Itt: kinos plebs pretend to dislike so they can appear contrarian and cultured

itt: kinos plebs pretend to dislike so they can appear contrarian and cultured


>it's boring! there's no dialogue!



Did they miss all the dialogue about Tom Hardy's fur?


No its boring because there is no plot or characters. I agree if people meant that it would be a dumb complaint.

you first birdman and inarritu are hot garbage

Exhibit A:

Birdman is based kino

OP likes circlejerking, so he loved Birdshit, absolutely worthless.

Couldn't agree more.

>this triggers the redditard

It's top tier plebfilter

Exhibit B:

Latinos filmmakers movies (like this on) wont be in EEUU cnemas anymore because of Trump.

Stop getting your news from Facebook

Emily stone ruined it kek anyone liking this is fucked in the head

Dubs confirm this triggers the (((((redditors)))))

It was a good movie except for Stone's high school level acting.

>still triggered it was shitskin free
>still triggered it makes fun of your capeshit
Embarrassing to say the least



>my room temp-iq won't allow me to understand anything more than capeshit, but I'll pretend I can actually appreciate films by hating anything I don't get ! Look I also posted this collage of entry-level movies to make it look like I know about cinema!!11

>likes circlejerking,
>so he loved Birdshit,
nice non sequitur rebbit

Boyhood is pure kino, one of the best cinematic experiences I've ever had in recent years.

It's like everything Ozu tries to do in Tokyo Story, but on a more intimate level.

No, I'm a fan of Linklater but Boyhood was garbage

Plebs ACTUALLY think this movie is about music and use that retarded notion to criticize it

>ahah wiplash is shit!! my fellow gentlemen on r/jazz know better than that ! fake "jazz" for the commoners! shit flick! *tips*

Boyhood is actually really bad, its script is very poor.

Y'all think birdman is deep? Y'all think its art now? Embarrassing for even this board

>no plot or characters
>in a visual medium

Besides being a retarded complaint, it's still wrong. Domnhall, DiCaprio and Hardy's characters were all great and there was a very morally tense plot


Its not a perfect masterpiece like a lot of people were saying it was. But all the underage "LE IT TOOK 12 YEARS TO MAKE" memes were the most unsuffrable things on the planet.

right on this fag's movie's cover

Tokyo Story was more about the relationship between adults and their elderly parents. Good Morning would be a better comparison because it parallels the generational gaps and the misunderstanding that comes from it.

Boyhood is the biggest casual filter that I can think of.

Virtually every respectable critic on the planet has praised this film, but the self-proclaimed patricians on this board insist on hating it.

holy shit stop posting you massive retard. you are embarassing

>Virtually every respectable critic on the planet has praised this film
that's because it's a movie made for critics

ITT Birdman fans are apparently spergs

I love Birdman because I love theaters, especially the backstage areas

Oscarbait theaterfag core?

It's garbage.

What does that even mean?

>there are people on this board who cant recognize basic happenings in the industry

it means it's a movie that caters specifically to the kind of people who love the smell of their own farts

It has practically no story, the dialogue is beyond bland, the acting is stiff and robotic with the exception of some brave attempts from Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke to resuscitate the whole thing.

The protagonist is an incredibly boring, unambitious kid who experiences no growth whatsoever and whose biggest drama in life was being dumped for being too boring until he reaches college where he discovers the wonders of shrooms

The "LE 12 YEARS" isn't necessarily a dumb meme, people repeat that because it's the only gimmick this movie puts forward. Well that and the "slice of life" bullshit which nobody can actually define other than "like a regular life drama but with no drama"

>the movie is bad because people who know more about film than I do say it was good
>proceeds to criticize the movie like a professional critic would

Same thing can be said for Birdman, based Keaton didnt even win. Just proving how the academy knows nothing and Birdman didnt deserve best picture.

people who know more about art than you gush over a black rectangle on a white canvas

Reminder that OP is an autist and not cinematically literate.

Boyhood is shit. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry but all of this feels like the criticism of someone who just doesn't understand what makes a film good.

It's the same criticism people make of 2001: A Space Odyssey or Tree of Life, "yeah it's got it's gimmicks but nothing actually happens"

Boyhood is a film that operates as the antithesis to canned-drama. There's not a typical structure, there's not a big overarching conflict. It's full of pseudo-philosophy bullshit that all teenagers make.

And all of that is it's strength, because all cinema wants to speak about something real, something we all feel but can't really articulate until we see it on screen. And in that sense, Boyhood is one of the most intimate examinations of human development ever created. It's a fly on the wall in the life of all young men, and that's why it's such a quietly profound film.

that argument only works if you can identify with this young man and I seriously pity anyone who can. Of course we all spewed pseud bullshit when we were teenagers, but that hardly makes me feel attached to teenagers who do it now. Which is where the growth problem comes. If anything, Mason is more of an annoying know-it-all by the end.

2001 and Tree of Life had stunning visuals and compelling characters which this movie lacks but more importantly, they tackled huge issues. Humanity's place in the universe, the search for God at your lowest, the life of one vs many, etc. What issues does Boyhood tackle? Growing up? Mason never grows up

Is there anything more retarded than calling Birdman "oscarbait"? It's the most unsafe winners of recent times.

I think that certain elements definitely catered to critics but at least they dressed it up a little. King's Speech and The Artist were much worse offenders

more like the other way around, this shit movie is pretentious as fuck and only liked by pretentious hipsters

standard boring revenge story with some nice snow shots...

that's not a movie but an animated gif

Michael Keaton's performance I can understand but the end of the day he didn't get it