So, Adam Driver confirmed that he (Kylo Ren) wears a mask throughout Episode VIII.


Judging from the leaked concept art of TFA, is it safe to assume that the general plot of all three movies is already pretty much written-out to some degree?

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Why does he wear the mask?
If he takes it off would he die?

something something painful for you

Tfa concept art was better than the movie.

The very first new characters they made were Kira(Rey) and Jedi Killer(Kylo). Kira in the early stages was still a scavenger. However she meets Luke early on and goes with him on a wild adventure. Its clear Luke wasn't blood related to her but writers didn't know how to make sure people wouldn't be more invested in Luke and ignore the new character. Jedi Killer was some alien/cyborg in the early stages but as time went on they made him look more human to seduce the heroine. Pic related is him and Kira.

Also by that stage Sam(Finn) was created.

>you're so fucking ugly and awkward looking the audience started to laugh so now you're forced to wear a mask in the following movies

top kek

He's hot tho

Their concept pics were more atmospheric than anything in the movie.

thready reminder that we could've gotten aryan teenage solo twins as the main characters

>Adam Driver confirmed that he (Kylo Ren) wears a mask throughout Episode VIII.

Is this a serious post or genuine autism? Do you seriously not understand what a joke is?

Here's Rey. Casting was open for all races. She kinda looks black here.

Only reason why Ridley got the role was because she was able to cry in demand in her audition.

No, I don't. Please explain, what is a "joke"? Is it a meme like "kino" or something?


Another concept of Rey.



Someone post the other concept art, with the landscapes and the young Han Solo.


I'm glad they did this, desu. Kylo's face was revealed exactly where it needed to be, covering him up with CGI during that scene was smart. Didn't even know it was CGI in the movie.



>we will never see this movie

Give me Luke Skywalker or fuck these movies


What did he mean by this?

I agree. Having him just stand there without the mask would have been a crap reveal.

I'm really glad they didn't make Kylo a generic jedi-hating cyborg, that would have sucked. Damn, TFA could have been even more safe and bland, props to JJ for not being totally unoriginal I guess.


Those TIE Fight visuals seems really cool. Seriously fuck JJ for doing the snap zoom and the IT AIN'T ME shot instead.

JJ did a great job with the visuals for like 90% of the movie but there were enough boneheaded modern camera moves that fucked it up. The Millennium Falcon snap zoom and the final closing spinning helicopter shot were shit. I liked the artsy Dutch Kylo Ren zoom though

>I'm really glad they didn't make Kylo a generic jedi-hating cyborg, that would have sucked. Damn, TFA could have been even more safe and bland, props to JJ for not being totally unoriginal I guess.

Yeah, making him the whiny bitch boy from grandma's boy was much better.

Why are these posters not getting IP banned? We'll be lucky if mods even delete it.

This would have been cool.


ronin luke is cool, sand memes are too rampant though
i want to see this scene with someone in it that matches Driver's physique
>hot stoic jedi girl and carefree fuccboi gunslinger movie never
instead of those we have iStormtroopers

leddit bullied poor George so hard he said fuck it and sold this shit

Too bad Kylo came off more like a virgin dweeb with rapey vibes than an intelligent and seductive dark mentor for Rey.

I'd say more like 70%. There were several shots that could have come straight out of the OT, but there's lots of little things that give away it's Abrams. The camera is far more dynamic than anything Lucas would ever do.

Hemi death star battering ram? I can dig it

Same can be said for every concept art.

Got to go now, sorry senpaitachi.


But the ones in the movie are great, they're very different but instantly recognizable as stormtroopers

Thanks for posting them


if they don't make rey fall to the dark side by the end of VIII and have kylo be redeemed it's gunna be shit




I'm not sure if they should have gone with practical effects or what but something was definitely lost in the movie's execution of this design.

Cool prop effects.

Leaks from MSW said that in VII he'll be a prop/CGI mix like Plunkar.

Had to be CGI in TFA because of the scale.

Looking at all of this concept art, this trilogy could've been so sick. Fuck.




It's because he is really ugly. Serious spoon face.

Still more successful than we'll ever be.


wtf hahahahaha

>the final closing spinning helicopter shot were shit.
This is one of the main reasons i hate TFA, fuck Abrams

okay, vote on where the VIII equivalent of "Hoth Battle" will take place:

a) jungle planet
b) volcano planet
c) sand planet
d) water planet
e) robot planet
f) fuck you, space


Concept for Snoke, later reused for Rebels show.

Snow planet

Dick planet
planet made of sentient dicks

so basically in your moms vagina?? gross

him appearing as a giant hologram doesn't stop them from doing it practically in any way, all they would need to do is film the prop in front of a green screen. they just did it CG because he was already partially concealed which meant it wouldn't make a difference to the viewer's perception



>nobody even noticed that snoke is an anagram of something

c'mon now

So have any other leaks sprung up for 8?
The force tree? Anything?


He was CGI in TFA because he only had one scene with no moving in a dark room so they didn't really have to finalize his design yet or commit to building a huge functional puppet.

Same reason Gollum looks so wonky in Fellowship. Just make him vaguely Gollumy and we'll figure out how we're gonna do him later when he's a real player.

awful, the movie ones are better

Nope, so far nothing about the crucial plot points.

I bet MSW has them all already but he's dripping it to milk the ad money.




you'd find a lot of movies of this type that follow this kind of pattern, where they start with a wide array of more radical art and then hone it into something a little more conservative. i'm just talking about movies where the environment and world are a big part of the film.

all those artists get to throw out their ideas early on, and remember that they're most likely creative professionals at the top of their field. and perhaps most importantly, they're adults creating what they think is interesting and provocative.

the filter all that creativity has to pass through afterwards is the demographic targeting. the limit to wild creativity is general appeal and coherence. the imagery and story need to be understandable by a wide range of people, and the maturity has to come down to accommodate the audience, which includes a children, midwesterners, china...

you're blaming abrams or disney for making bad decisions, but you're misplacing the blame. nobody actively thinks boring is better. and it isn't hollywood running out of ideas or talent, either.

it's just demographics. hollywood's successes have broadened the audience base to the point where you are no longer the target audience. in fact, nobody is, so much as the final product just needs to pass through the most number of cultural gates, so it naturally ends up a little bland.





Not a leak but production spent a long time on those islands off of Ireland. It's a good bet Rey and Luke are staying there for a while, possibly for training. A fight scene was filmed there as well.

That Crotia set is dope.

>mfw Rian makes Star Wars Great Again.


no eks?

yes... which in turn is an anagram of SNAKE... which in turn is a reference to the biblical snake... which in turn is a reference to lust... which in turn is a reference to satan... and satan, as we all know, is an anagram of...?

>Trouble in Little Chinatown reference in SW
Disney confirmed for bros

You could've just skipped a step and said Snoke looks a bit like the word Snake.

that thing is terrifying
please purge it

Another Snoke concept.

>A fight scene was filmed there as well

Pretty much confirmed. Driver was with them, was spotted on set and KoR-like figures also were spotted.

It is speculated, not sure where from, that KoR takes on Luke, he easily wipes them, Kylo goes after Rey and the venture in some sort of tombs.
I hope thats true, I want intense cat-mouse play in ''ghostly'' setting like that. A la ESB end but a lot more intense.

no fun allowed, huh? :^(


why can't carrie fischer look this good??? damnit



i hope snoke has a "twisted fucking psychopat" 'saber. like, curved like a pirate sword, with a light-piercing near the top of the blade and all made of pure black light, dripping blood

> all these fucking concepts and the only one that ended up used elsewhere was the creepy dude in the middle here

its what happens when the producing team goes into a meeting with the studio execs, showing off all this cool shit, and then them going. NO thats not marketable, no we need more callbacks, no we need mroe diversity.
whole movie changes

No one cared who he was until he put on the mask.

That's what concepts are for. Artists shit out a billion ideas for things and those get cut down and refined into the final thing.

is.. is she cutting up a star destroyer with a lightsaber..
thank god they didnt let EVERY terrible idea get through to the final cut, just most of them.