ITT : series only you miss

ITT : series only you miss

Saw was a pretty fun puzzle series, really not too much else like it out there

>Saw got a fucking game

>Saw got TWO games
I unironically thing the second game is great. The twist was pure kino.

SAW was the first game I just couldnt complete. The first trap from the first game specifically. Fuck

The first trap? You mean the very first trap with the bear trap? It's literally a quick time event.

How was this even a thing?

Sorry I'm a little high I meant the pipe level from the first game

pls dont bully just because they lack a triple aaa budget

For the quick development time / low budget they were bretty good. Second was a damn fine game.

Friday The 13th

>ywn create a crazy successful film series with your film school bro

Saw 8 is coming out next year.

I miss this series too.

If it doesnt take place 20 years later with some future traps or the government isnt using traps as a way of corporal punishment it will be shit

I actually wonder how they will bring back Tobin Bell as Jigsaw. Hopefully no supernatural stuff.

The next one will be kino.
>jigsaw's corpse is dug up and stolen
>directed by spierg brothers (predestination, daybreakers)
>tobin bell confirmed for flashbacks
>scored by charlie clouser once again
>longest shoot of any saw film (about 46 - 48 days)
>main trap will take place in a barn on a farm, main trap will be a lot more contained like the bathroom in the first movie
>one trap will involve a car and four motorcycles (3 of which will crash) in an underground warehouse, spike strips involved
>most locations used in the film are actual locations rather than sets
>donna evans will return to die in a trap
>ryan (survivor of public trap in saw 3d) is returning

I think I've been on the chans for too long...

> mfw Saw series is one of my guilty pleasures and Mark Hoffman is unironically in my top 10 bad guys in movies
> mfw finding out Sup Forums loves it

This. My dad took me to most of them the day they came out since he loved the first. My fondest memory was when my mom decided to tagalong for the third. Good times.
Nowadays I wish death in my sleep.

My nigga

I'm really glad it's not a reboot, something I enjoyed about the Saw series was trying to keep track of the convoluted series of events and reading autists trying to come up with theories, would be lame as fuck if they just said "fuck it lets start again lol"

IDK, i would love to see a cyberpunk SAW

my gf and I would stay up all night designing our own intricate traps for people we knew based on their personality flaws, was top fun and would probably get us arrested now adays

a cyberpunk SAW could still be canon, just say someone in the future is inspired by Jigsaw and feature some of the established younger characters as older

could be about a Ted Kaczynski type who punishes people with the technology they commit misdeeds with

Would watch

I hate those kind of games but the voice acting was beyond poor

First two were really tight and intense thrillers, but then they went full torture porn with the third one and I stopped watching.

There's a new one next year. To be honest, I wasn't a big fan, since it was pretty much the same movie over and over again, and when they finally did something different in Part 8 they fucked it up by not having a big enough budget.