What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?
Eric Andre is a kike

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jewish tricks



Tim Heideicker BTFO

Tim Heideicker BTFO

Tim Heideicker BTFO

Tim Heideicker BTFO

Keep the ass ravage going

He probably would though.

>If I was in power, I'd be fair and noble and good!

Too bad you're not in power then Sambo. And judging by your bitter and paranoid nature when you're powerless, I doubt that very much.


hard to use something you'll never have
welcome back to youtube, cuck

>im totally not mad but first let me tweet how mad i am

Alt Right humor everyone.

What a fucking kid

Cry more hyde

Never watched his shit on youtube, the few clips that have been posted here were pretty unfunny, but I also though most of Tim and Eric's shit and the new humor stuff on Adult Swim is for stoners only.

That being said, I hate that the left wing fairies can't handle people who may or may not be right wing and have to literally shake until they get someone off the air.
If that's indeed what happened.

I mean, if it got canceled because of low ratings or because its unfunny that's another thing. But this is Adult Swim.

what's the joke?

where did he say he wasn't upset? I think you'd be mad too if something you made was canceled because some baby with power got triggered and went above you to have it taken down.

Hyde got cucked lol

that's a pretty good punchline lmao

>tfw sams tweeting about not being able to get booked any more

He's cracking hard man


Nick actually seems genuinely sad about being cancelled, and I feel horrible for him.

Imagine working for years on this stuff without pay with your friends, working shitty odd jobs along the way, finally you get the big break, you make a big national television show, your ratings are great... and you get cancelled because one of your friends couldn't help but make edgy jokes constantly at a time where these kinds of edgy jokes ruin careers.

I guess Adult Swim can use the timeslot to run more reruns of Inuyasha or Yuyu Hakusho or whatever awful anime no one asked for

What professional is going to want to work with Sam after seeing outbursts like these?

Imagine being so petty and butthurt you try to kill a rising star's career.

Tiny Tim is a pathetic child.


post about it Sup Forums next time Sam

already lying and calling sam a neo-nazi/ lol

Woa! That's the kind of comedy Sam Hyde likes.

what did he expect? I've never met Sam but I can totally imagine him backstabbing people so he can just get his way
it's human nature

Dragon Ball Super starting Jan 7 fambo


>le behind 7.4 layers of irony man gets all layers stripped away and the sad pathetic man beneath is revealed to the world

pretty funny desu

>I'm a proud and open national socialist, hitler didnt do anything wrong and the holocaust didnt happen


Imagine being so tiny you do this.

>They disagree with me

>They must be commies

Very nice user

Sam's conversation with Tim filled me with secondhand embarrassment for him. He just had a tantrum instead of using the opportunity to bring up any real points and Tim was just talking down to him the whole time treating him like the angry child he was acting like.

gas yourself

your idol. sam. Your average person doesn't find him funny

get over it sycophant

Sam never did any of that. why are you this angry over nothing?

Do you take solace in this hallow "victory" after Trump won?

What are you talking about?

go back

>I'm being ironic guys! Nothing I say should be taken seriously because I'm being meta

Your imagination is the only place this happened. Last week the meme was that Tim was a washed up loser(even Eric won't return his calls lol), now he is the sole power in Adultswim.

>reruns of yu yu hakusho

that sounds great actually. don't think they ever even finished airing the entire show

Go back to your shed, Tiny Tim.

Sam Hyde is such a stupid faggot, I hope he learns from this and goes back to making good videos again.

but there is this guy in yu yu hakusho so it might be a little bit too extreme for adult swim now

>I'm blacklisted!

Did anyone else feel really bad about this?

I mean, he did it to himself. It wasn't Sup Forums or the Alt-right... but still.

That was really sad.

>I hope he learns from this and goes back to making good videos again.

He's freaking out so much right now I doubt thats possible. I hope so though

sam's losing it

>I'm going to continue to make fun of Trump in my writing
>this is cast iron proof that Tim had the deciding vote in kicking out Sam

it's these sorts of leaps of logic that lead to an autistic man shooting up a pizza parlor

Why the fuck is this thread filled to the brim with cucks? I mean jesus fuck..!

All he had to do was say "I am not affiliated with the alt-right and I condone their actions".



it's fucking hilarious honestly

Haha, what a faggot. The """""alt-right""""" are literally SJWs.

not really

I mean, he's ''anti-establishment'' but then he complains that the establishment or whatever won't hire him.



whats up with people named Tim?

It's the same group of people going all out right now. I actually feel sorry for them.

This is one final tantrum from the Left until our guy gets in power.

After that, it's open hunting season.


Now he's desperately trying to stave off a lifetime of poverty by tweeting at Tyler the Creator. This shit show just keeps getting better and better

It's unfortunate and I can understand the frustration, but lashing out at other people for your own failures is childish.

Pretty sad that he makes fun of SJWs for playing the victim of "institutionalized" conspiracies, but he's doing the same thing now.

Except for the fact that Gelman had admitted to pulling some strings. There's proof of malice.

The left is on full fucking damage control.

Even the ones here are losing their minds.

why? it's hilarious that counter culture has been crushed and subverted by the establishment? or perhaps you want every comedy show to be like amy schumer, big bang theory and the daily show

source? You know he left the company last month.

>The left

Sup Forums laughing at sam having an autistic meltdown is now 'the left losing their minds' You melodramatic goofball.

Time is running out. You're going to be gunned down soon.


I'm cringing at your autism

>literal black/white mentality

sure because those are the only facets of comedy today

this is what happens when you don't leave Sup Forums and think newsbites of stupid shit people pull in from twitter and buzzfeed is representative of the entire world

>terrible show gets cancelled
>send out death threats in response

who's losing their minds again?

We both know you sit in every MDE thread acting out like this. keep crying.

because it clearly is. Must be hard for you guys being on the wrong side of history, huh?

>Yuyu Hakusho

hey fuck you m8

Tick tock


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, fella.

What motive would Gelman have to affect programming on a network that he left and criticized?


you're having problems with images too right?

i have to correct every image url from is.Sup Forums to i.4cdn

>it's an autistic Sup Forumstard rallying behind an unapologetic opportunist just because he voiced some power fantasy that he wishes that he'll subscribe to

ah yes
you must be one of those "useful idiots"

is this a video?

could you link me friend

>take over Sup Forums
oh my sweet summer child...

Where is this from?

You lost dude, lmfao

Pence is gonna give me an electropack to zap the gay out of you personally

Pepe needs to be tim. Eric had nothing to do with it

it's over, you lost, get the fuck over it.

Not him, but yeah, there's no evidence. He cried about mde on twitter a lot after he went on about women at AS, but that's it, so he was certainly riled up enough to, if he could do anything about it, he would, so I don't know of anything, but i certainly wouldn't put it past him, thats naive.

>Pence is gonna give me an electropack to zap the gay out of you personally
did one of the voices in your head say that? oh my

go to bed, stalin

He left partially because of Sam Hyde. Imagine you have to leave a city because someone is stalking you, just because you leave that city doesn't mean you forget about the stalker. In this case, Gelman, Heidecker, and others have made it clear that they DON'T want Hyde on Adult Swim.
By publicly calling for him to leave, that's enough.

>get popular using the most retarded fanbase on the planet
>watch as your retarded fanbase banzai's your entire career and puts you back at square one

Lmfao this is the funniest thing this guy has ever done.

>Imagine you have to leave a city because someone is stalking you, just because you leave that city doesn't mean you forget about the stalker.
holy fuck

Sam fucked up. I sympathize with him but he shouldn't have made that stupid call.

>it's a "just because i'm not on your side, i must be on the opposite side" episode
ah yes binary logic, the most rudimentary logic of all

He has all of the concentration camps for people like you already planned out. We're gonna put you in a hole until then.


I like when Trump was Hitler because he refused the presidential salary


>talk shit about different groups people and laugh at them when they cry about it on the internet
>get cancelled because no one gives a fuck about your sixmillion dollar egdymeem shit outside of a really niche group of neckbeards who get all their social interaction from Sup Forums
>cry about it on the internet

like pottery

What is this? What are you talking about?

Someone get me up to speed

So Sam pandered to Sup Forums, then Sup Forums did their alt-right shit and dragged Sam into it, and now Sam is getting fired because he pandered to Sup Forums and is seen as being involved with them?

>yfw Sam actually snaps and goes on a mass shooting rampage

nah I'll just just use my twitter followers to harass my coworkers and bosses, I'm sure this will work out well for my career.

>we believe in freedom of speech
>no joke is off limits
>we don't get triggered like those libtards B)

>sam breaks down crying and begs for his job back from Tim