We don't know anything about Snoke

>We don't know anything about Snoke
>We don't know anything about the Knights of Ren
>We are never shown how Kylo is seduced to the dark side by Snoke
>How does Kylo have Vader's helmet if it was burnt in the fire by Luke at the end of Episode 6?
>We don't know how Maz got Luke's lightsaber
>Why is Rey so powerful with the force? How does she know what mind tricking is? What is the point of her being trained when she is a master at everything including knowing how to fix and modify the falcon: a ship that she had never been on before?
>Why are the Resistance so poor looking when the Rebels defeated the Empire 30 years ago?
>Why does the New Order exist if the Empire were completely destroyed 30 years ago? Surely the Resistance should be more advanced than the New Order with weapons.
>Why did Poe abandon Finn when he crashed in Jakku and abandon his mission: to find BB-8? Did Poe just simply go back to the Resistance base and tell Leia, "Sorry I crashed on Jakku and I know I really wanted to find BB-8 to get the map so we can find Luke's location but I think I will have a rest now from doing that... I am sure BB-8 will turn up eventually."
I don't understand how this film as a high score on Rotten Tomatoes and how people praise this when it suffers from so many plot holes and problems.

>Finn's rifle which Han gives him when exiting the falcon as they go into Maz's Temple vanishes in a future scene when the New Order invade. Finn yells at Maz "I need a weapon" even though this makes no sense when Han gave him a rifle earlier.

This problem is answered when you watch this deleted scene because a stormtrooper orders Finn to drop the weapon:

How is a film with so many plot holes, editing errors praised?

Most of these may be explained in Episode 8 but why should we have to wait that long?

As a standalone film, The Force Awakens fails incredibly.

If only JJ Abrams was not absolutely obsessed with making Episode 7 feel exactly like Episode 4, then we could have gotten a great movie with an actual first act instead of this fast paced action flick which leaves so much information out and makes your brain confused.

I can forgive about half of those points because every Star Wars films has a bunch of shit going on off screen, which means potential new material in the future, but your point still stands.
I can't believe that people praise it and use the excuse "Well, the next two episodes are going to explaining everything so it's okay!"

A lot of those will be answered in 8 and 9 and a bunch of them are answered in the EC

>plot holes
Who are you to decide whats a plot hole? How do you know more about how star wars should be than the writers themselves?

I frankly hope this is bait.

>We dont know anything about snoke
This isn't a plot hole retard.

No seriously what is this plothole shit? Life isnt perfect. Sometimes people make mistakes. Why should movie characters be perfect and always do the logical or right thing?

What are you talking about?

>Why didn't the movie spoon feed me all this information?

Are you too stupid to infer anything?

Pathetic TFA apologist.

Guys! Not everything is perfect so this movie is pretty good on that scale!

TFA is a soulless reboot of episode 4. Star wars is supposed to be above that.

>why don't I understand everything after seeing one part of a trilogy

I know it's bait but I'm sure there are autists actually thinking this way and need to play in traffic.

How is any of that stuff mentioned in the OP a plothole? How do you know how Poe should have acted after the crash? What makes you think 'Surely the Resistance should be more advanced than the New Order with weapons.' is a fact?

I'm not denying TFA is an unorginial piece of shit. I just dont get the meaning of plot hole in this context.

>go into episode 7 expecting to see the new Jedi Order, where i always assumed the story would go after the original trilogy
>there is none, they were killed off like a copy of Vader's extermination of the Jedi

I can barely understand copying the original movie, but this really was a gigantic "fuck you". The dreams of thousands of people that grew up with the original trilogy crushed in one moment.

I mean it literally happened in the EU. It's poor writing not to have it be a thing in TFA.

Every single day?


Movies should still be self-contained regardless of whether or not they're part of a series. It's basic storytelling. A New Hope is a great example of a self-contained start to a trilogy. Sequels are to expand on what we've already seen, not fill in gaps in plot or characterisation from past films. Vader's expansion as a characters between IV and V is another very good example of good storytelling. In V, he's a scary commander of the empire. Obi Wan tells us more than enough about him. It doesn't matter who he really is or who he's related to. That's addressed and wrapped up in Empire Strikes Back - self-contained again.

You shouldn't excuse bad storytelling because they've told you there'll be future films in the series. It's extremely cynical on their part and dumb on yours.

Han Solo should have killed Kylo, not the other way around

That would make sense thematically and would actually surprise people

>Han Solo should have killed Kylo, not the other way around

>This major villain who looks like he is going to be the villain of the entire trilogy
>Actually gets killed off by Han Solo
>We don't get any cool lightsaber fight with him like we did with Darth Maul, he is just toast when Han shoots him with his gun and then Chewie shoots him with his bow gun

>close up to Han Solo's face

>We don't know how Maz got Luke's lightsaber
>Why are the Resistance so poor looking when the Rebels defeated the Empire 30 years ago?
>Why does the New Order exist if the Empire were completely destroyed 30 years ago? Surely the Resistance should be more advanced than the New Order with weapons.
these are the only questions i don't expect to be answered in sequels, and they don't ruin the experience for not knowing the answer

Yeah, exactly like that. I feel they missed a great opportunity.


I bet people liked the orange female Yoda just because she was clearly vlicced by a black chick. What a terrible fucking line. Lines like that and the "it's like the death star but waaayyyyyy bigger" is a giant middle finger to Star Wars fans. It's the marvel sensibilities bullshit of "lol isn't star wars stupid xD"

Isn't the blue lightsaber the one that Luke dropped when his arm was cut off at cloud city? How in the world would someone recover that?

I didn't get how after so much time han had never even tried chewie's magic crossbow weapon

>How do you know how Poe should have acted after the crash?
To be fair, this one is a plot hole.
I'm guessing he came across that port, stole a ship and escaped with it undetected from the first order.
What I don't understand is why he didn't bother to look for BB-8 unless he had a lot of faith that a small droid could get the job done.
Why did the first order not stop any ships from leaving the planet?
There's just too many questions and possible answers that could be answered easily.

That's a story for another time :)

He was meant to be dead, but then he was brought back to life in rewrites, but they didn't bother to plug the plot holes it caused.

>sheev was killed at the end of ROTJ therefore the empire immediately ceased to exist

I mean, you have valid points but you revealed yourself as a retard right here

wtf user thats kino

All of those are answered in extended canon material. Except the maz question but I'm sure that will get an answer too

It's a different crossbow than he normally uses. Plus, han and chewie had been reletively separated between 6 and 7

good thing it isn't a standalone film, you fucking retard

Can we talk about how the resistance spent the entire movie trying to find the map of luke and lost thousands if not billions of lives for it. Then after they find it they all line up to wave to some random girl so she can fly away with their dead war generals ship to go find the person they spent the entire movie looking for alone into what was an unknown part of space. Alone.

Most of those will be answer in future films, or the books/comics/tv shows that come later. It was exactly the same with the OT and PT. You could ask as many questions about any of them.

>Finn's rifle

But fuck you for reminding me about this. I never actually noticed this the first few viewing, and now it's glaring as fuck. They need to include that cut scene in future releases, just to fix this. At least I know the reason, but it is still pretty annoying.

>We don't know anything about Palpatine
>We don't know anything about Vader's cohorts
>We are never shown how Vader is seduced to the dark side by Palpatine
>How does Vader have full armor if he was burnt in the fire by his lower ground at the end of Episode 3?
>We don't know how Ben got Anakin's lightsaber
>Why is Luke so powerful with the force? How does he know how to explode the death star AND dogfight trained empire pilots in space if he was merely a tatooine on-planet pilot (or at worst, a farm hand)? What is the point of him being trained when he is a master at everything including knowing how to fly an x-wing: a fighter ship that he had never been on before?
>Why are the Resistance so poor looking when the Clones defeated the CIS droids 30s year ago on geonosis?
>Why does the Empire exist if they were completely destroyed 30 years ago? Surely the Rebels should be more advanced than the Empire with weapons.
>Why did Han abandon Luke when he crashed in Tatooine and abandon his mission: to find R2D2? Did Han just simply go back to the Rebel base and tell Leia, "Sorry I crashed on Tatooine and I know I really wanted to find R2 to get the map so we can find Luke's location but I think I will have a rest now from doing that... I am sure R2 will turn up eventually."
I don't understand how this film as a high score on Rotten Tomatoes and how people praise this when it suffers from so many plot holes and problems.

How is a film with so many plot holes, editing errors praised?

Most of these may be explained in Episode 5 but why should we have to wait that long?

As a standalone film, A New Hope fails incredibly.

>we don't care about a jewish rip off of episode iv

That movie is hack tier writing. Absolute trash.

A New Hope is the first Star Wars movie ever. The Force Awakens I couldn't stop asking "When's Luke showing up? Why did the rebellion let any of this happen? Why isn't Luke here? What's wrong with Leia?"

It is indeed. What irritates me is that during filming JJ often made a point to say how stressful it was trying to live up to fan's expectations, as if he was putting in so much effort to make this beautiful new piece of Star Wars, when the movie he was filming was a clear fucking rehash.


0/10. did you even try?

I waited 2 hours for my ban to finally end to post that

-palpatine's an emperor, we know what emperors do.
-Vader has no cohorts
fuck me you're dumb.
New Hope tells the classical type story, enabled by its timeless feeling of both old and futuristic
TFA has a weirdly Joss Whedon style with quips and fast cuts, and doesn't carry the same gravitas.

In A New Hope when we hear about "the emperor" we understand what kinda person he is.

No one fucking understands what a Snoke is

Didn't even Han Solo refer to him as Snoke? It's weird how much Han Solo gets to know about him but we are left in the dark.

An empire entirely dependent on a singular figure falls apart upon his death.

If TFA wanted to be realistic they'd show the massive infighting for control of the galaxy that factions of the Empire engaged in after the Emperor's fall.

Instead JJ went "Muh Argentina Nazis" and went full Bolshevik.

I can't believe how many people on this board claimed they liked TFA a year ago. That's embarrassing.