I honestly don't know what layers of irony these people are on

i honestly don't know what layers of irony these people are on

i wouldn't even be surprised if the whole thing was planned out

Other urls found in this thread:


>Dude, you pissed off Sup Forums, you pissed off Sup Forums and infinitechan with your cucking, that has nothing to do with us
The moment Sam Hyde threw in the towel and raised up the white flag. Jesus Christ, he made a complete embarrassment out of himself.


What? That is true


>Uhh, I-I d-didn't have a-anything to do with it.
>I was relentlessly attacked on Twitter so that would be my justification of doing it if I did it. But I d-didn't.

at the end of the day i don't think tim really gives a shit. sam is quite butthurt however

Tim because he is a pussy Trump hater who would get Sam's show canceled over something so basic.

All you need to do is give a cursory glance at Sam's twitter and see all the shit he tweets and re-tweets on a regular basis. It doesn't matter if the show has good ratings because no fucking advertiser wants to be anywhere near it. Blaming it all on Tim is a complete meme and yet another example of Sam Hyde being a retarded loony

Completely true though. Tim just pissed off Sup Forums niggers for being so anti Trump.

but my back hurts, my daughter has the sniffles

Christ what a jew

At the end of the day, I think Sam didn't plan on doing a second season anyway, Tim seems super butthurt though for being called cuck so many times and Trump winning

>Sam Hyde will never go back to making great content like An Inconvenient Anime, Officer Maggot or the 2070 Paradigm Shift
>Sam Hyde will now forever be making shit videos pandering to redditors and Sup Forumstards

I think Sam handled himself poorly, but he's mostly right.

Go back to /r/cuckold Tim

ugh ikr its 2016 i can't even

There is no reason for us to freak out so much over this. It sucks for Sam that a couple of whiny kikes got his show canned, but we won the real war. Who controls both houses of congress? The White House?

>hahaha we won you lost get fucked nerds hahahah
Truly activated my almonds

Wow, you think?

One guy gets his show cancelled and is probably blacklisted thanks to people like Judd Apatow and Tim Heidecker campaigning behind the scenes to Adult Swim. While the other has a sore back and his daughter has a cold.

Tim already admitted that he talk to people who work at adult swim about the hate from hyde fans scaring him. It's obvious he played a role in getting sams show shut down because he bitched to the adult swim guys.

That is why Sam lied about the health insurance thing.

guess sam should stop fucking up

mde fans don't get blatant sarcasm, what a surprise (

am i the only one who thinks donald trump is a retard fuck and hates neo conservative faggots but really appreciates the true counterculture and originality of MDE/sam hyde?

Sam was being sarcastic about health insurance too. It's hard to tell who is trolling who when they both are behind so much irony.

I'm going to have to side with Sam. A lot of dumb shit gets multiple seasons on Adult Swim. This really is another case of liberal jews fucking over someone over politics.

>youtube show tries to make it on real television and fails


Tim is probably lying, but Sam is acting like he's surprised this happened to him. He should suck it up a little more instead of bitch and argue. He could have said what he said, laid out a judgement, and left instead of trying to get him to admit to it

How come right-wingers blame everyone else for their problems? What happened to personal responsibility?


As Colbert said to the alt-right; Grow the fuck up.

It wasn't cancelled for those reasons though.

>As Colbert said to the alt-right; Grow the fuck up.
>that image

I'll bet that you were a top Hilldawg shitposter during the election season.

Oh you've got proof of it being otherwise? Great, let's see it!

nah faggot, not from America, but glad to sit back and watch the circus from here. It's so easy to make you righties buttblasted. You cucks won the presidency but seem to be losing the war.

>it's a speculation about two trolls thread

It was rated highly though, numbers apeak for themselves. Show got canceled because sam let his personal beliefs become more important than his craft. I don't know if it is right or wrong, and never watched the show but if youve spent any time on Sup Forums you know the show did well.

I keep trying to tell my friends this. Sam Hyde is a student of Patrice O'Neal like most young comedians, it's amazing that he failed to grasp Patrice's lesson about the beast and how not understanding it kept him from greater levels of success.

lel, ain't even mad

>Rated highly
>Cancelled because of Sam's personal beliefs
Probably because from even before the show aired he was bitching about Adult Swim execs all over Sup Forums, plebbit and twitter. He was trying to shield himself in case the show was a failure so he could act like he was being persecuted all along. He's basically a right-wing SJW.

lel me neither brother

well it wasn't cancelled because it was a bad show

I don't think Tim gave a shit or did anything, he just said he was fine with Brett leaving but would continue to make shit for AS, most of the flack tim gets is also because of Tweets Sam and Vic Berger traded, I don't mind Sam either, but this finger pointing thing between both is just caused by idiots from here, reddit and twitter tweeting to both Tim and Sam to get them rilled up.

This, very uncomplicated - doesn't need much analysis. Pretty clear cut stuff. TH being a cunt, AS being cunts.

Boycott them. It's time to move on. They have been dead for a very long time. It just isn't cool anymore. This really hits the point home.

Tim literally made a song called 'I am a cuck.'

tim holds the higher ground here
sam lost his leggos

>losing the war


>hides swastikas in his interludes

>names david duke in one of his sketches

>is butthurt when adult swim cancel his show because they dont want to associate with antisemitism and racism.

when will alt right weenies realize the world will not go along with there nonesense. not even thier daddy trump

also tim heidecker utterly embarrased sam today when he called into his show accusing of being tims fault the show was cancelled.

>all these horse fuckers in this thread

I'm not gonna tell you to go home, but you can't stay here.

Sam sounds like a whiny bitch.


He sounds like he's butthurt as fuck and trying to find someone to get mad about his show getting cancelled. The show sucked dude, get over it. Stop being a tryhard edgelord faggot and learn how to actually be funny.

Fucking Sup Forums spilling over into real life again. I wish we could go back to those days when memes weren't considered serious business by faggots who weren't even originally in on the joke. It's like the mainstream corrupted our lols and beat us at our own game.

>"I can't afford health insurance!"
>voted for Trump

I remember the day before the show aired Sam was posting images from his HDD of clips he said that got cut from the show and how he'd post them, and he was already whinging they'd get cancelled.

He knew he made a show without good mileage. Maybe 3 of the bits were funny, like how maybe 3 of his videos are funny.

He set himself up as the victim from day one. He's an alt-right SJW with a victim complex. He's worse than the people he hates because he doesn't realize he's just the other side of the coin they are.

You WERE cancelled, Sam, but you're blacklisted now because of the absolute ass of yourself you made in handling the aftermath. No studio is going to work with you, not because of your content, but cause she shitted all over the studio from day 1, and studios don't like it when they are insulted by the people they hire.

The reason he's so uncomposed and freaking out right now is because he's realizing this and he has no actual skills. He bitched to Tim about not being able to afford health care, that's because you didn't bother to get an education or learn skills that are useful to society that would allow you to contribute and make money. You're worse than immigrants who come in demanding welfare because you actually had a chance and squandered it.

Also I hope you are reading this, and I hope you keep posting these threads because you and your fans are so easy to rile up and are fucking hilarious.

I think more than anything he's freaking out because he didn't think Trump would win either, and he wanted a sweet spot on Trump TV, which is never gonna happen.

Y'know I will say this, Sam makes a good case for why a strong family unit (Mom and Dad) are needed. He had a single Mom and looked at how he's fucked up his life.

Disclaimer: Not a lefty, not from America, and I think the funniest thing that tard Hyde has done is that YOU GOT GUTS KID video

>its this thread again

You cunts are kind of right in the commonsense way-- you wouldn't do blackface and such if you wanted to fit neatly into corporate television. it's career suicide. however, he did it for the comedy and while you guys might not enjoy the show, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are huge fans

I also think that Sam didn't handle it well and I think he NEVER should have gotten a twitter, but here we are.

Sam fucked up by picking on a dude with an alpha yelling voice. Tim may be a chubby liberal, but the dude's yelling voice is actually intimidating. One he unleashed it for that brief second, it was game over. Tim established dominance over the situation.

I agree, it was pretty strong

I was actually surprised. He doesn't look like he has it in him.

Hey you replied to me twice - having said that, I've seen other shows on adult swim do blackface, delocated and eric andre have, ATHF did an episode where Shake was bitten by a radioactive black guy and became a nigger. It's not because SAM did it, it's because of two things, he wasn't particularly funny, and he didn't play the corporate game - he was bad mouthing the execs and producers on the fucking adult swim subreddit before the 2nd episode even aired, there was no way it was going to get renewed - but now he has an excuse to play the victim.
I enjoyed some of the show but most of it wasn't funny, but I don't care people have different tastes

Also anyone else find it hilarious he bitches to Tim about not being able to afford health care but then voted for Trump? how fucking stupid is he. Maybe he should think about the universal health care system some of us better western countries have and consider not voting for an oligarchical blowhard next time I'd probably be more depressed if Hillary had won desu

>when Tim says "I bet that you won't do anything for 40 grand."
Holy shit, rekt.


I'm pretty sure that's his Alex Jones impression.

I know and I fucking hate Tim too. The comedy is an awful film but Tim clearly came out on top of this. Sam is breaking down. He's realized he just fucked his only potential career options and has no where to go now.

What's worse is, he is the exact sort of person who is going to suffer most under Trump. Under-educated, Under-employed, lower middle class whities like him are going to get fucked the hardest, but people like them are cheering it on because AT LEAST THOSE LEFTISTS ARE SALTY R-RIGHT GUYS?

Clearly you haven't watched the On Cinema Oscar Special 3 or 4 when he goes apeshit on James Dean and Dr. San. Shit made me jump seeing it live. Really caught my ass off guard.

its crazy how on any day of the week, outside saturdays, i can tune into Adult Swim to watch some show involving mass murder, gore, sex, and tasteless humor without a problem, but as a show that comes around with good ratings is "too extreme and edgy" to air because it's loosely tied to gamergate

funny how that works out

>tfw you realized you've fucked your entire career up and got blacklisted by using your one shot at tv to pander to Sup Forums
>tfw no health insurance
>tfw no tv show

This, the whole "toxic fanbase" thing is the new narrative and it's fucking ridiculous. Entertainers are not their fucking fanbases.


get a real job like the rest of us, sam. it's over


he's definitely smarter than you

>muh Trump supporters didn't go to college

He did go to college, get off your soapbox faggot

maybe he'll move back in with his mom and make actually good videos again

>implying you have a real job

most people have real jobs, user. this isn't /r9k/

What do you do for work, user?

You just know Sam's behaviour and attitude and online persona rubbed some jew at AS the wrong way.

There's no grand conspiracy. There's no giant web of persecution against right leaning thoughts. Sam just didn't suck the dicks he was supposed to suck so they canned him.


Hi, Cody.

welcome to the real world. employers don't want controversial shit stirrers to represent them.

MDE rips online anywhere?

>he's definitely smarter than you
I'm doing a PhD and I would argue the fucking wankers on the street drinking wine are smarter than me, nor was that the claim I was making.

>He did go to college, get off your soapbox faggot
And can't afford healthcare? Doesn't sound smart to me.

i'm sure your friends love your Sup Forums memes, Cody

>jews at AS

He fucking blamed them for the show not being funny every week on the subreddit. They read that shit. If I go on twitter and talk about how my bosses, by name, while fucking tagging them, and saying they're shithouse, I wouldn't be surprised if I got fucking fired either, but apparently rightwingtards have bigger persecution complexes than polygenderqueertrans tumblr tards.

Epic post, Cody. Epic for the win. MDE fans surely have that sophisticated palette for humor.

>Sam: "Show canceled…not so good…."

>long as fuck pause

>Sam: So what do you think about that?

>Tim: "I'm sorry to hear about that".

>Sam: "Are you?"

>long pause

>Tim: "Well I'm sorry that anyone's not doing that good."

>long pause

>Sam: My show-(gets incoherent in static)

>Tim: What's that?

>another pause

>Sam: Yeah?

>Tim: Yeah I'm here Sam

>Sam: Did you want the show canceled?

rofl it's more pathetic each time I listen

Keep Sup Forumstard and redditor behavior in text form on the internet, for the love of god. This is just like that one faggot that was talking about cucks on his stupid speech.

Every time i heard a person say cuck in real life, it reminds me of that short period where people would say "lol" out loud.

Except when they're Adult Swim and their entire brand is built around being on the cutting edge. LOL I GUESS THEIR BRAND NO LONGER HAS ANY VALUE! LOL AND IT NEVER WILL AGAIN AHHAHAHAHAHAHA


No going back on this is there?

>calls other weenies
>watches TWD
>sucks jewish foreskin FOR FREE

literally who

>Except when they're Adult Swim and their entire brand is built around being on the cutting edge.

Are you really just now realising that the entire entertainment business is completely full of shit?

Attempts at internet drama by identifying show fans and bullying them

their brand isn't built on being on the cutting edge. it's the exact opposite, they take shit that was cutting edge like half a decade ago and parade it around to impress plebs

>Sup Forums panders to tim heidcucker because they identify sam as an alt-right nazi boogeyman which is bad because they read a buzzfeed article about it

how far this board has fallen

Everything is relative.

feralaudio.com/22-office-hours-live-11-17-16/ at -1:23:41
>"If you like the show, great, support the show. If you're listening and you hate this thing, if you think that it's evil, or you think it's spreading messages of hate, misogyny, anti-Semitism, you should speak out, you should go and let the advertisers know. And that's where your voice will be heard."

he's a bit of a cowardly double chinned kike desu, but when are they never cowardly?


This is the funniest video MDE has ever done.

Heidecker's new "serious, moderate old dad" sketch is fucking hilarious honestly. Vintage Heidecker.

No see, you've got it wrong - Sup Forums has fallen for from ironic racism to real racism and for a degenerate conman in Trump. Now you're trying to spread your shit to Sup Forums and no one is having it so you lash out like the manchildren you are.

Get a job.

>ironic racism
>heheh blacks aren't really homicidal savages with lower IQ and a sub-culture that glorifies violence and stupidity, we were only pretending to hate them

Time to stop fapping to your crappy japanese cartoons, move out your mom's basement, tear down those bernie stickers and maybe experience the real world for a change kid

I really really don't give a fuck about Sam, but Tim is a cuck, that's all I can say.

If it wasn't for Sup Forums i wouldn't know who Sam is, I think he is mildy funny, not a fan though, now about the whole situation, Tim is right, sometimes you get cancelled, sometimes life can be bad, just keep making stuff, Tim is right he doesn't need AS, if he is good then he can play the YouTube game or go somewhere else, it doesn't even matter if he is blacklisted or whatever, just keep trying.

This whole thing is kinda funny, dude sounds like he is melting down.

Yeah that was cringeworthy

Why can't people from Sup Forums talk like normal human beings? Jesus christ


No wonder the fa/tv/irgin neckbeards on Sup Forums despise Sam,

>boo hoo he made fun of my weeaboo lifestyle and hillary! woe always me!

Not really but w/e
