He HAS to know about us by now, right?


Other urls found in this thread:


Apparently his son baneposts from time to time.


post his twitter


I thought he was a gay

supposedly he felt creeped out by the birthday card Sup Forums sent him and doesn't really understand baneposting

Aiden here, AMA

y r u here

why did you spell your own name wrong?

why not? feels good, lots of famous people I know do post here too

that's the original Irish spelling, Aidan's the stage name I took, felt easier on the international public, especially the American one

Why did you post an old picture? Why not an original one?

Dang good post Aid(e/a)n!

I heard you love cats
real reason is I'm on set rn and taking a selfie wouldn't be nice (or even legal) towards production since it's kind of a not-yet public project yet and currently have pretty heavy make-up


Bumped into him in a Spar last time I was in Dublin. Managed to chat with him for a minute.

He knows. He finds it amusing. He just knows if he plays into it his career will get flushed down the shitter for being a meme spouting cunt.

Post a picture of your benis. I want to see if you're a bg guy for me.

there are a lot of those around the internet already, I don't think there's need for me to show my biggerfinger


I refuse to believe this

hi aidan
ive just spent an exhausting 4 hrs writing a stand alone bill wilson movie, can i send it to you to read?

if you have an imdb account you could send it to my agents

done! see you on set.

He knows


he can tell it's a shoop from the pixels and having seen many shoops in his time

Kek this is great

He parties hard for a 50 year old guy.