What was wrong with it

what was wrong with it

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too many comedic misfires

I remember seeing a copy of this at hollywood video everytime i went when i was a babbyboy

The meme that Evolution was some misunderstood comedy classic needs to end. Tried watching it again last year and it was boring as fuck.

I used to love this movie, and it's still pretty damn good if dated.

Really liked this movie as a youngling

haven't seen it in years but as a kid I liked it, but animated series was much better

Baby boy? This came out it 2012

its not a Comedy Kino
its more of a Comfy Romp

They nicked Spider Jerusalem's logo

2001 actually

Fucm off with the 2001 911 meme

STFU retard


You're really making yourself look stupid dude

I hope you've all got your head and shoulders.

Both of you look really stupid



Shit I thought I was the only one who felt this way.

I just didn't find it funny even as a kid but I knew people who loved it.

The only line anyone seems to remember though is the lubricant line.

Did you steal this from my aunt's facebook page?

Anyone can edit IMDB

Nonsense. Aykroyd's ham-ass general character saying something about "No-nose monkey", SWS singing to attract the flying one, the whole retarded head and shoulders thing

it's a unique movie

I am your Aunt, richie

then change it back before someone gets the wrong idea, i can't figure it out!

It was just one big ad for Head & Shoulders. Fuck this shit movie

I love this movie and watch it annually but it just isn't that funny. The best part of it are the monster designs and when a joke lands, it really lands.


No. Fuck you. This movie was shit.