Mfw i thought this was great until i realized it's the ultimate sjw-pc movie

>mfw i thought this was great until i realized it's the ultimate sjw-pc movie

Silly me

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it's okay. characters are fun. dialogue is good. story is predictable crap. basically the best you can hope for from a modern disney kids flick.

>hating on kids movies

alt white getting triggered on the most senseless things I see

you didn't see the part where the rabbit mouths "vote trump" at the end?

Oh shit guess i have to watch it again

how was it sjw again? I thought it was alright

what happened to the non-mammals?

Predators going savage was an allegory for Islamic extremists according to the writer

It literally deconstructs social justice as devisionist nonsense. It's alt-right as fuck.

I'm starting to wonder what's worse. SJWs or people on the opposite side who see everything as SJW propaganda.

>A meek, weak sheep with the most Jewish voice actress possible falseflags the bigger, stronger, smarter members of society to make them look more aggressive and dangerous than they really are to gain political power for herself while everyone's distracted by the "us vs them" mentality
>SJW PC movie

How? It's basically calling bullshit on sjws and their victim complex,

>dont judge a book by its cover
>sjw-pc propaganda

man you must hate kids movies, books, shows, everything because its in all of them faggot.

>whiny on the internet
>want to discriminate against you in hiring, education, and government

>whiny on the internet

Anti SJWs also want to discriminate.

They're really both sides on the same coin.

maybe i'm just selfish, but i'd rather have institutionalized discrimination against people that aren't me. politically speaking it's more and more becoming a binary choice between governments that will empower either of those groups.

Well, there's a difference between a regular anti SJW and a faggot who sees everything as SJW propaganda.

Wouldn't be an alt right movement if you cocksuckers hadn't become the gestapo

I might have always been a white homophobic rascist but how in the everliving Fuck did you manage to turn normal people against you?

Of course you would since it benefits you.

And I'm not saying that in a offensive way as both sides simply want a better life which unfortunately means that one group would be getting the shorter end of the stick.


that rabbit...

Who cares?

This thing exists solely to inspire Clawhauser r34.

normal people hate you too, don't sweat it. You've just been better at keeping a low profile

Fags from here and Sup Forums made me avoid it at first cause u thought it was sjw bs. I said fuck it and watched it anyway cause I like animated movies, and it was actually pretty good. I didn't feel much propgaganda...

>shows fear of different races/religions is bad
>centers around a small female rabbit proving that she's a more competent cop than anyone will acknowledge
>encourages diversity
I fucking loved this alt-right film myself

Nah it was about a country hick proving she's wiser and more competent than city slickers.

At first she doesn't know how to solve the case, until she goes back home. Also notice how in the country the bully became more tolerant whereas in the city they were all having a race war.

This was a movie about the virtues of rural life.

It taught me that sheep are cunts

Everybody would rather someone else be discriminated against instead of themselves, everybody wants to rule the world, that is neither here nor there.

The point is for everyone to stick to a moral standard, something which America seems to be giving less and less of a shit about in recent years. Martin Luther King said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". We should just do that.

>shows fear of different races/religions is bad
Did you not stick around for the end of the movie? It wasn't just shown to be "bad," it was shown to be deliberately stoked & manipulated by a small, secretive cabal of (J)ewes that intentionally keep the general population angry & fearful of each other in order to consolidate political power for themselves. Pretty redpilled desu

These people will study every frame of a movie just to find something that they can shit on

>going on Sup Forums
Wow an idiot goes on Sup Forums what a shock

I think people are studying every frame of this movie for different reasons.

so you're just gonna ignore how it portrayed zootopia as a literal utopia of tolerance?

What? No, the city was a metaphorical powder keg of racial violence. The country was the utopia of tolerance desu.

>Pixar movie
>thought it was great
there's your problem right there

if society could maintain a moral standard, communism would've worked.

here's my thoughts on the matter
>you're (probably) white whether you like it or not, that's a fundamental aspect of how people see you
>most whites are comfortable now but there's no inherent superiority guaranteeing that we won't one day decline in influence and be at risk of ethnic cleansing like the greeks or saffers
>by taking the "moral high ground" and refusing to engage in dirty politics you're just increasing your own vulnerability and that of every other white person to groups that would like to see the above point happen
identity politics are inevitable. just embrace them.

>a literal utopia of tolerance
...but the entire plot of the movie revolved around the flaws in that "utopia," the immutable differences between cultures that will ALWAYS cause tension and conflict in a multicultural society. If you're gonna overanalyze a children's film, at least pay attention

Not it isn't, the minorities were the wealthiest and most successful group and were running society, stereotypes were 100% true with real physical differences like fangs and teeth instead something minor like skin color and lol bell curve.

The city that ended up having loads of problems that took actual hard work to fix?

Fuck off, this movie was neither redpilled or bluepilled, it was a movie about a rabbit learning to get over her fear of foxcock.

i literally have no idea what gives you this idea
zootopia was portrayed as a bastion
where was there ever any inter-racial violence outside of the main investigation which was treated as a big deal because it hadn't happened in so long and then turned out to be artificial
I don't know if you're purposely misreading a children's film, but it was pretty fucking blatant in its message of tolerance

>loads of problems
Other than above, it had less problems than other major cities and was idealised as something wonderful - hence why Hopps wanted to go there in the first place

>this movie was neither redpilled or bluepilled, it was a movie about a rabbit learning to get over her fear of foxcock.
it wasn't "pilled", it just preached tolerance like most kids' films/tv

And for retards on Sup Forums that means it was bluepilled.

I don't see how the rabbits and any other mass-reproducing animal wouldn't overrun the entire world without predators to keep their numbers down.
You saw that rabbit county had like millions on the population number.

Races don't mix, so it's okay.

Just consider it a relief that only mammals get rights in Zootopia. 97% of animal life on earth is invertibrate.

Shorter life spans, probably. I bet rabbit life insurance is expensive.

Hopps wanted to go there because it was presented to her as the ideal, and then we see the reality after she arrives. Fuck, the movie even flat out has a conversation where she apologizes for breaking the city, and then is told that it was always like that and had nothing to do with her.

>Sup Forums wants to ban this

Sup Forums is gay as fuck, what did you expect. She's like perfect onahole size.

Sup Forums is great you faggot.

Nah, fuck off Sup Forums

The movie literally had a commentary on the neutering of human beings who are already so brainwashed that they're doing it to themselves.

It had to be cut because it was too redpilled apparently.

god damn


And then, ironically, they let Disney completely neuter their film

I mean, it was still OK, but we'll never get to see the dystopian furrykino that could have been

It is exactly because standards have dropped that people are embracing identity politics, memes and conspiracy theories.

This is not the first time this has happened either. History is full of whacky fruit loops like the communists. Neither am I refusing to engage. I regularly call out bullshit when I see it regardless of how unpopular it makes me.

christ... that would've affected the entire film...
criticising SJWs doesn't make it "red-pilled"

No, you retard, they realized they had made a movie where all their test audiences hated the city and wanted Nick to escape rather than change it. This prompted massive rewrites.

The development of the movie is actually really interesting, as opposed to the false narrative you're presenting.

If you let test audiences and focus groups rewrite your film to remove anything "upsetting," you are creatively neutering yourself. Not all filmmakers allow that, even on large-scale studio productions. I think the darker version of the film was much more coherent and insightful with the social subtext, and I think it easily could've found a large audience if they marketed it right.

Kids don't just want happy fluff all the time, they would've gone for this. So much of the most popular YA fiction focuses on these dystopian themes, George Orwell is still a staple for elementary/middle-school students.

Older Disney films didn't pull punches like this, they'd kill off characters and make the audience cry, and they were better because of it. That shit stuck with you

You aren't getting it. They didn't let anyone rewrite it, they realized the movie had gone in a different direction than what they wanted and that it was counter productive to the story they wanted to tell.

Go read up on this if you want. Otherwise keep spouting off nonsense about how Zootopia could have been this amazing super dark movie.

You understand how PR works, right? You understand the purpose of test screenings, and the fact that the writers/directors are almost never the ones asking for test screenings?

The filmmakers had the "amazing super dark" version fully scripted and storyboarded, I think they knew exactly what direction they wanted to go. Disney got nervous that it wouldn't do well in a wide release, and pushed for a more "audience-friendly" version.

I could "read up" on the public statements the filmmakers made, but given that they agreed to the changes and they're hoping to make a sequel, I'm pretty sure they're not gonna throw the executives under the bus and admit that they were disappointed they didn't get to make "their" movie.

This is exactly what goes on behind the scenes of pretty much every big-budget studio release, idk why you're fighting me so hard here. The movie they came out with was fine, I just think the original idea sounds a lot more interesting.

Do you? The movie wasn't even fucking close to being finished and NOBODY liked where it was going.

Educate yourself on the development process, please.

Why are you such a studio shill? It's fine if you prefer the movie the way it is, but this is a ridiculous argument

I hate people spouting misinfo. Zootopia had a really interesting dev process and going LOL THEY FOLDED THEY PUSSIED OUT FROM MAKING A BEAUTIFUL DARK FILM is so ridiculous and ignorant.

Also if I was a studio shill I would love the Rhianna stuff when hey, that part of the movie felt tacked on and shitty.

>$0.06 has been deposited to your account

You've got it backwards, friend.

epic, simply epic

>Educate yourself on the development process, please.
Especially with an animated film like this. Theres no last minute reshoots because that means cranking the army of animators to go back to work. That shit is story boarded and prevised to fucking hell. Its pretty well settled what the final look of the movie is going to be before they render a single thing.

In this case, they actually went as far as some animatics before going back. Stuff like the polar bear child getting his own collar had rough scenes, for example. Pretty neat seeing the ideas they were throwing at the wall. I personally liked the toothpaste that predators had to use which wore down their teeth.

But it's not "misinfo," they wrote/storyboarded/prepared a completely different movie, and the tone changed once production was in Disney's hands. I'm pretty sure I've read the same materials as you, the Zootopia book and interviews with the filmmakers - it's all PR. At this stage in the game, it is literally their job to speak positively about the film they released to theaters.

They did pussy out a little bit. That's just my opinion. I understand why they did it, but the original idea sounds better and more interesting. That was the script they spent years preparing, you really think they changed it all just because they wanted to?

But that's wrong

You're a frustrating person. I'm not trying to spin some big conspiracy theory out of this, it's just a damn movie, the only point I'm trying to make here is "the original script sounded better."

If I must, though - official statements from the filmmakers, while they are literally under contract with Disney to market & promote their film, could be classified as "misinfo" if you care enough to talk about film development in such ridiculous terms.

They wrote the dystopian version on their own terms, over several years. Once it was optioned by Disney and subjected to their development process, in which studio executives and marketers get to have a say in the tone & direction of the film, it changed to something more accessible to a wider audience. I'm not saying that the filmmakers secretly HATE the changes they made, I'm not saying they weren't given their own say in the process - I'm just saying that the whole purpose of the change was marketability.

Which part of this do you refuse to understand?

Who'd want to ban that?

>mfw the right is so childish they have to rail against children movies

Grow up. Stop watching children films.

Is it problematic that I want to stick my penis inside her?

the movie is both blue and red pilled.

>tfw have to be either a neo-nazi "redpilled" alt-righter or an oversensitive SJW numale cuck
>tfw if neither than everyone hates you

I know that feel. Let's just quietly enjoy the sloth joke

You're retarded for not getting it from the synopsis alone

Possible samefag.

Judy Hopps is an alt-right nazi
Triggered yet libcuck?

>Not Gideon

user, please.


this movie redpilled my wife's son

I thought the predators where white people and the sheep was blm/sjw/feminists gaining political power by demonizing white people.
Thought this was antisjw

>wanting furry Biff Tannen

I just rewatched it, you guys might actually be right about it being anti-sjw

Mind blown

>The next movie will be darker in tone and it will feature a reptile villain