Movie about the 2016 election when?

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that would be the most hollywood propaganda revisionist history pile of shit in years. You would trust those jews to make a movie about themselves getting btfo
no thanks

>hollywood propaganda
whatever do you mean?

Charles Dance

What kind of sad music will they play at the end to go with the end of democracy ?

I suggest this

Owen Wilson

Meryl Streep

>Charles Dance

he will play the Dilbert Merchant

Fund it

Only obvious choice should be
Dana Carvey

Why does seeing #MentallyHill qts crying get me so diamonds?

>Hillary (2016)

>Director: Oliver Stone
>Meryl Streep as Hillary Clinton

>a shot of young Hillary age 7
>Mommy, is it possible to become a woman president?
>Hush child, a woman should mind her household and raising children not getting involved in politics
>as these words resonated in her young mind Hillary questioned herself "why can't a woman be President?"
>start career as a hopeful idealist
>work, fight, claw every step of the way, believing in what she was fighting for
>as her power and influence grows, idealism gives way to cold, calculating strategy
>she rises higher, sacrificing friends and allies as they become inconvenient along the way.
>it is close to the end now, only one step remains, everything she's done, everything she's become, has been leading to this one final moment. The crowds are gathered, their faces smiling to receive her. She can almost feel the crown being placed atop her anointed head
>the results start coming in
>"Ma'am we just lost Florida."
>"BULL-FUCKING SHIT! what the fuck do I pay you for Comey?"
>"How's Pennsylvania?"
>"Ma'am, we're lagging behind 10,000 votes"
>"That's fine, we still have Philadelphia votes coming in"
>"Ma'am, they're already in there"
>She is dizzy, turning from one aid to another, but no one will meet her gaze.
>her vision blurs as tears fill her eyes. The faces of the aids begin to look like those of old friends and allies, companions she betrayed on her path to greatness
>They all meet her gaze now.
>"Ma'am..we still have.."
>Alone, defeated, humiliated, haunted. After coming so close to everything she wanted.
>She sobs, this is not how its supposed to end. Trump is supposed to be an easy opponent. She waited 8 years, it was supposed to be her time.
>She receives a text from her rival as she reads "I won. Sad :("
>She throws her phone at the screen slo motion just as it showed the Blue Wall collapsing


>tfw kekking at the shillary tards getting BTFO
Is this what they call Schadenfreude?

It needs to be a total surreal comedy with actors who represent how the candidates were seen rather than how they actually were.

Channing Tatum as Donald Trump

Patrick Wilson as Mike Pence

Elizabeth Banks as Hillary Clinton

Tobey McGuire as Ted Cruz

Brendan Frasier as Jeb Bush

Michael Caine as Bernie Sanders

>Brendan Frasier as Jeb Bush

D-do y-you think they all went their apartment and caressed each and maybe even gently toungued each other's swollen pusy?

>t-this is the last time we can do it, tomorrow the trump death squads will come to slaughter all LGBTQIABCDBBQLMAO

Nah, Trump kills love

I'd watch a biopic about Trump to be honest. He's lead an interesting life so far. It would be like Wolf of Wall Street only at the end he becomes president.

>Single mom
>wants you to believe she won't latch on to the first provider who comes along
Kek. I'm on a liberal college campus and women are hornier than ever since the election. They act dramatic but the thought of being bossed around and dominated by an alpha male gets them moister than your mom's banana bread.

Trump literally won the white female vote

I can believe he won the election itself but that demo fucking amazes me

trump - random black lesbian
hillary - arnie
bernie - larry david

White women aren't too far gone, regardless of what Sup Forums would lead you to believe. I'm a filthy millenial but in my friend group it's an even split between Trump supporters and girls who just read Buzzfeed and Gawker and think he's literally Hitler.

>I can believe he won the election itself but that demo fucking amazes me

do you ever leave the house?

Trump - Brad Pitt
Hillary - Betty White
Jeb - Jeff Goldblum
Bernie - Larry David
Cruz - Steve Buscemi

>girls who just read Buzzfeed and Gawker

I want Idris Elba to play trump just to watch the far left explode from confusion on whether they should boo him or not.


God, liberals are such melodramatic fags.

Charlie Sheen

Wny is scott adams so charming?