Is he, dare I say, /our guy/?

Is he, dare I say, /our guy/?

Great thread OP

why because he's stupid?




How was wanting to fuck gamorra his darkest secret? didn't they kiss in the first movie?

Seems more like his entire deal is trolling Chris Pratt at this point, so yeah. I think he's doing god's work.

He's actually autistic, he doesn't understand social graces or subtleties of language.

user wishes he was Rocket but in truth, user is more of a weakling Drax.

No, she stopped his penis sorcery.

No, user is Groot. Just a shapeless awkward sociopath who walks around saying the phrase "You are cuck" and nothing else.

Trolling with his reddit humor?

Are you dense?

is reddit an adjective?

Inbred retard

Okay, so you just outed yourself as a reddit user.

Nice one, you fucking mongoloid.

Yes I do use reddit and it is much better than this fucking shithole filled up with pedos, anime lovers and BANE worshippers

PLEASE come back to the WWE

I'll never understand you guys, why come here, we hate you and you don't like us, you don't like our memes or our tastes, why leave your upvoted safespace and come here?

>first movie
>light hearted space romp

>second movie
>little kid jokes

Really? The first movie was immature enough but now they want the 6 year olds to watch it?

To trigger idiots like you

He looks like Alex Jones.

there is no limit to mr goldstein and affiliates greed

Alex Jones is a alien.

well it doesn't work I never respond to reddits post, you only looks like a fool, and that comeback was terrible, where you looking for the downvote button?

We have a way of doing things here, and involves insult each other a lot but at least we know where we are and don't pretend like other site it's better, just by talking to you I can tell that reddit has to be just so incredible shitty, that this fucking wasteland of human intelligence, does a better job at keeping you entertained.

>i never respond to reddits post


Old fuck that can't admit that he rather masturbate to anime than to talk to other people.