Its another data episode

>Its another data episode

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The best episodes.

Data episodes are the best episodes.

you can't be serious

>It's another Kira episode

the best

can anyone remember the episode where one of the crew went nuts and pulled out a bunch of essential parts from a switchboard and Data had to replace them at superspeed?


That's not it.

kira episodes are the best episodes

It's the Naked Now, s01e02

>it's a "Data malfunctions and takes over the ship for the 4th time but they still keep him around" episode

U wot m8? It's always something about stupid boring Bajroan religious bullshit that I don't give a fuck about, or her boning some samey brown haired guy, or even worse her boning Odo. The only one that I like where Kira is the main focus is Second Skin.

She is only good when she is with Dukat, and when she is with Dukat it then becomes a Dukat episode.

Also, the best episodes of DS9 are Garak episodes. Please try to dispute this.

>it's a Data is slightly more autistic than usual to fit the plot so he can be taught something about humanity episode

The Naked Now.

Second episode in the series.

Well she was a part of bringing out Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
Famed Nazi murderer who kept the camps clean.

>Also, the best episodes of DS9 are Garak episodes. Please try to dispute this.

Character wise, you may be right.

I still feel that Quark episodes are some of the best because he's a main cast member and the most balanced and three dimensional of the group.

Even if it's the corny versions that become all around Ferengi fun episodes, there's constant discussion about Ferengi cultural disgruntlement between him, Brunt, his brother, the Nagus, his mother, or other third wheels like his Uncle.

I just feel like he, followed by Garak appear to be the deepest of the characters in terms of knowing who they are and how real they feel.

Jadzia seems some so drab and flat at times. Sisko is in constant over enunciating Psycho-Shakespearean mode, Odo is constantly gruff and bitter (but he's supposed to be), and Bashir is a genetically modified beta male. Kira is about the bitchiest character the entire franchise has ever known.

For me it's Quark > Garak by a short margin but Quark had more chances for being billed.

>it's an autistic captain episode

>leaving out the puffer fish effect

At least Voyager had some unique alien designs.

>Bashir is a genetically modified beta male

He's my favorite character because of this. He is this super sweet and sentimental who just wants to help people, but he also has this fragile ego and is a huge dork. All he wants is love, but he doesn't want people to get too close so he enters in this frivolous relationships and comes off as a playboy. Later when his secret is exposed and all his cards are on the table, all he wants is love. He gets invested in his patients lives, he wants to save everybody, and all he wants is that same sentiment in return.

He's not Riker and Kirk who are alpha males to the fullest, but there is still something about him that makes him that female appeal character.

Shit taste. Kira saved season 1 and then she saved season 7.

You don't really dislike Kira, you're just jealous that Nana Visitor fucked Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi IRL.

>Its another troll thread

I have to agree with you in that I think most people don't see the character for what he truly is (or at least for what he becomes).

He's far more well defined and we find his boundaries rather quickly when juxtaposed with Garak on one end and then his chase for Jadzia on the other. He's a helpless genius who means the very best. His morality gets in the way of what he wants most at times and, like in the "mutants" episodes, we see it clouds his judgement because he cares too much.

I feel like with Jadzia, she was a definite mary sue who could do no wrong, and with Kira, it took 5-6 seasons for her to actually evolve one step further into a post-rebel, loud, fly-off-the-handle madwoman. Odo was fine but we sort of expected him to remain who he was throughout the series. Same with Miles. It was always "Miles must suffer".

We got the most character development out of Sisko, Bashir, and Quark.

Funny, also, I felt the Ezri character had a ton of room for evolution given the short amount of time she was on the show but it was chosen to end at the time so at least what we got was pretty good, especially her episode with Garak.

You're absoutely right. Quark had some of the best dialogue in the series like:

>"A human drink, it's called root beer." from Way of the Warrior
>"Humans can be as deadly as the most bloodthirsty Klingon" from Siege of AR-558
>His rant about traditional ferengi values in The Dogs of War.

Garak had some good episodes and some bad. I rather perfered Garak early in the series when he was just the cardassian spy and you didn't know his background whatsoever.

It feels like they were pretty loose on what exactly an android can understand and pick up on
>is able to understand and care in his own way for the loss of Tasha
>next episode he can't understand metaphors again because it's amusing

Yes, but also I really dislike Kira. She comes off to me as a STRONK FEMALE CHARACTER even more so than Jadzia does. LOOK HOW ADVERSARIAL AND REBELLIOUS I AM I AM YELLING A LOT SO AGGRESSIVE AND MASCULINE Jadzia is cool because she is a strong independent woman who isn't a woman at all so it's okay with me. If she acts more like a man, which a problem I have with a lot of female characters is that they assign them TOO MANY masculine attributes, it's because she is technically a slug.

I just don't like Ezri because she feels forced like the writers make her more 'likable' than 'realistic'. They her a bunch of basic flaws in an attempt to cause the viewer to be more sympathetic towards her rather than to actually develop her character.

Also, if none of none of my posting or sentences make any sense it's because I have the Street Fighter movie on in the background and I am still baffled by why Kylie Minogue is in this along with the rest of this movie.

>tfw this episodes Mulgrew makes your mul grow
>next episode is back to her bitchy boring self
Honestly if the writers weren't such hacks Janeway would be top tier

Agreed. Jadzia had just too many various character threads and none of them were drawbacks.

The Ezri reboot made the whole trill think work better "I'm a little neurotic because I have 8 lifetimes of baggage that I haven't learned to sort out"

Meanwhile Bashir's one problem is that he's supposed to be a genius from the word go (even before we knew that he was genetically engineered) but it seemed like every time they gave him an A-story it was about him dealing with pride, failure and insecurity. Between that and his lonleyness and pining over Jadzia it seemed like he was just a beta who never came out on top. They did do a nice job of having Julian lose his starry-eyed youth and exuberance due to the dragging dominion war.

Kira was a fucking terrorist. She was a bit mental from being in the resistance. But she was also impulsive and vulnerable and made rash and impetuous decisions. Sure some of that is masculine but I completely believed Kira as a character.

Jadzia it just felt like they were trying to shoehorn too many cool things into her character with no drawbacks. Ezri having trouble handling all the memories and personalities is how they should have written Dax from the beginning.

>Jadzia had just too many various character threads and none of them were drawbacks.

Except for like the guy who played piano and killed people.

I think the reason why that none of them were drawbacks is because she was just a person who had her shit together. She has been alive for centuries, and actually went through the whole initiation program, so she was prepared. She is just a strong person who can handle a bunch of shit thrown her way.

Ezri on the other hand is an emotional train wreck.

>They did do a nice job of having Julian lose his starry-eyed youth and exuberance due to the dragging dominion war.

This always makes me so sad because I actually love Season 1 innocent puppy dog Julian. Then he spends time in a prison camp and the war is going terrible and he just looks so defeated and becomes so jaded about everything. It's really the only way his character development can go, but it still makes me sad to see it happen.

>People don't take the time to understand where Bashir's coming from or what he wants out of life!
>(doesn't take the time to understand where Kira's coming from or what she wants out of life)

And don't forget, she had the best story arc of season 1 (accepting the Federation and accepting #NotAllCardassians) and she had the best story arc of season 7 (saving the galaxy with Damar and Garak).

>Kira is about the bitchiest character the entire franchise has ever known
>Not Keiko the Kunt whose legendary bitchiness carried over from one series to another

>>(doesn't take the time to understand where Kira's coming from or what she wants out of life)

I really don't. What does Kira want out of life? I'm serious because I really have no idea. 90% of the time when they talk about Bajoran religion I tune out.

>its a tng/data thread but the ds9'ers show up again and bore everyone to sleep episode

Data episodes > Wesley episodes

She wants love and friendship. Same as your little doctor crush.

Her mother abandoned her, her father died while she was out being a terrorist, her cell leader molested her, she never had a safe, stable life until Sisko and his pals showed up. If she's edgy and confrontational it's because she never learned how to soften up until during DS9 entered her life.

>Any episodes from any ST series (including Neelix episodes from Voy)>Wesley episodes


Fuck me, I lost the IRA O'Brien pasta about Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abdurrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdul Karim El Mahdi when I reformated.

>it's a Neelix episode

Even the VOY one where they became mudskippers and fucked?

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I never really paid that much attention to her because she just rubs me the wrong way. Like I said before I think she is way more of an aggressively feminist character than Jadzia is in my opinion, and for me anyway that is kind of a turn off. To show that you are a strong female you don't have to be so disagreeable and stubborn all the time, but I get it, she acts like that because that is how she got shit done and survived.

Yes. Even that one.

I still remember my classmates calling me a nazi for liking the cardassians and not liking the bajorans

And that classmate's name? Aamin Marritza.

Gul Dukat and Garak were well written characters. Kira wasn't, and rest of the Bajorans were pretty much straight up villains.

>She is just a strong person who can handle a bunch of shit thrown her way.

That's the problem, the symbiont should be a gift and a curse in some ways for it to be believable. Aside from the one Joran episode (the Ezri one was better) we never see Dax have any ill effects or weaknesses:

>OMG Jadzia is the cool chick who eats weird Klingon food and plays tongo and solves all the science officer A-stories and goes off on badass Klingon quests and swordfights with Worf and gives sage advice to the Captain because in a weird way she was his mentor...

Meanwhile she never has any episodes that give Jadzia (not the Dax simbiont) any backstory, any family, any baggage. I mean, there was that one episode where she had to confront the fact that she scrubbed out of the symbiosis commission but they turned even that into a positive because she was the ONLY Trill ever to re-apply and get passed. Where are Jadzia's struggles? Where are her flaws?

Then they had that one meme episode Meridian where supposed 600+ year old sage Dax who claims that joined trill regard love as youthful and frivolous completely loses her shit and decides to give up her life to fade into non-corporeal existence for 70-odd years because that one dude gave her tingles. Worst episode of the series and the closest Dax has ever come to doing something totally stupid and it was totally out of character.

You two are forgetting one of the best DS9 episodes "The Quickening"

Bashir's so used to coming into a situation with all the answers and a head full of ideas; that he can with complete certitude alleviate the woes of everyone suffering and it turns against him.

He makes everything worse and only in the resolution do we see that while many will still suffer, his efforts weren't in vain.

I loved that episode, it felt grounded and real, and we see him more than deflected but almost lost in how to counter this blight the Dominion ensured on the population.

If Julian had more episodes like "The Quickening" he definitely would've been a more rounded complete character by the end of the show.

I agree that Jadzia doesn't have enough episodes about her specifically, but I think her relationship with Worf is a really good indication of Jadzia's character rather than Dax's character. I have to rewatch the episode where they go to Risa again.

I also think that Ezri is more Ezri than Dax, where as Jadzia was just as much Jadzia as she was Dax.

What was the episode where O'Brien and Bashir destroy that virus and everybody thinks they are dead? That was also a really good episode. Siddig also likes that episode because it's the first time Bashir really fails at something.

I'm definitely not forgetting that episode. It was great but it didn't work because the audience wasn't used to seeing Julian succeed. First he's shown to be insecure about coming #2 in academy. Then He failed at curing the Affagia virus and needed help from someone else. That was the first real doctor A-story in DS9 and Julian completely struck out. Then his efforts to woo Dax ended with a big goosegg and they stick it in his eye a bit with Meridian and the 'imaginationland' episode.

Once you get to the Gamma quadrant, Julian fails to cure the quickening. Then he tries to cure the cut-off group of Jem'Hadar from K-white addiction (which literally could have been a cool storyline because a cure for K-white was potentially a way to weaken the founders in the dominion war)

Where are julian's successes? Where is proof that he is cocky and arrogant b/c he is super smart? Quickening episode would have meant more if the audience was actually expecting Julian to be cocky and arrogant and cure shit like it was his job.

>What was the episode where O'Brien and Bashir destroy that virus and everybody thinks they are dead?

"Armageddon Game" Season 2, episode 13.

That was the turning point of the O'Brien/Bashir friendship.

Prior to that, they'd rubbed each other the wrong way, what with posh accent Julian and hands on hardworking Oirish. That episode where O'Brien finds out Julian's going easy on him in the racketball game.

>Where are julian's successes?

There was that one time he transferred his own irl baby with Kira that was Keiko's fake baby into Kira.

There was also that time he cured that girl of retardation, only to fuck her, and then drive her away with his neediness.

Also, The Wire.

>Where are julian's successes?

Yeah, I'm saying that's who he was regardless of his failures. He did have many successes. He succeeded in curing that autistic girl in Chrysalis, he practically found the cure for the Founders virus and put his life on the line for it.

His success with Ezri was silver lined because she got KLING'D hardcore prior to it happening.

It's like they were trying to make up for lost time in those last two seasons because they'd basically thrown his character down a pit and given him a broken ladder after every A-story he got.

I admired Dukat and Garak more than any of the Bajoran terrorists.

>I admired Dukat
I worry about you, user.

This all happened WAY WAY after "The Quickening". The stuff you're talking about is all the way in S7 after his character is established.

His one cool storyline was section 31, which he was too much of a goody-goody to actually take part in. His one big win was curing Odo, which was cool but he had to basically "inception" sloane to get the cure because he couldn't figure it out (man what a dumb episode).

And yeah, Chrysalis was one of my favorite episodes but it didn't make Julian look that good with the way he kinda-sorta sexually pressured his mentally immature patient who'd just been woken from being semi-comatose. I mean he's so fucking desperate for a woman he can relate to that it completely blinds him to medical ethics and even basic understanding of Sarina's emotion?

I wish, early in the series, they'd had one or two episodes where julian pulls some really smart or clever or brave shit and save the crew's ass. Could be doctor-y stuff, could be outside of his expertise but I wish they'd given him a reason to be cocky and a reason for the rest of the crew to respect him and realize why they want him around despite his flaws.

Like the episode where O'brien uses badassery and engineering to save the captain from the space-amish colony. Or the one where O'brien outwits Garak with his exploding phaser on Empok Nor. Julian didn't have enough of this early on and consequently didn't seem a vital part of the crew deserving of respect.

The Wire was Season 2 and I think Kira's baby was before Dr. Bashir I Presume which was right after Inferno's Light. There was also that cripple girl which was Season 2 as well.

I just came here to say that Star Trek threads are the only good threads on Sup Forums

Thanks TOM.

Oh, and send Deanna my regards.

Don't worry she'll know what I'm getting at...

Whenever i see his face now that Star Trek Pogo song starts playing in my head.



>it's another episode of the Bashir and Garak power hour
>it's another O'Brien must suffer episode
>it's another Riker episode
>it's another Data creates an omnipotent AI using the Doomsday device known as the fucking Holodeck episode

The best episodes. Always.

has anyone here ever met a star trek actor?

>that episode where Data threw Geordi into the holodeck, locked the door, and turned on "Riker's Greatest Hits" while ranting loudly about that time Spot pissed in his chair 3 times in a row the same day

>it's a Chakotay accidentally becomes the mascot for the Ferengi Firewalkers baseball team episode

"The Wire" was a Garak Episode where Julian is just a device for framing Garak's backstory.
Kira's baby was just a device to explain Kira's pregnancy, and everyone knew that.
"Doctor Bashir, I presume" was his 'baggage' episode. It's a good episode but it's the opposite of what he needed prior to that. It's all about Bashir's deep dark secrets and his weaknesses. He has a rocky relationship with his parents and was illegally genetically enhanced because he might have had learning disabilities. Those are all pain points and things he's afraid of. What he needed before this episode is strengths, virtues, reasons to be respected and included before we tear him down.

>Kira's baby was just a device to explain Kira's pregnancy, and everyone knew that.
>my face when you realize Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderrahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi doesn't wear haram things like condoms

why dont they just say she's getting fat? why is everyone afraid of doing this?

It's crazy how they make so many of the episodes revolve around the main characters of the show.

This and this. Kira is so annoying and one dimensional. Yeah, we fucking get it, you were a terrorist and you're a badass soldier tomboy, give it a fuckin' rest already. The first 3 seasons that's all she is. She got better in the later seasons.

Ezri also sucks. "tee hee I'm so clumsy and awkward oh jeez". I will always resent her for taking precious time away from the interesting, three dimensional characters who's storylines we were trying to wrap up.

Jadzia Dax>dog shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ezri Dax

>tfw DS9 may never get the blu-ray treatment

So was the Bajoran first contact with alien life the Cardassians when they invaded? They faced an Independence day scenario as first contact?


no bajorans secretly invented space travel its a massive cover up.

Why is Star Trek still such a great topic of discussion? How do I get my friends who are too cool for Star Trek into Star Trek?

Frasier tried that with Jane Leeves and it was a horrible storyline.

>buy the TNG BD on release for $200
>can now get them on sale for $90

Anyway I think Netflix may pay to get DS9 upgraded to 1080p because Trek does so well on Netflix.

>Netflix has paid for the entire production budget of Star Trek: Discovery. Netflix will be airing the series outside of the U.S. and Canada.

I'm hoping these have a better source then the 2003 DVDs.

Yes Pogo, it's a good song and it is on my Trekcore song list along with Night of Klingons, The Picard song, The Firms Star Trekin.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

I want to meet Molly.

>The existence of realistic female characters is an affront to my precious waifu!

How'd it feel to watch her get WORF'd?

Ah yes, the USS Shitpile, how could I forget.

So what happens if STD does well internationally but awfully stateside as it probably will due to exclusivity on a literally who streaming service?

Normally they ignore the international numbers and cancel it but with Netflix involved will that mean something?

Alcoholic drinking games.

Is there something wrong with the 2003 DVDs? I don't see how they could be better, they're still gonna be 480p.

>watch it spot

>that episode where Bashir cures a supposedly incurable disease

I love that episode

>I CREATED it... It's... REAL!

Why are the Prophets such assholes to Sisko?

There's loads of good Kira episodes:

>Past Prologue
>The entire season 1 finale / season 2 opening series of Bajoran coup episodes
>Necessary Evil
>The Collaborator
>Second Skin
>Heart of Stone*
>Return to Grace
>Most of the Dominion occupation of DS9 epsiodes

* Not technically a Kira episode but it was a Nana episode so I count it

Most of her bad episodes were from the late seasons when she went full retard and starting obsessing with Dukat fucking her mother and asking Bashir to turn Bareil into a robot or getting pissed at the Romulans for keeping weapons at their hospital in Bajoran space. That last one especially, the Bajorans had a non-aggression pact with the Dominion so if they attacked the hostpital, the Bajorans wouldn't have done anything, but Kira claimed they would.

>At least Voyager had some unique alien designs.
Name 5.

Most of them were just shitty forehead aliens or rip-offs of existing aliens like Klingon -> Kazon.

>adzia is cool because she is a strong independent woman who isn't a woman at all so it's okay with me
I disagree completely. Kira is a strong independent woman because she's been fighting a war since she was a kid and went through horrors unimaginable to the average Federation citizen, Jadzia inherited everything she was because an old man wanted to fug her. She didn't earn it, she didn't do anything, she just got gifted a deus ex machina that levelled up her character to badass and it just made her feel like a poser, like those white guys that claim to be Native American because of one great-great-grandparent.

Data access code gets me every-time.

You're missing an important factor in your Jadzia v Kira debate: they both can't act.
Kira is noticeably less terrible.

>Why is Star Trek still such a great topic of discussion?
Because there's about 550 hours of "canon" material and more EU and non-canon material than you could ever watch. Even before 2009 was announced /trek/ had been going strong for years without anything broadcast.

>Anyway I think Netflix may pay to get DS9 upgraded to 1080p because Trek does so well on Netflix.
Why would they do that? Considering their compression to save bandwidth, they could just stream the DVDs upscaled to 1080p and call it HD and nobody would notice.

Fuck The Okampa, I Want To Go Home

>MIIIIILLLLLLEEESSSS?!?!?! Have you seen my Sarpeidan Exploding Holly?

>Dr. Bashir?
>I'm Section 31.

I could see how solar sails get you around the system, but how the fuck did they get into orbit

I think its some kind of prophet space magic meaning they didn't really invent shit..