ITT random plots that went nowhere

ITT random plots that went nowhere

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that hair tho

>went nowhere

OP is a faggot

The duck was used to illustrate that he was a pathetic clown that nobody respected and everyone bullied. When he was giving the duck beer everyone thought it was a great joke, but when he fed it whisky and it died, they instantly turned on him and blamed him for it entirely, despite being party to it and egging him on. Then they kicked him out of the bar.


Wait what, I don't watch Vikings but what the fuck is this shit? Explain this Chinese lady.

short version: Season 4 was a mistake
long version: About 4 episodes in they decieded that there is a chinese slave in Kategat and Ragnar makes her his personal drugdealer, only to kill her 6 episodes later because she knew his (((dark))) secret

meant for

Is it explained how she got there?
What is the drug? Don't tell me opium.

It was opium.

Corporate espionage in Westworld. All the shit about sneaking out info and using Dadbot again was a ruse

Everything in Breaking Bad not directly related to Walters downfall.

She was captured somewhere in an eastern land and then shipped to danemark. As far as I remember she even was the daughter of some noble family or something idk her whole plot was very confusing and not needed at all.

it was opium and other stuff

>a Finnish woman in a show about Vikings

What's the problem?

American horror story hotel. Since I just finished it. Lady Gagas baby and drill dildo demon just disappeared


Walter White buying a Mustang for his retarded son

Walking dead black helicopters

At least post the scene so the others can enjoy this masterpiece.


i thought that one episode is literally paid commercial
pretty sure vince talk about it in an interview, also admitted the goddamn the fly episode was filler

I remember watching the teaser for this in the cinema with the robbers' helicopter caught in the web between the two towers. Good times.

How about every single thing Arya did in seasons 5 and 6 of Game of Thrones?


My life.

You can always cancel the show, user.

>it's a Marie Steals Shit episode

I'll forever renew it because sometimes it gets comfy.

it was betel nut

its just on hiatus right now dont worry it will come back (>'')>

How about Dorne?

>Was it autism?

I'll never understand why they wasted time with shit like showing her talking to her psychiatrist when the show only had four or five episodes left

I might be too stupid to comprehend the meaning behind it all but it seemed rather random. I actually did enjoy it though, but not the ending.

Talking about the Wire. Everything wife related. Kima adopting a kid. McNulty trying to get his ex back. Daniel's wife nagging him. I'm actually surprised they didn't add a wife subplot for Bunk.

At least like 4 Sopranos storylines

the GOAT example is twin peaks season 2 when james runs away and starts fixing the older woman's car. the nadir of a sublime show.

Daniel's wife ended up running for city council so it at least made sense that she was so prominent. I don't know why they expected us to care about Kima's baby or her annoying ex-girlfriend though

those chinese just cant keep getting away with it!

the fly episode was character development. the two leads had been apart for some time. it was a bottle episode but it was one of the best in the series

>that moment a deconstruction of lame soap operas shits the bed and straight up turns into one

Whatever happened to those buildings any way?

Pretty normal character building. They do it in almost every drama.