What did he mean by this

Downton Waifu Thread

Is this show worth watching ?

Drama hooks you by about Ep 3


I'm on the third season right now. Sure hope Matthew and Mary live happily ever after!

Matthew dies in a car crash in the Christmas episode of season 3. Just a few moments after their son is born.

No shit, Sherlock. I know how it ends.

Haha savage af

>Everyone else is wildly attracted to Michelle Dockery also
Thank goodness for that, I thought I was the only one. I've watched the trailer for her shitty new show like ten times.

I'd do things to her, man. Romantic things.

She's got a great body on her.

Edith is pretty foxy

Edith looks cute here

Lady Grantham a supermilf

He was right to leave the show. His magic walking bullshit was so dumb.

I quit the show in season 4. The characters had been fully explored, so they just started throwing new shit at the popular characters for plots. It just became a drag to watch.

has anyone seen mary's new show on tnt called good behavior ?

Yeah. Female action hero. I liked it.



worth it for dockery


first season is great. 4 neat and clean cut episodes. then it gets really soap opera-y...

Who /ladymary/ here? Also, why is Bates such a fucking psycho?

Wow. Check out those abs.


Her regal gaze = diamonds