimate vindication for Sup Forums

now we'll never hear the end of them

Is it really fair to smear them all as Nazis just because some of them are? It's like calling all Sanders voters communists.

Alt right is a liberal meme to shut down any dissenting opinions because calling them nazis against the looming Trump presidency didn't work. Liberals don't learn.

I consider myself a part of the alt-right even though I'm an ardent anarcho-monarchist. It's just a holistic banner for a range of right leaning fringe ideologies.

TIL, slightly less than half the of the voting US is a Nazi

And once you get deported, you'll be right


Then where are my 50 seats in Parliament, Paki?

Trump winning disproved every last bit of Sup Forums propaganda

>muh media that controls the world and causes white people to stop reproducing can't even stop the least qualified president in US history from being elected

Come at me. I'm a fucking American. We'll go to war over this shit if you want.

whats hilariously ironic, liberals aren't concerned with being fair

>everyone who voted Trump is a Sup Forumstard

if only he live a little longer'_plot

I guarantee you that if the media hadn't shilled so hard for hill, Trump never would have won

I am constantly reminded of that clip where the CNN anchor blatantly lies and tells people it's illegal for them to look at Wikileaks. What a fucking joke.

war against conservatards when? they can call me a cuck in hell

>We'll go to war over this shit if you want.
I don't want to, and I don't have to?

So when are you planning to leave?

just call them redneck hicks like 5 years ago

If you're an American then he is your President whether you are proud of it or not.

But feel free to say this in public so I can ridicule you in front of everyone.

I have yet to see anyone perpetuate this opinion in real life and I think it's because it outs you as an ignorant retard.

This. I'm a member of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

Make me?

Bad trips honestly.

Please suck my dick. I can guarantee you were one of the fucking racists dicks burning Obama in effigy. Eat shit, and just try kicking me out of this fucking country. Bring it.

Careful now, he'll call you a cuck until you do leave. #MAGA

The grand dragon of the KKK endorsed Hillary.

but the alt right isnt national socialist. what now?

If only every white had an extra 4 to 8 billion dollars lying around.

Alt Right lacks nice uniforms though

>calling the people who make your food "nazis"
lol sure that's gonna go well

>Liberals destroy their own cities
>Fake news of Trump supporters assaulting minorities
>California wants to secede from the union
What do you think caused liberals to hysterically meltdown?

The people that used to be on television comparing everything they didn't like to Nazis and Hitler used to be just outright dismissed and kind of looked down upon as dummies. What happened to that?

Was shown to be faked, fucking liberals, man.

I could if you wanted. But no, I won't. I'm not racist, either. But your paranoia is delicious.

I'm just someone who thinks you are a fucking idiot. You clearly aren't educated enough to understand how government works in this country.

Thing is, that shit is no different than the shit the cia does

Stop playing the "anti-SJW" game with memes

There was a decent sized chunk of people who voted Obama in 2008 and 2012, who then voted Trump in 2016.

How can he be altered right?

He was neoliberal, just like Reagan or Hillary. The only difference is that pinochet was authoritarian.

I can't wait until the electoral college does the correct thing and replaces trump. It's their moral obligation to revolt and restore the country. Yeah, Sup Forums will be overrun with butthurt trumpists but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the right thing to happen.

I put my faith in the EC.

Audiences to Seth Myers: Stop calling yourself a talk show and just say Political Pundit

>indulging le libcuck propagandists

Let them kick and scream that can only help us.


Audience here. I never said that.

oh look, more fake stories and controlled opposition

oh man this is gonna be a fun 8 years

YEah haha I subscribe to inforwars on youtube too!

we did it alex! pizzagate is real!

>thinks trumps winning again n 4 years after he's destroyed our economy

praise kek

>Trump supporters are Nazi's

Is this meme really still going on? Well I don't think we need to fix late night tv. Everybody is entitled to grieve in whatever way they see fit. Whatever agenda is being pushed is just going to fail. That's why Ghostbusters flopped, and that's why Trump is president-elect. Seth can sit there and cry along with his fan base and say whatever they want. It's a free country.