Why won't she just leave?

Why won't she just leave?

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women and minorities aren't safe now that trump is president, so they need amy schumer to stay and protect them.

>Where I said i would move was in London
What does this even mean?

She's too heavy for the plane.


Because SURPRISE! The celebrities said that shit for attention

The interview where she said that took place in London.

I don't know how it's a relevant thing to point out, though.

Why don't these celebrities move to Canada, think of how much of a statement that would be, much more so then saying "fuck trump!" for the one millionth time or dyeing your hair black in protest or all the over retarded shit anti-trump people are doing to show their dissatisfaction. People are going to notice when one of their favourite celebrities suddenly doesn't live in the country anymore, that's a bit beyond some cheap talk.

The real reason she didn't move to Canada btw is because they have strict rules on letting in criminals and she's a serial joke thief.

She has no principles and will say shit just to seem like le intelligent American to the enlightened Europeans.

>Why won't she just leave?
>higher taxes
>literally -25F here right now
>no hollywood or jewyork so nobody gives a fuck here

But think how much more attention they'd get if they actually did move, are these people just fucking stupid?

>first of all the interview where I said I would move was on a saturday, and I'm just blackout drunk on the weekend

You forgot


>The real reason she didn't move to Canada btw is because they have strict rules on letting in criminals and she's a serial joke thief.
I kek'd

that was implied

they can't because Canada actually has an immigration policy and you can't just move there at the drop of at hat no matter how much you want to.

Seems like she should move to London right? I don't think her """""comedy"""""" would work there but she would fit in as a proper london slag.

They would have to spend more money traveling to and from Hollywood and Canada. Do you expect them to stay in a hotel like some fucking barbarian all of the time?

Promises made in London don't count. It's like Vegas, but with ugly people.


>Why don't these celebrities move to Canada

90% of the people here don't even know who Amy Schumer is. Her attention whoring wouldn't work here as well as it does in LA.

actually the percentage is more like your dubs

fuck you, even minorities don't want her

Because they didn't think Trump would win. The Clinton News Network and its like made it sound like Trump had no chance, but anyone who knows marketing knew he'd win the vote (though there was a lot of talk about the election being rigged, after all there were videos of DNC affiliates outright saying they were rigging it).

What it comes down to, ultimately, is their overall message.

Trump knew this damn well. His message was actually positive. "Make America Great Again" is a damn good slogan - in just four words, he acknowledges that the USA has problems, that they can be fixed, and that by voting for him, you yourself are helping to do so. It's a message that gets you pumped, gets you motivated, and gets you hopeful. It is also very inclusive, which is somewhat ironic considering the mainstream media's slander about racism and sexism and homophobia etc.

Meanwhile, Hillary's slogan was utter SHIT. "I'm with Her" is one of the worst marketing strategies I've ever fucking heard and whoever came up with it should have been fucking fired on the spot. It fails for all the reasons MAGA works, but the biggest reason it's shit is because it makes it all about "Her". It means you're aligning with a person, an individual - and it's especially bad since Hillary is so goddamn unlikeable. It doesn't inspire hope, it doesn't inspire confidence, it just paints a picture of selfishness.

This isn't even going into all of Hillary's scandals, how Hillary's campaign was all about attacking Trump, how Hillary could barely fill a high school basketball court whereas Trump was filling stadiums, how the OBVIOUS bias from the media actually helped Trump, etc. - Really it boils down to MAGA vs "I'm with Her"; their slogans encapsulate everything about why Trump won and Hillary lost.

Basically, what I'm saying is that Amy Schumer is a retard and so is everyone else that thought Hillary would win (without cheating)

>that picture
is it not common knowledge that Sup Forums is never wrong?

Nah, they'll say that Sup Forums is stupid, calling people Sup Forumstards, Sup Forumsumblr, etc. Very low effort trolling

Canada can't produce enough Maple Syrup to satisfy the hambeast, so she's staying in the USA where she can get High Fructose Corn Syrup directly pumped into her veins instead

Obviously Amy thought there was no way Trump could win after he was caught on tape saying that women are more receptive to sexual advances when the person is a world famous billionaire

this joke is getting stale real fast

does no one on Sup Forums actually think she is SOMETIMES funny?
her show has some pretty decent skits

>pretty decent
Decent is a binary word, either something is or isn't decent.

Why won't she just stop stuffing her face?

I want to see her slashed from ear to ear while the slasher goes 'atch atch atch atch atch atch atch atch' and then in a much deeper voice, as her body falls and dies, 'geg geg geg geg geg geg geg geg'. Then I want to see her dead cunt pissed on.

>-25F here right now

Lmao why would you live in the prairies.

because she wants those barbie bucks

Why does Amy Schumer constantly look shes having an allergic reaction?

Her face is a very strange kind of bloated

She wants punching, slicing and fucking ripping, the whore sasaquatch.

She's decent, political bullshit aside.
trainwreck sucked but the first few seasons of her show were legitimately lol

She's a plagiarist. She should fuck off.

Great analysis. There is something inherently narcissistic about "I'm with Her", but it also plays into the divisiveness (Him/her dichotomy) and obsession with identity (vote for the vagina) that have plagued American politics for the past decade.
Trump really knows how to market himself

>"Make America Great Again"

So many people made up their minds via the MSM telling them what to think and never bothered to actually look at what he was saying.




No offense to anyone.

Will he come through? We'll see, but on paper he's exactly what we needed right now.

>mfw I was in that thread when that was posted

She has definitely smoked 7 BBC at least once at the same time.

Those fat cheeks give it all away

So you're telling me those xenophobic canadians DON'T allow illegal immigrants? How awful of a country that must be

those feels at 1:13