Mark Hamill asked to lose weight for role

>Mark Hamill asked to lose weight for role
>works his ass off for a year to get /fit/ and into shape

>Carrie fisher asked to lose weight for role
>says no, lauded as a feminist hero for refusing to lose weight
>feminists flip their shit when she gets a much lower salary as a result

her nose is so crooked and rotted away from all the blow shes done.

>messing with a completely insane coke fiend with a razor sharp coke nail

I'm honestly shocked they even approached her to come back.

>>says no
Source? I thought she did.

But muh nostaliga

Mark Hamil's nose so crooked and rotted away from eating all that shrapnel.

he didn't deserve it. :(

feels good to be a woman
men get what they deserve for putting women through hell for so long, and no wonder that men whine when the table is turned

women are weak and stupid so they shouldn't have to do things that are hard you fucking misogynist

Mark Hamill had tons of fucking surgery.

The presidential candidate that thinks of women as nothing more than decoration with warm wet holes for his penis (rightfully so) won though

upvoted!!! xD

Didn't he try to cross like 4 lanes or something on a highway to try and get to the exit ramp.

Apparently she lost 40 pounds. She never refused to lose weight. No feminists are celebrating this non fact.




I don't remeber that outfit?

mark looks kind of like my dad


Your dad is really cool. Can I come over to your house?

>Hillary won Commiefornia by 4.5 million votes with untold cheating and illegal voting

>take away just Commiefonia and Trump won the other 49 states by over 2 million

>he didn't campaign there whatsoever because we have an electoral college so he concentrated on PA, OH, MI etc.

>this is exactly WHY we have an electoral college, to prevent large rogue states from dictating the nation

>it's like the losing team in the super bowl claiming they won because they gained more yards of offense

>thank you SJWs for giving us trump, the savior of the west, never change

Sure man, anytime

Carrie lost a bunch of weight too, women just don't hold up as well as men.

Also Hamill just had to look like a distinguished Jedi Master. Leia is famous for being a sex symbol in a metal bikini, Fisher isn't going to win that battle of expectations.

I read this article from a 2nd wave feminist and academic proffessor once. Summed up it said how 3rd wave feminism was no better than machoism, and how that the fact that "branding feminist", who literally only applies the term to their name to increase in popularity were really REALLY bad for real feministic issues. So why is it that 3rd wave feminist are so god damn insistent on promoting it?


Leia could also be like my sassy granny you shouldn't fuck with.

from the thumbail i thought someone had shooped the punisher skull logo on her

I don't remember most of TFA.

Luke did I ever tell you about Paul Masson?

she was so cringy, so out of place just for the sake of muh member leia?
another shitty aspect of that trainwreck, let's not even talk about grandpa solo
that utter shit was made at least 10 years too late

I would wreck young Mark Hamill's boypussy desu, he was a cute twink

Can you imagine how many assholes that woman's tongue has come into contact with? She's the rectum whisperer.

imagine if Lucas had made an Episode 7 back in 1999

>>works his ass off for a year to get /fit/ and into shape
You mean takes a shitload of HGH, Tren and Clen. It's not like he could do it naturally at his age in the first place, and when you do it with that, you barely even have to move, you could just do some light yoga.

I thought she had a shirt on with a subtle ayyy design