Who else is pumped for Season 2? I need more Obergruppenführer Smith in my life

Who else is pumped for Season 2? I need more Obergruppenführer Smith in my life.

Get out stormweenie, no one likes your antisemitic filth.

The show isn't even antisemitic faggot. The Nazis are the bad guys.

Fuck off.

Shockingly bland show. Only likes Smith and 2 of the Tojos. The rebels suuuuck diiiiick

When will this be back?
Only the noods of the lead girl can make this shit redeemable.

Smith will betray his Fuhrer because of his son. Lame predictable and full of lies.

>show where hitler saves the world from another world war
Only movie/show I know of where the Nazis aren't the memelord of evil.

Ubik adaptation when?

This. They suck so bad I want them to lose. I guess now we know what a rebellion made out of hipster weenies would look like, bunch of dull sadsacks. Every time they go back to them, especially to Juliana, Joe, or Frank, all I can think of is someone dropped (vigorously shoehorned) the plot of Twilight into this series.

>Nazis are villains in TMITHC

wut, if anything it's the Japanese.

The Nazis want to develop the atom bomb so they can take the whole globe over or whatever. That's why the nazi traitor tried helping the Japs out so they could go with MAD

nazis already have the atom bomb you fucking moron

is this a decent show?

i want to watch a good nazi show/movie

I lost interest about 5 episodes into it.

I really, really wanted to like it but it moves a tad too slow for my liking.

They will probably step up the bad nazi narrative this season. I like the series because it's asthmatically pleasing.


Made me laugh.

A world ruled by nazies wouldnt have any problems with niggers and muslims

just sayin

>hated the first episode, thought it was completely terrible
>kept watching because I'm retarded and do things that go against my best interest
>hate everything poochiana does can't stand her storyline
>like everything else especially ubergrouponfuhrer

I sort of just want to read the book though

Or with Mexicans
The world would literally be better for whites

Sorry your show is so forgettable that I forgot a small detail

yeah but they would also hate people that spend 18 hours a day on Sup Forums. So into the incinerator for you, lad

>inb4 user tries to imply he's a normalfag

>being this retarded
>blames it on other people

Or autism, fas, etc. Hitler's eugenics plan wasn't even extreme.

Fuck yeah bro. Rufus Sewell's character is dank af

That's actually not a small detail though. That's a huge plot point that drives the entire japanese storyline. I don't know how you can forget that but no reason to get defensive.

God you've got me riled up hard.

When does it come out?

It's a small detail. Wow I thought the Nazis were close to having nukes developed instead of already having them developed. Such a massive difference! Sorry, Amazon Prime!

last episode it's set up so that Hitler is the good guy, and the viewers are cheering him on as he and Smith foil the assassination attempt

Only bad part of the show is even though frank is getting woke he still turns flopdick and spends all his money to help buy fucking Joe out of jail - the fucking Nazi who is going to cuck and [maybe] kill him. Frank should have put his foot down with Juliana and told her that Nazi faggot could rot.

>major plotpoint goes over your head
>act indignant online

fucking why

Book world isn't as good. Believe it or not the TV show has built a more believable world and the existence of weird unforgeable alternative history film reels is way more interesting than what happens in the book.

>tfw the least interesting characters are the protagonists


>The rebels suuuuck diiiiick

That's only because Juliana is a terrible fucking character When she let Joe go I just stopped watching the episode. It was so fucking stupid I couldn't believe she actually did it

Captain trips is right though bro. I mean it's definitely not a minor detail. The Germans won the war by nuking D.C. and the entire pacific states half of the plot revolves around the Japanese trying desperately to avoid a war until they can steal the plans for the 'Heisenberg Device'.

Totally believable tho. Woman makes irrational decision b/c Joe gives her vagina tingles. Oldest story in the world. Frank is a cuck.

You are a faggot

>One of the only jews left is a cuck

Your show is forgettable. Make it more memorable and I won't forgot random bullshit.

Dropped this show after 3 or 4 eps, pretty boring and uninteresting.