Poll: Best Coen Bros Movie?

Vote, my dudes

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NCFOM but I love A Serious Man as well.

Reddithood is saying A Serious Man.
Adulthood is saying Miller's Crossing.

reddithood is definitely big lebowski mate

No lebowski is too obvious for reddithood.

Lebowski is more facebookcore.


What is the chaotic neutral one?

Fargo and No country for old man are their best.
Lebowsky is most comfy.
Most of the others are still close runner ups.

Also, I have to admit I did not understand A Serious Man. What was it about, what was the point.
It's about a beta man who's life is falling apart, yes, so what. It just didn't engage me.

Its Gabriel Byrne's character from Miller's Crossing. Would definitely recommend if you haven't seen it already, though you should really pay attention to the dialogue.

I liked Fargo and O Brother where art thou the most

Thanks, m8. Haven't seen that one yet. Sounds interesting, I guess I'm gonna watch it soon.

No country for old men is my favourite, also one of my favourites of all time
I really enjoy o brother where art thou too

>God Tier
The Man Who Wasn't There
The Big Lebowski
Miller's Crossing
Raising Arizona

>Great Tier
Inside Llewyn Davis
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
No Country for Old Men
True Grit

>Good Tier
Blood Simple.
Burn After Reading
Barton Fink

>Okay Tier
Hail, Caesar!
The Hudsucker Proxy

>I'm not Jewish so why would I care tier
A Serious Man

>Shit tier (or I can't believe the Coens made this)
Intolerable Cruelty
The Ladykillers

Barton Fink > Fargo > Miller's Crossing > Inside Llewyn Davis > Raising Arizona > A Serious Man > Hail, Caesar! > The Big Lebowski > Blood Simple > The Man Who Wasn't There > No Country for Old Men > True Grit > The Hudsucker Proxy > Burn After Reading > Intolerable Cruelty > The Ladykillers

All except The Ladykillers are legitimately great, though.

Not saying you'll like the movie after watching this, but it'll at least help you understand what the point of it all was. I'd recommend giving it another watch if it gives you a new perspective

>needs youtube videos to appreciate movies

Please kill yourself

I truly believe Fargo is peak Coens.

>Wahh I don't like to think about movies that I watched! Themes? Symbolism? These things are useless to me!

>equates listening to the opinions of others with original thought

>Barton fink
>not on God tier
Get the fuck outta here.

Do you just blindly follow every opinion you hear? No of course you don't. You consider these opinions, juxtapose them against your own set of ideals, and determine whether they are of value or not. Listening to other people's opinions is incredibly important. If you didn't you'd always be a dumbass.

how are they such kinomasters

lebowski, o brother, ncfom, burn after reading, serious man, llewyn davis, man who wasnt there, pure kino

Jews are just really good at movies

>watching The Big Lebowski for the first time


From what I've seen Barton Fink is the best closely followed by Raising Arizona

Is that an official poster?
It's interesting and different, but it feels a bit too dense.
I prefere the simplicity of the other two.

O Brother Where Art Thou? is adaptationkino

>No Country For Old Men has an insurmountable lead over the rest
>Inside Llewyn Davis over O Brother
Sup Forums is maximum plebs, who woulda thunk

Barton Fink or Inside Llewyn Davis

i didnt even like it the first time i watched it

now ive seen it hundreds

Not really. A lot of bad movies are made by Jews.

Should i watch Fargo tonight?

I have the feeling i saw it before once, but can't remember anything

wouldnt Chigurh be lawful evil? He's evil but has strict rules he follows

Don't ask stupid questions, just do it.

Inside Llewyn Davis is objectively their best film.

Fargo is the most memorable