It's been almost 9 years, Sup Forums

it's been almost 9 years, Sup Forums

how has it held up?

It was never good. Ledger gives a great performance, that's it. Awful direction, writing, action.

what was wrong with the plot?

No more dead cops

is Christopher Nolan the most Sup Forums director in Hollywood?


I remember watching it in the theater with no expectations and was blown out how great and fresh it was. Then after laughing my way through the mess called TDKR, I decided to go rewatch it and it felt almost as bad. Ledger was literally the only redeeming quality.
Surprisingly, out of the whole trilogy, Batman Begins holds up best

Still hasn't been surpassed yet.

TDKR ruined the whole trilogy retroactively, didn't it


Solid 8.5/10 film, and the best comic book film ever made.

Well, kinda.

But the movie also had a scene where Morgan Freeman lectured Patrick Bateman about the ethical problems of surveillance even when it's used to catch a dangerous terrorist.

I was in on the ARG, I got free tickets the show before the wide release, and they used my name in the film.

I didn't like it

I like how you dont dispute the shit action directing

And? Sup Forums are anti mass surveillance

that's because it's pretty undefendable

TDKR especially had horrendous fight choreography. I kind of liked the penthouse fight in TDK though

you tell me

The action is fine.

The lack of cohesion in the editing is more than made up for by the emphasis on physical effects and stunt work.

The "oh shit that was awesome" parts still make me grin on rewatches. For example,

1) After Batman flips the truck and does that instant 180-degree turn.

2) Batman kicks that guy off the roof, then everyone else follows him.

Both of these had more impact than anything in BvS or the Marvel films, because the world is so grounded.

>1) After Batman flips the truck and does that instant 180-degree turn.

Jesus wet how old are you, 12?

there was an ARG?

Still better than most shit today. Still holds up.


"How old are you" says the edgelord posting from his phone with autocorrect errors. It's okay to enjoy things dude.

Ya, a bunch of websites with hidden passwords and recorded messages. It was pretty neat

It has yet to be surpassed.

Every capeshit that has come after it has been awful with 0 replay value.

>they used my name in the film


Civil War was pretty good

These desu. Heat was the only thing that raised this movie above mediocrity. Replace him with Leto and this movie would be worse than TDKR

What is Winter Soldier

>it's not about money, it's about HONKA HONKA

>tfw you'll never have that feel of seeing the joker card at the end of the Begins for the first time again, "I'll look into it"
>tfw you'll never that feel of seeing the trailer for TDK for the first time again and getting hyped out of your mind, "evening commissioner"
cape flicks peaked with this

Kinda. I was so high on the hype train for TDKR it took me a while to realize it wasn't a very good film. Both on it's own and as a Nolan Batman. Tbqh, seeing how good the last one was it was stupid to expect otherwise

TDK didn't have bane
i like memes though

I didn't make any errors.

It gave us a great meme

but baneposting is a cancerous meme

I still can't get over that awful actor they chose to play Rachel. Fucking horrible.



First one is pretty bad, second one is pretty good, third one is really bad. Nothing has changed.

not him but to be fair enjoying these things is pretty childish. Why not the dialog between joker and batman in the interrogation room that is a better reading of the joker than any comics? why not nice details like switching the adress of where dent and the gf will be blown up? or what dent's fall from grace represents to gothan

Batman Begins was great

>He uses the term cancerous
Go back man


>I was 8 when begins came out
>tfw will never have that feel
>tfw never saw the trailer
>tfw it was only explosions and cool super heroes to me and I had to pick up the important stuff as I rewatched it multiple times years later

how come this guy died after getting his mouth sliced?

she was better than katie holmes you stupid fucking cuck

Not as good as the sequel.

What made this movie great was that it set boundaries. The villain isn't taking over the world or destroying it and Batman has the limits of a human man. So much capeshit is so over the top it's unwatchable. Great casting, good story, pretty well done. A solid 8/10 movie.

he couldn't rap anymore so he gave up on life

Capekino, literally.

So "Jesus wet" is an actual thing? Is that a meme from your high school class or something?

Where did he leave his spawn suit?

Well forgive me for listing 2 short moments that had a lot of impact, instead of every other great moment in the film. This isn't "stop liking things I don't like", it's "stop liking things I like in a different way"... and I'm the childish one.

friday night makes people salty

I watched it again recently and loved it just as much as before. It has such a great sense of momentum, it almost never lets up. This is especially impressive for such a long film.

>tfw rewatched that trailer over and over again for days when it came out

This. A million times this.


9 years and an avalanche of capeshit flicks and TDK still has more iconic scenes than all of them put together.


is there a more cucked girl in all of anime?

Still great- only problem is directing of the fight scenes