MDE World Peace cancelled because of Trump Support


How does it feel knowing that you can lose your job because of your political opinions?

Other urls found in this thread:

>found guilty of wrong think
What a time to be alive.

alt-fats btfo
breitfarts btfo
drumpfster divers btfo
Sup Forums btfo

this is serious

it's the '''''''''''''''''''''free'''''''''''''''''''''' market

Hahaha cry more alt-righters

trump won tho, i dont see anyone killing themselves because a show got cancelled..

Found guilty of wrongthink by the money rather than the government. I'm not sure what it means tbqh.


post yfw you will never work at the new york times

I know

She got schlonged.


Are yall gonna complain all fucking day up here? This is like the 7th thread I've seen in the last few hours.

Idk man, thats free enterprise. If adult swim feels they will have bad publicity cause of what these guys say and do, its totally within their right to fire them. If we were in the baby liberal land that these guys are afraid of then the government would be forcing networks to give all shows equal support

>because of your political opinions?

depends what they are
like for eg ur a klansman and ur also in the police force. imagine being such, in a predominantly black neighbourhood

fuck off nigger

says the guy with salty cheeks

are you gonna give me that source of yours yet about advertising or

are you still shaking

its that pent up frustration from getting whipped around like a ragdoll and getting btfo on every turn for the past few months. This is the first little mini win redditors and scumbag leftists have had in a very long time. Let them give Sam publicity for free ;)

All this shilling is a desperate cry for attention from Sam, once he gets past anger and bargaining into depression he'll khs and leave us in peace

people like to ignore the fact that the republicans maintined their voting numbers from the previous election but the dems lost a lot of their own voter base

>How does it feel knowing that you can lose your job because of your political opinions?
kinda sad and disgusted

facts have not mattered to murricans for a long time

Hate isn't a political opinion and shouldn't be seen as such, glad he got fired.

we did
we cried all the way to the white house

oh wait that was your tactic not ours


I know right

What crybabies lol

Actually scratch that last sentence, thats a shitty point. What I'm trying to get at is that in the perfect republican world companies can fire people for whatever reason they want, including political beliefs

>this balding skinnyfat cuck is supposed to speak for the right
No thanks, I'm glad he's gone. I can't get behind some weak piece of shit who doesn't even have a shred of self-respect and eats like a pig and doesn't exercise both his mind and body. FUCK HIM

go back to tumblr you worthless cunt

fucking liberals


>How does it feel knowing that you can lose your job because of your political opinions?

Same way it has always felt, you socially retarded autist. Every day people get fired for having the "wrong opinions". Owners are the autocrats in our society - it's called capitalism.

>we cried all the way to the white house

more of a sign of dem's failure than any repubs achievement

Look at these salty fucks. I'm laughing at yall.

They fire you for encouraging racism on television? On Cartoon Network of all places? Who knew?

Show was mostly shit though

Stick to youtube sammy its what you're better at

i know right

sam's a good writer

Maybe he should be funny next time.

Shows get cancelled all the fucking time what is he worried about?

I guess he's just trying to remain in the spotlight/relevant so he can attract new offers

What's an edgey channel now? HBO? Netflix? Something like that will throw him a bone


sam's gonna kill himself, he's got nothing to live for, the only question is whether he's gonna take others down with him


>the "nothing's wrong"man

yeah its pretty problematic when they people on the shows ironically talk about nazis or nazi symbolism pic related

When did he do that?

>ironically talk about nazis or nazi symbolism pic related

Sams a white nationalist who said on twitter that America should only allow immigration from white countries

that's because they're lazy and were brainwashed into thinking hillary was actually going to win

He should've kept internet racism where it belongs, on the internet. Let this be a lesson to you kids considering practicing this alt-right shit in real life.
Free speech? Yes, of course.
Consequence free speech? Lol no.

Smart man.

yeah id prefer milo to talk for us, a skinny faggot black cocksucker with a fake personality

They're a private company, can do what they like.

The market shall decide when they loser many ratings or when Hyde moves somewhere else.

Why are you all acting like children? Embarrassing.

>World Peace was an Alt-Right show

this bullshit meme needs to die

Sir Sam Hyde is fcking epic and hella funny, now back the fck off!!! *whips out a zweihander*

>People elect Trump because he promises to take on Wall Street and the establishment
>Not even a month after the election and he's already giving cabinet positions to known Wall Street insiders and establishment shills

And the best part is, they have no one to blame but themselves.

woh sam said stuff on twitter guys, everything he says on twitter and facebook needs to be taken at face value because we can't understand irony

name one celebrity who has never been in a cancelled show

ill wait

it's funny how people equate hate for nazis and nazism with agression against nazis and nazism

the means is perhaps comparable in that either kinds of groups would be violent against each other but certainly not in way of the context of their poltical goals

>its the "private company" designated shitposter

which contingent the libertarians? white nationalist? National socialist? anarcho capitalist? TCR?

well that's just dishonest

>Le its jus Ironic mate meme

It's that easy folks

no!!!!! trump will deliver, he promises us!!! the Alt-Right movement cannot fail!!! sieg hyde brothers!!!!!

If he said America should take in only muslims and africans, that would be apparently no problem. But to prefer christian europeans, that's too far out, dude.

>she could've put HER establishment in! why why whywhywhwywhwyhwy

No. He was just not funny. Not only that, he was a try hard. Like that kid in class who thinks he's smarter than everyone in Sonic Hedgehog trivia and a douche about it. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing some unfunny tryhard fail in life. Bonus points for crying like a SJW tumblrina. Muh repression. Muh underdog. Kek

Fascist cunt.

Beyond a meme. This is why the endless slide into socialism got the brakes slammed on hard this year.

>If he said America should take in only muslims and africans, that would be apparently no problem

Sure thang budddy

>i cant detect nuanced irony in anything because im 12
>i even think tim is serious all the time

Still waiting for the Trump gubmint to save Hyde as pol promised.

Seriously though, if you cannot see why AS wouldn't like to handle b2b business with MDE after all the youtube and twitter ironic shit you are beyond employment. And even I'm against AS for their decision ffs.

He was the embodiment of ITS JUST A PRANK BRO and this time it backfired and ended his career.


Why are you replying to me in meme-speak? If someone was posting something similar then they are correct.

they would've been fine with mde's ironic youtube and twitter bullshit if trump didnt actually win

8 years

it's not so much this as resigned to the idea that she was going to win because the culture created around the election made it seem inevitable and therefore did the opposite of galvansing people

The election was not for Trump to win but rather for Hilary Clinton to lose.

>article is written by: sam hyde

yeeeaaaaeeaaaahh i'm gonna call bias in this one


Of course, it's progressive and fair.

>w-what? n-no ive been called out!!!

Sam "i-it wasn't m-me! it w-was my a-assistant!" Hyde?

literally the living definition of "c.uck"

back to primary school, acne-ridden rednecks

this would be more interesting if sam hyde was actually funny

Me on the left

>you will NEVER be as finished as Sam

Feels good man

Pointing out hypocrisy is not whining.

>post yfw you will never work at a cable channel

You are a child.

>not seeing irony
stop pretending to be retarded even the "assistant" comment was obvious as fuck

noting the irony of trump's cabinet is not mutually exlusive with support for clinton

This comes after he called up Tim Heidecker crying about not being able to afford health care and begging him to get his show back?

What a fucking pussy - how bout some personal responsibility?

The show was shit anyway.

t. blockhead joe

but he just did

and all this controversy is going to end up helping them anyway

So what?

Learn to grow up and pick yourself up after you fall.

If you really want to help, just try to get someone else to pick his work up.

>Literally crying for weeks straight

What a fucking loser.

>and all this controversy is going to end up helping them anyway




well on the bright side he has testimony about his dick.