Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology...

Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.

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>Sup Forums psychopath posts another thread about a psychopath
>what a boring cunt he is

18+ website you 16 year old baby.

these Hillary cunts dont enjoy truth op


>and Objectivism is god tier ideology

>Objectivism is god tier ideology
obvious bait

read the Sword of Truth series, you'll probably love it

You don't get closer than this.

except BS is actuaolly better for outting what a shitty meme idiology it is

>Objectivism is god tier ideology


>It's a "user thinks Ayn Rand was right" episode

I do think we could benefit from being more objective about certain subjects

she was
fuck off commies

>believing in "be a sociopath and feel good about it: the philosophy"



Snyder will bring us RandKino


I'm an edgy hardcore badass and compassion and empathy are for pussies. personal responsibility. chemtrails. bootstraps. pizzagate.


fuck off commie

How quaint

>socialism really works I promise we've just never tried it

>but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
You mean movies, there were 3 of them.
Kind of funny how even though the free market judged the first one to be a failure, the producers decided to ignore Rand's own phiosophy and keep them doing them anyway at a loss, even accepting donations from people to do it.

Because her ideas are popular among successful people they also attract a lot of Walter Mitties, the kinds of people who jerk off over hour long Stephen Molyneux videos and get sucked into multi-marketing schemes. The movies made so far have been half-baked attempts to appeal to this demographic, porn for narcissists like The Social Network.

The only way to get Ayn Rand kino would be to use it as an interesting theme for a conventional movie. A dystopian thriller that doesn't meme too hard.

you sure told me

Objectivism is shit tier philosophy tbqh

Objectivism aside, Atlas Shrugged is a terrible book with unlikeable assholes as main characters. We're supposed to root for them even though thet're actively trying to collapse society, killing countless people, and then live in their special utopia?
And their super utopia is incredibly unrealistic. Rand needed to give them a super generator, and even then it doesn't hold up to simple logic.

Oh look it's this exact thread again. This board has a serious lack of creativity

Communism and objectivism have a lot in common. Both are terrible and the things they want to do would never work in society because of simple logic and human nature.

How come Sup Forums users seem to post like sociopaths yet once someone mentions Atlas Shrugged everyone seems to turn into a nice empathetic person?

altruism is a sociopathic trait

we're contrarian. we hate everything including ourselves.

Sup Forums users usually post like sociopaths because anonymity lets them troll as much as they want. However, in the real world even they have people and things they care about, so they don't like objectivism.

Literally the opposite

because being an anonymous internet sociopath and being a real-life sociopath are not the same

It's a little dated I guess, but the Gary Cooper/Patricia Neal version of "The Fountainhead" is probably as good as an Ayn Rand adaptation could possibly be. I liked it

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

commies out

>the movie sucked
So did the book, thanks for playing.

Stop posting this shit

>but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.

Perfect adaption

Atlas Shrugged the Movie tried to set the narrative in the future, thus ruining the retro world of the books, as well as having to give bullshit explanations for why trains are suddenly important.
And by the way, I always found Ayn Rand's obsession with trains to be laughable since the American Railway System only exists thanks to the government she so despises.

Well then just play Bioshock for Christ sake

I hate Ayn Rand.

Fuck off zack

you'd have to be a socialist cuck faggot to still be triggered by this copy pasta

>but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.
Well yeah, the trilogy was made solely so the dude that made it could keep the film rights.



The problem with people clinging onto the Atlas Shrugged ideology these days is that John Q fucking Public misses the point. In the book, it's the innovators and creators that are leaving so that the politicians who do fuck all are left with their dicks in their hands.

In REALITY, it's the fucking politicians who do fuck and the billionaires who would rather stockpile funds on an island than invest in the country who have convinced people that *they* are the innovators and creators and people believe them because they're too lazy to do an iota of research into claims.

>will we ever get a good ayn rand movie?

No, because we'll never get a good ayn rand book

>objectivism teaches that if you don't do anything you shouldn't get anything in return
>meanwhile ayn rand got welfare despite contributing nothing of value to society

Oh the irony

Why shouldn't billionaires move their money to an island if they wish? Why do you hate freedom?

What we need are more Quixote films.

So you're saying a society is healthy when a select few people have gotten to the top, an oligarchy if you will, for reasons ranging from building empires from the ground up to inheriting empires from grandad, and instead of reinvesting into the society that made them who they are so that it continues to function smoothly, they're good to move every bit of their spoils elsewhere regardless of the outcome being a much less stable society that prevents others from following that path? It's like if a 2nd grade class pulled together to make toys for everyone to play with, then when they were all done the big kid took everything they made and hid them and everyone else had to play with sticks and belly button lint.

Your opinion is fine if you're a millionaire, otherwise you're an idiot.

When Zack Snyder will direct Fountain of Head™.

Moving money to islands is symptom, not the issue itself.

They move their money because they don't want to give up half of it because your liberal friends said they should through the power of a ballot box,

Democracy is communism and taxation is theft, my friend. No matter how you slice it.

Oh I completely agree with that sentiment. I'm talking more from the standpoint of when is enough enough? Where are the people dumping a hundred mil into an infrastructure project with their name on it? Where are the people investing in new tech?

I get that a lot of that does happen, and that a lot of that kind of stuff can get bogged down in red tape, but the richest people are just money movers who want to build literal islands of money and wait out the end of times. That's a pretty shitty mentality and convincing people who don't even make a million a year that that's perfectly fine is a genius move on their part.

No cause the material does not lend itself to good movies. Both are fairly crappy stories in themselves. Also the ideology is pretty stupid but not the most retarded i have seen.

That money was given to them voluntarily by someone else. Why should you have a say in how it is spent?

You sound very unamerican.



>collectivism and objectivism are the only choices and there is nothing inbetween
what randcucks actually believe

>Atlas Shrugged


Not to mention, in the real world billionaires are easily replaceable.
All the people going to Galt's Gulch wouldn't have made a damn difference in the real world because in there are more than enough competent people in the world. And of course, Galt's Gulch should have collapsed due to infighting and all the logistical problems involved, especially since now the billionaires have to farm their own food in the mountains of Colorado.

thread full of triggered left cucks kek

>love the shit out of Bioshock
>start reading Atlas Shrugged because heard it was a major influence on the game

The disappointment.

I don't think so ... are there any good movies that were adapted from shitty books by Jews who were on welfare?



Bioshock Infinite is way better anyway, dont listen to what Sup Forumseddit is telling you

Is Objectivism the easiest ideology to troll with?

Ask someone form Hong Kong anything. I never got why collectivist cucks have against Ayn Rand. Her philosophy is shit because of her esthetic theories, her retardation in terms of theory of knowledge, theology, ontology, ... also being a terrible writer.

But people are triggered by individualism, literally the only thing she was right about.

yeah, it triggers commieshits and Sup Forumstards all the time

truly, the patrician choice

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

"Pathetic", you worthless little fuck.

I was quite civil with you and tried to help you out. You don't have even the slightest idea what you are talking about; not from the metaphysics, the epistemology or the ethics which a political ideology is derived from. Let alone have any idea at which point Objectivism and Libertarianism diverge and what the implications for each ideology is.

I am not going to try and explain to you here, that's why I referred you to the many free online courses at the Ayn Rand Institute. If you are interested in learning start with "Introductory Objectivism" and move to Peikoff's courses on Objectivism and the history of philosophy.?

that you?

Ironic a community of useless, lazy, unproductive youths hate Objectivism, no?

>Communism and objectivism have a lot in common
Both Jewish.

made you think, huh...

oy vey, amirite xD

dumb polshit

There's nothing well done about Atlas Shrugged like one of the dullest shitposts in the history of Sup Forums shitposts. Each shitpost following /lit/ NEETs and their pals from /r9k/ as they fight assorted kinographers has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the lack of film analysis the shitpost's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of images and pasta to make fantasy unfantastical, to make witchcraft seem plebeian.

Perhaps the die was cast when Quentin vetoed the idea of shitposting on /lit/. Posting the pasta on Sup Forums, he made sure it would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his (You)s. The shitpost might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly anti-intellectual in its refusal of critique and watching for the plot. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the shitposts are f-funny though

The writing is dreadful; the main text is terrible and the troll jpg isn't much better. As I read, I noticed that every time he shitposts, Quentin writes that "Atlas Shrugged is a God-tier form of art."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that shitpost was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several hundred thousand times. I was incredulous. The shitposter's mind is so governed by spamming and repetition that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of the shitpost by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of: "If these kids are shitposting at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you shitpost you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Triggered jewboi? :^)

Oh look! It's THIS thread again!

"hey, if you give us some money we will take care of your education and health" -the government
"ok, as long as I'm free to say as I like and sell what I like as long as it's legal" -average worker
"fair deal" -TG
Why can't it be that? A good blend of taking care of yourself and others?
Genuinely asking as a centrist on most everything so don't hate.

She paid her taxes like anyone else.

Why shouldn't she use it? Her taxes paid for it

Gameplay-wise, no.

Story-wise, of course not you fucking dunce, it's terrible there too

>Ayn Rand

>It's like if a 2nd grade class pulled together to make toys for everyone to play with, then when they were all done the big kid took everything they made and hid them and everyone else had to play with sticks and belly button lint.

Your metaphor is appropriate for modern economic systems, not for the laissez-faire capitalism that Ayn Rand and others speak of.

Supposedly, that's the Nordic model.


>Objectivism is god tier ideology


>sell what I like as long as it's legal
So free to sell the things your are free to sell but not that things you are not free to sell.

There is no such thing as taking care of yourself and never has been. What you think of taking care of yourself is just a lucky absence of problems or subtle parasitism on the work of others that you have mistaken as yourself.

not OP, but one of my favorite series

i like parts of objectivism such as it is displayed in those books, it made the preachiest segments tolerable

Free market would have delivered good Ayn Rand movies if there was actual demand, not just one imagined by libertards.


I've played them both, and I have to disagree.

I find the preachy segments so bad they're funny. Like when he kicks the old pacifist woman in the face, 10/10 comedy

Break altruism down.

The person giving is a sacrificial lamb while the person receiving is without value such that it has to be an altruistic act.

This is how socios view the world.

>meme coutnry who was basically nigger tier 100 years ago before they discovered oil

doesnt really count

Fuck off, Rand is shit.

>try to sell child for crack
>stopped by police
there's a reason that there are laws you retard. (for the most part)