MDE World Peace cancelled because of Trump Support

Hyde wrote an article about MDE being canceled

Welcome to Trump's America and its backlash

Other urls found in this thread:

that title is literally clickbait

The editor probably wrote it

Who cares?

>it's a "le alt right faggots victimising themselves" episode

He is one step closer to the edge
And he's about to

>be a neo nazi
>get your own show
>have a neo nazi literally became president
>your show is still cancelled
top fucking kek lads, has one man been cucked harder than this?

>it's a leftists pretend they aren't fascist thought police episode

if he flips I hope he goes to Soros' house and kills him.

but he's waaaacist

>fascism is when a private company cancels your show

Isn't it past your bedtime?

hyde should trying writing jokes and maybe his show won't get canceled next time

The difference being that you have to make fun of everything, not just the left/right spectrum.

There's no "next time" when you're blacklisted. lol

Do we really 50 fucking threads about this cuck every day? We get it, he got cucked out of his show, now he's a cuck. How much more can really be said about this?

Yes, and you'll post in every single one of them until they 404 like a fucking baby

because of nu-males throwing a temper tantrum and pressuring them for purely political reasons

The ratings were great

Imply it wasn't part of his plan.
Imply he isn't going to be making more sheckles.

cool I'm going to start a business and only hire white people, everyone is fine with that yeah? i mean it's my private company, I'll even refuse services to nonwhites.

Right, so not fascism, just social pressure. Do you really not know the difference?

not gunna lie, that was really well written.

the show sucked though.

So if I used social pressure to ruin your life because you're, say, gay, would that be a bad thing?

That wouldn't be fascism, but it would break some laws in some countries.

Jesus Christ how many of you are in junior high? Do you not know what words mean?

>It's a "leftist pretends to care about liberty when it works in their favour" episode

It is understandable how confused so many "artists" are that their stupid leftist dogma is being challenged. To them, it's kind of like seeing some kind of scientific phenomena but not being able to make sense of it. They don't even have the equipment to be able even to begin to comprehend what we're talking about.

Too many gays on TV anyway

RIP Ham Hyde

Joel Stein:
>the limits of irony have been misplaced and forgotten

God this guy is literally the most eminently unlikable, disgusting little cocksucker that has walked the planet for a very long time. Literally a walking movie bad guy, the kind of guy you just want the hero to fucking punch in the face at the end of the movie.

jesus christ at least fucking spell check before you meme.

Brad neelys show destroyed mde, and they only keep 1 show when cn premieres pilot series. So jokes on him.

I'm going to laugh when Mike Pence (tm) Increased Media Restrictions for Make Restore Glorious Free Speech fuck Hyde in the ass.

mmm yeah it's not fascism but it's persecuting someone for their political beliefs which is wrong and like you said against the law.
adult swim payed for the show and an entire season was made and it's only getting canceled because of sjw's thought policing.

So people who keep saying BUT MDE HAD GOOD RATINGS are ignoring two things;

The show followed Eric Andre, which had higher numbers, which meant viewers dropped off after it aired.

Also MDE cost a lot more money to make then Eric Andre does. He scoops up celebs on press tours; they don't actually pay for them. Their studio time per season recording is 2 days: one for all his destruction bits, one for all the guests. The second parts of his show are just him and a camera man doing shit on the street with a handicam that they film over 5 days.

The production time and costs of MDE WP were significantly more; it wasn't making a return on profit.

You alt-right faggots are all for the free market; unless it disagrees with you. You cucks are worse than Murdoch and I find it fucking hilarious that because of the way Sam is lashing out right now means a) he'll never work professionally outside the internet again, and b) no one even slightly right of center will ever be able to get a show made again; but hey at least you guys got a puppet elected president so you win alpha bros i hope those salty liberal tears sustain you and you don't die of dehydration. [Spoiler] drinking salt water is bad for you but you guys don't really accept science or critical thinking tho do ya

>Also MDE cost a lot more money to make then Eric Andre does

This is the most butthurt post I've ever read on this site, calm down dude.

the showed was RENEWED BY EXECUTIVES when the first season aired

..still isn't fascism, user

>You cucks are worse than Murdoch

no! you were doing so well.

try again next time kiddo.

>alt right cuck got blacklisted after 6 episodes


the headline and name of the thread are lies. you should be ashamed. sams show was cancelled because his fanbase are literally nazis and he posts rambling crazy shit on social media like how someone should storm into that pedophile pizzeria and investigate, which some hick with a gun actually did. he's the definition of the type of "toxicity" networks actively avoid. they gave him a chance and he fucked it up with his meta edgelord schtick

No! Mr Hyde don't take your anger out on me! Get back, get back! M...MR HYDE NOOOOO!

prove it

I don't give a fuck I know it's wrong but I cannot sympathize with anyone who voted for Trump

You're fucking retarded if you voted for hillary, trump is slightly better but still shitty.

A. bait
B. moron
C. pathetic
D. all of the above
E. (((none of the above)))

Sounds like you need to return to reddit

He's blacklisted because of the bitching he did about AS before, during and after the show was cancelled. No network is going to hire someone who badmouths them. If I went online and shit on my boss by name, i'd have a hard time finding another job too.

Maybe I should be retarded and call it blacklisting and censorship; that's sure to get me another job.

>"H-he him being racist, sexist, saying nigger and faggot was just a joke, it's all satire."

Fuck off right back to Sup Forums kiddies.

Adult Swim is a private company, they can hire and fire who ever they want.

literally nothing wrong with some trap boi fuckin

not fascism. also people are quicker to side against nazis and bigots than with them, so you'd probably lose that PR battle too. you sound dumb

I voted for him honey :)

>persecuting someone for their political beliefs
>against the law
lol you faggots are so delusional, it's obvious you never had a job or even set foot into the real world. Google employment-at-will doctrine and save yourself hours of crying on the internet about free speech when you get fired from your first job at McDonalds at 38 years old for trying to preach to your coworkers about white genocide.

adult swim cancelled the show because they don't want to be associated with alt right nazi retards because it's bad publicity. are you literally retarded? I don't understand how you don't get this.

nobody said it's against the law you gigantic reddit-using nu-males

he went on Tim Heideker's podcast and basically threatened to sic Sup Forums on him for being a meanine

go to wiki
not as butthurt as sam was when he called tim crying about not being able to afford healthcare and begging to get his show back - what sort of fucking beta can't even get enough money together to buy basic health care?
murdoch is a cuck; read his papers from a non US country
A because look at all the replies I'm getting

I will never be able to find people like you and give you the beating of a lifetime

I listened to it, that didn't happened at all

Sup Forums is averaging about 9 threads a day on Sam Hyde and MDE.

If you all hate him so much, why keep giving him so much attention?



It feels me with euphoria that I get to watch his suffering as he fades back into nothingness.

except for the polcucks crying censorship!

would beating someone make you feel better about your micropenis? not that I think you could actually beat anyone, you'd need a modicum of testosterone for that, and if you had that you would need to live vicariously through Trump, pol and racism.

Prediction: The cancellation will cause their youtube channel to skyrocket and they'll be in the same league as h3h3 by next year.

Leftists always care about liberty, user. Notice that the ACLU defends Nazis and the KKK in court, not any right-wing organization. Just because a private company fires someone for tweeting alt-right bullshit and creating a mad image for the parent company doesn't make it fascism.

>has the chance to defend himself in his own words
>still can't resist putting the blame on a mysterious "bernstein" with shadowy connections and then make a circumcision joke after that
why even deny that you're preaching white nationalist shit if you're just going to out yourself every 5 seconds?

what trump policies do you support user? supply side economics?

This. They want to be associated with alt-left SJW retards.

>He's still whining

When is he going to neck himself?

Because Sup Forums doesn't hate him

Sup Forums keeps posting them and Sup Forums are very easy to bait.

Prediction: his subscriber count has decreased by 20 since cancellation - I don't see that happening

>assumes i have a penis

sexist biggot fuck I am a strong women and capable of beating you up

Okay so if it's not against the law, why are you so fucking triggered bitching like a little fucking cunt bitch alt-right weenie? No fucking different from the tumblr lefties.

Go back to your safe space I fucking dear you cunt, I will fucking demolish you. Where you at fag, will personally fly out to beat your fat ass.

you're a weak virgin who was bullied in school please don't make me laugh anymore

counter-prediction: the cancellation is going to open rifts between the people in MDE doing it for the comedy and the ones obsessed with politics and it all collapses hilariously

His fault for being alt-right

>murdoch is a cuck

literally the most based man on the planet.

No you're a lower class whitey taking out your impotent rage on an anime image board.

I literally quoted someone who was saying just that, you gigantic nigger.

pol won't stop baiting because they're on a mission from god to save the white race from their parents basements

If the ratings were great, they would've kept it. South Park is still on despite getting tons of complaint for years.

hyde and others said so


okay cunt be sure to not bring any of your fag ass friends else they will eat lead

I was the bully

>his subscriber count has decreased by 20 since cancellation
Not true btw

mate it's his fault for not making a funny tv show

Is he a neo nazi? Many people can be racist while not being a national socialist. I am pretty sure trump is not by definition a nazi as well, despite the fact i hate him.

Also how does someone figuratively become president? What was the point of saying 'literally'? Is english your first language? I am actually curious as to your level of education, because your command of the language is bad enough that I'd bet you went to a good american college.

there are bad things that are not illegal

Judd Apatow didn't personally approach Comedy Central's head to get him to cancel it

>he's blacklisted
[citation needed]

literally no evidence that he is "le blacklisted"

>Trump wins
>Sup Forums starts swinging left after 8 years

what does this mean? under afa premiums have risen slower than under bush and are only now going to be on track with market projections. also 30 million more people with insurance, elimination of crushing medical debt, can't be rejected for preexisting conditions, etc. which part of that do hillbillies disagree with?

You sniff your own farts.

>people keep spinning this narrative that because he said he cant afford health insurance (i bet that isn't true anyway) he's on foodstamps or borderline suicidal.

dude has just banked close to 80k on books. he got 40k from AS. he lives free of rent and gets 2k pm in patreon money.

but yeah, keep that projection going :^)

anyone here preorder how to bomb the united states government

ordered for myself and should be the best gift I get of the year desu

It's more about it being his fault for making a terminally unfunny show

he's blacklisted

>company fires employee for political discrimination
As a capitalist, this appalls me. You shouldn't let politics get in the way of economic efficiency.

>Judd Apatow didn't personally approach Comedy Central's head to get him to cancel it
no but it's had tons of outcry, generally from pearl-clutching good Christian mothers back in the 90's

>Its a HEALTH INSURANCE episode.


Adult Swim viewership declines slowly for four years until totally imploding, with zero new good shows for the remainder of their existence. A few attempts made by producers to understand why their viewership is declining, resulting in clean scrubbed unfunny "edgy" shows trying to appeal to what they realize (in several future years) was actually a bigger part of their target market than they had recognized. By then, it's too late, and just like Hollywood, they will fail because trying to force "art" isn't possible. They will try to fake edgy cool shows but people will see through it, remembering the fundamentally disgusting move they made this past week. It will never leave them again.

MDE spends some time in dormancy, thinking, creative juices flowing. There is some financial trouble, but gets that shit together and works his ass off to make the best things that he has ever made. Reaches a wider viewer base through sites like GAB and VOAT, Sup Forums and elsewhere. New opportunities arise and before long is making some of the best shit ever. His career flourishes. Meanwhile, Decker has gone to being seen as a lame old dude and his show is played out and unfunny at this point. People remember how he treated Hyde and the new comedians and they can't forget that while watching his stuff anymore. It makes it impossible for people to enjoy it.

AS dies a long slow death and is never seen as relevant again. All because they chose to treat other artists and creatives like trash instead of having the will and ability to listen and try to understand someone else's perspective.

yeah but tranny hookers and fatty food are expensive

>it's ""persecution"" to discontinue a show you paid for because you don't like it anymore
>an autistic fanbase, bad publicity and fucking blackface backlash certainly aren't factors here
What is wrong with the lot of you retards?