Reality TV General - /rtvg/

Also /bb/, /society game/, /sur/, /AR/

Previous thread: >/bb/ won't die
>/gookposters/ will /gookpost/
>Alex (BBOTT) is doing her AMA over on Reddit
>Voted off Survivor: Will & Sunday
>Survivor Final 6: Adam, David, Jay, Ken, Bret, and qt Hannah
>Survivor Finale on Wednesday, December 14

Other urls found in this thread:



alex REKT shitney

>dat OP image

fucking lold

post text

>I don't blame Whitney for flipping when she did. I get the logic of that. What I DO think is that she didn't play both sides well. Smart of her to work with Justin & Kryssie but not smart of her to be making it so obvious from week 2. I also think it wasn't smart of her to completely cut ties with my side of the house towards the end- we still needed her no matter what. I get what she was trying to do but I don't think she executed it well and it was her downfall.

woah, lets watch those /g-bombs/ OP


is /Frank/ on tonight?

i can honestly say i dont ever remember her wearing that outfit

>Paul went full retard and lost to Nicole
>Jason lost to Buttslut
>10k Krispy meme came true
>Shitney and Shane are literal cucks
>Jamboree still assblasted
>James and Nat both showed their power level
>Huefu passed the bar

How did everything go so right?

Gook actually refers to /gloriousleader/ Sangook from the 14 day underwater backgammon match

Last I heard we /TANKIN/


One bong and six bings


Lee Hae-sung went full r-bomb there. Can't believe he brought Sanggook in for that convo

meme magic


Yeah not sure what he expected...



>Survivor, The Amazing Race, Project Runway, GAME OF THRONES

I should have guessed Alex would be a pleb when it comes to TV

i enjoy project runway, PR junior was fantastic as it wasnt full of so many egos. maya was a super qt and really talented

also looking forward to the new ANTM without tyra that starts in 4 days... GET HYPED

I was mostly referring to GOT desu

>ANTM without Tyra
I haven't watched since creepychan got affirmative action'd, but I might give it a try again if there's no tyra. Who is the new host?




rita ora, its going to be on VH1

no nigel or miss j. alexander either. all new panel, same format. tyra is EP and will appear in a few eps as i suspect nigel and j, will as well

>project runway junior

found the vivianposter



courtney has a penis

india is going to win



does VH1 show tits?

I hope shrimpman is doing okay.


If you were to be cast for BB Allstars, who would you want to be in the house with you, and why? (Excluding BBOTT!)

>That is such a hard question! I'm pretty sure Scott and I talked about this a lot for fun in the house. Don't judge me for this anyone! Let's see...Dan, Janelle, Derrick, Evel Dick, Vanessa, Danielle Reyes, Rachel, Ian...those are some of the more obvious ones. I think Shelly Moore, Memphis, Amanda, Paul, Nicole and JMac would be interesting too.


I wouldn't worry about ol' Shrimpman
He's gotta be drowning in pussy right now

>got a lot of sowing to do


fug I need to go get some whiskey before /tank/

someone drop a post when it's getting fired up


we tankin?

>the only worthwhile thing krispy did all season

hope so, cuckman en route eta 5 bings


Ay-nons drop in, streaming starting









god what ugly decor

it was a different time






>2 Ls


shes still going


New ep starting


surprise surprise, she has shit taste

>three literal why's









someone ask alex what she thought about shelby in the domino comp and if she thinks she could have gotten a good time herself




they should let HG's keep the first veto necklace they win

like when a NFL player scores his first TD










why dont more HGs come here besides ian

they do, they just post as ay-non

its weird meech's fake brother hasnt been back


