Who here hyped for Bioshock:The movie...???

Who here hyped for Bioshock:The movie...???


ugh, Sup Forumseddit...???

This actually looks really fucking kino.

>doubting /ourguy/ Dan

epic, Sup Forums

I don't get it

>I don't get it

>you average capeshit Sup Forumsedditor

Hey, they're rebooting The Road to Wellville

>Bioshock: the movie

Looks like absolute garbage

literally Gore Verbinski, the guy who started making the Bioshock movie that got cancelled, reusing stuff from it

>slow moody cover song trailer


It has water in it, it's about the only similarity I saw...

Not the user youre replying to but this shot seems to carry some of the 50/60's aesthetics of Bioshock.

Shhh it's the only way he'll get clicks

this is literally the ending of BS1, wtf

>tfw no actress perfect enough to play her

literally Alexandra Daddario

pic related, maybe?

Alexandra Daddario is like 6'0" and 35 years old, I can't see that working.

Jenna Coleman

too old

Nailed it


Elizabeth is like 20 and Deschanel is in her 40s....

Idk if she can do an American accent, but she's the right age and has the right features (dark hair, blue eyes, not tiny but not model-tier tall)


literally wrong