Who's ready for the remake in 5 years? Finally a proper LOTR adaptation

Who's ready for the remake in 5 years? Finally a proper LOTR adaptation

>Gandalf - Morgan Freeman
>Aragorn - Idris Elba
>Boromir - Will Smith
>Gimli - Samuel L. Jacksson
>Legolas - John Boyega
>Frodo - Jaden Smith
>Sam - Cuba Gooding Jr.
>Merry - Donald Glover
>Pippin - Eddie Murphy
>Elrond - Lawrence Fishburne
>Théoden - Denzel Washington
>Èomer - Jamie Foxx
>Denethor - Danny Glover
Arwen - Kerry Washington
Eowyn - Viola Davis
>Faramir - Chiwetel Ejiofor
>Saruman - James Earl Jones
>Gollum - Maisie Williams

>Not keeping the villains and females white
0/10 bait


Sauron won't be a big eye for you, he'll be a white, aryan blond man with blue eyes whose insecure about his little white dick.

this, desu

Unless Christopher Tolkien or his eventual heirs allow it, I doubt we'll see anything forthcoming for another decade or so.

>the part where Frodo catches the ring on his finger

The Lord of the Rings film license is out of their hands.

They can remake it as many times as they want.

Silmarillion when???

>Hello *pause* I am Morgan Freeman and I *pause* am Gandalf

Never because no one has the film rights.

>The Lord of the Nigs

the Lord of the bling* you racist faggot

>Gollum - Maisie Williams

This made me laugh more than it should have.

You're an idiot, if you were going for Sup Forums stereotypes about Hollywood liberals then all the elves would have a Semitic cast and be played by Jewish actors, the orcs would be pale-skinned with lank and greasy blonde hair, and they'd rant about purity and the elves conspiring against them etc

They already did, when they sold the film rights. They are money whores just like the rest of us.

It was JRR Tolkien himself who sold the movie rights to Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.

Christopher Tolkien has the rights to the Silmarillion, and has refused to ever sell it.

Nobody is going for a Sup Forums stereotype just being brutally honest you nazi

I think Gandalf should be played by Ryan Styles. And Frodo should be played by Colin Mochrie. They have good chemistry together.

His children will sell it when Chris dies then. Somebody will get them eventually. The jew is always waiting and watching.

At that point we can only pray for Development Hell.

It would flop just as hard as Hobbit. It would be too much CGI, not enough real sets and practical armor/makeup.
I don't know how you would do the Silmarillion but I am sure they would find a way to make something out of it.

>the hobbit
Nobody even liked lotr except white people

why not all female cast ? there going so well these days.

Jokes aside I don't want anyone to touch those movies. You can make all the spin offs you want and even make movies out of Tolkiens notes regarding the lotr universe but please leave them alone.

They aged badly years and years ago user. its already overdue

The question is


why not? kids today dont even watch the old ones, they are too traditional

The Lord of the (We wuz) Kings

I would watch the shit out of that.

Millennials need to be rounded up and gassed