
what is the difference between german bundesländer?
which ones are most worth the visit

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g*rmans are subhumans

Regional differences and shiet
>which ones are most worth the visit
Sachsen or Bavaria. Just dont ever visit Bremen, its even more shit than Berlin.

germans are subhumans

All I know is that Bayern is the best

North and East is white. South and West is not.

its not different to the rest of the shithole

I can't speak for the rest of the country, but I think the rhineland is always the best land to visit, chiefly the southern rhine, serene hillscapes, dotted with charming villages, and flowing vineyards

>All I know is that Bayern is the best
you are right



Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen, Brandenburg or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern if you like white people. Leipzig if you have a fetish for Asian college students.
Berlin if you like Turks and niggers.
Schlesweig-Holstein, Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Hessen, NRW, Saarland or Rheinland-Pfalz if you like Turks and Arabs.
Bayern or Baden-Württemberg if you like mentally challenged people.

germany is an ugly shithole

Wrong BaWü is masterrace

>Wrong BaWü is masterrace
I live there at the moment, what do you have besides the Black Forest

t. Ossi

Lake Constance, Hohenzollern Castle, Swabian Alb...

>Swabian Alb...

Are any Germans here in favour of redrawing the state borders? It seems to me like they are very artificial in many cases, e.g. NRW, Rhine-Palatinate, Saxony-Anhalt. Also Franconia should be its own state.

There are people that want to combine Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thüringen into one big state. I've gotten a few letters over the years, asking me to sign some petition for that to happen.
I don't think it will work out though, most people don't care enough about redrawing state borders.

Its a topic that kinda comes up from time and time again.
Personally speaking, yes I am in for something like pic-related or at least merging the city-states into the surrounding areas plus some rework in the east.

Why Thuringia as well?

Generally the more impoverished states, like Bremen, Berlin or Saarland, want these kind of redrawings since they are so in-debted that they cannot survive on their own anymore. People in the richer states are obviously against this though.

Impracticality aside, this would be god-tier tbqhwy

wtf, no


Kinda gay 2bh, do you wanna overkill Pomerania?

Tell me about Saarland, why does he name everything saar?

I acknowledge that such a scenario would be ridiculous, I just want to satisfy my autism

its bad desu
for instance, swabians and bedenser arent seperated

>yfw United Pomerania will never be a thing again unless we get even more cucked by the Poles
Feels bad

Because the Saar river runs through half the land and many of the important towns lie at the river.

>not acknowledging muh shared Alamannic ancestry

i think you dont know what massive faggots those badensians are

May I save this map, please?

Würschtleberger RUHEEE

All I know is that they are apparently stingy, boring and can't speak properly. But they have a cool forest so I forgive them

Here, have the link: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomerania#Modern_Age

Thank you :-)

Sachsen and Bayern should secede and join Czech republic.
Austria as well.

like in the good old times, untill you throw some guys out of the window again

not our fault Germans cant just not fall out of the fucking window.
How hard is that? I have like 6 windows in my flat, never fell even once.

Warum heißt es eigentlich Nieder-Sachsen, wenn es geographisch nördlich vom eigentlichen Sachsen ist?

because of the fucking mountains you dumbo

it does not mean north or south
it means high or low

>German IQ.

I live in Saxony and there's no mountains, at least where i live

Sachsen Switzerland.
Its about hills rather than mountains. it really just means high or low.

Does the Elbe flow from Sachsen to Niedersachsen or from Niedersachsen to Sachsen?

this guy gets it.

>Anhalt mit Brandeburg

The only solution to German question is to dissolve it into smaller historical states.
And let soon reunified Czechoslovakia annex Sachsen and Bayern.

Under the condition that you let us settle in the Sudetenland.