Eliminate all white characters from the original comics except for Spiderman

Eliminate all white characters from the original comics except for Spiderman.

Holy shit this looks horrible

The shaved asian chewbacca in the background just needs a wheelchair and it'd be every 90s after school special


There's an uncomfortable amount of truth to this.

The cast looks ridiculously rainbow, but that's actually how it used to be in old 90s cartoons.

Why is Tom so cute?

It's magnified by the fact he's the only white in the picture.

No, he's just cute

but Gwen

Let's look beyond the casting choices for a second. This movie straight-up does not look good—too much focus on Avengers world-building, too little aesthetic differentiation from every other MCU movie, too much reliance on the iconography of the Raimi trilogy.

No Spider-Man movie will ever be as good as SPIDER-MAN 2.

Only one I don't like is Flash. He looks like a onmisexual tranny cousin of the fat Columbian from modern family. Doesn't fit the character at all.

and as we all know, a fundamental part of keeping the integrity in comic books is to have characters maintain their race, otherwise pfftthahahAHAHAHAHA

you triggered little Sup Forums kids are so fucking precious

baby need a safespace in movies where all the characters are white? poor baby

Forced diversity is lame as fuck, see every after school special ever

So? What's it matter?

Maybe if you were one of those faggots that had no friends who only watched Captain Planet.

LMAO how's Disney gonna spin THIS one in China?

Cringy as fuck lmao.

Haha, I bet xe will totally respect you after that

>troll everyone that wanted spiderman black/donglover to play him by making everyone else black and donglover lando

She's itchin for that BWC, if ya know what I mean

Why do casuals do this?

Imagine the outrage if they made spiderman asian or black

how dare you assume my gender

A BLACK Spider-Man? Hahaha, you're crazy user

its always asian or black for you anuses.

who the fuck is everyone? why should I care about anyone but parker family,osborns, mary jane and gwen?

>changing this character that was originally [RACE] to [RACE] is a great win for diversity, props to Hollywood! Anyone who boycotts a movie over something like this is a racist

>What the fuck, Hollywood? You took a strong [RACE] character and made them [RACE]!? Jesus, racism is clearly still going strong. I'm boycotting this movie.

The asian is accurate.It's a rip off of an asian from the comics. Zendaya is probably an original character. The only race-bending seems to be the black girl as Liz Allen and Tony Ravioli as Flash.

Also your getting Peter as Spider-Man again even despite the fact they're basically taking shit from the Miles' comics.


This is a picture that accurately represents the demographics of a modern city in the US.

he is picked out by DESTINY to be the SAVIOR of these PEOPLE OF COLOR. his power is so AMAZING that it borders on MYSTICAL. even though his portrayal of spiderman is rather bland, it's purposely set on the back drop of all these NEUROTIC races. the indian bully. the sex crazed african vixen. the pussified pacific islander.

the asian is James Franco, the indian is the guy who is now Deathstroke, the one black chick is a NERD, and the other one is a throwaway "model" ""actress""" love interest

i still cant believe phasma made it on the cover at all. i swear luke had more screentime

>the asian is James Franco
Dear fucking god

It seems like they're going to play up the angle that Peter is a dork and social outcast. Making his friends multi-ethnic doesn't even remotely bug me, but I'd say something that's vital to the story is that Flash is a complete prick to Peter and embodies everything he's jealous of... but is also, deep down inside, a genuinely decent person and one of the only people who sees Spider-Man for the hero he is.
This kid just looks like another fucking dork. If there was anyone who pretty much needed to be a big, tough blonde guy it's Flash. Maybe he could be another ethnicity, but the main thing is he's hyper-masculine in comparison to Peter's outward shrimpy-ness.

In the 80's during the Reagan era, movies had diverse casts. Villains could be white, black, asian, whatever. Rocky movies. Anybody could be somebody in America. Then the PC era ruined that and now only tokens exist.