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My body is ready for Momoland comeback.




their album preview sounds like hot garbage

who the fuck hurt dubu?!

>listening to the music

lol, get the hell outta here!

the world

word, the preview sounds like a lot of fun

well with a group full of uggos what else am i suppose to do

title sounds great


>he doesnt like kpop
get the fuck out , fag

what are some funky gaypop songs? like married to the music, lucky one, etc.

i dumped her via text

Stop posting this im being tempted

Fly sounds like a banger. It's my fav out of the preview.

Source Music fuck ups

how lewd can kpop get exactly

by her gross man body?

the fuck do i know?!

sana, its always her fault

When I see a Slug I usually respond w/ a Slug

4 U


I love you so much, Joy is the hottest kpop ever


Sana would never hurt Dubu.

>dab choreo
soooo good

tf is this from?

She is in fact certified babe status

gfriend fans themselves denounced the pillows

into the trash it goes



RV is the best gg ever , the heirs of SNSD crown

Source doesn't deserve Gfriend desu

Sana really wanted an Eunha pillow

I can word this. Gotta get more than 7 Joy files in my folder tho

reading about this a while ago and got me worried a bit. I'm new in kpop, are fuck ups like these common?

>yuju is so pretty they included her pic 3 times

sounds like me when I see a pic I like and end up saving it more than once

Nancy's midriff though

pic not related

I can help with that


i dont think so
i have short memory tho

Imagine. . .

tru fax

i need more jihyo in hoodies



pic very related

I started liking RV after watching this fancam of Joy.
This will always be the Best Joy for me.

those are fake buddies!

RV isn't the SNSD replacement though, if anything it's the f(x) replacement. Still RV have developed enough of an audience to keep the legacy of SM girl groups alive until White Fox or whatever they are calling SM GG 2018.


what are they gonna do with all those body pillows of gfriend they already produced?

Based as heck

Based SinBabe

those are officially registered buddies that buys 30 albums/comeback and goes to see them on every music show
what about you

sell them on the kpop black market

hi chimp

All of SM rookies are gone, RV is a group endorsed by Yoona they are literally SNSD's heirs

donate to africa

any hard subbed versions for all the new wuju show? for wuju had only done the first three so far, and i prefer when the subs for text is on the text, if you know what i mean

better version

i've already bought them all to make sure they dont fall into the wrong hands

can i have one of umji pls


dang, don't know how i quoted

She dies a little every time she sees her crush flirt with someone else

recreate this scene with them

V is my boyfriend and very handsome


it's really fucking cold

freaky ghoul

the way i see it is because Source Music is in damage control right now after fingertip failed meeting their expectations. They downsized everything from uniforms, events, products, variety shows (slovenia KEK), even stage. They are trying to milk gfriend as much as possible this year since they have a solid fan base. Now they are doing a concert while gfriend is still popular.

Can I have on of Yerin please to complete my shrine

warming up downsee

Most handsome man in the world


I jerk off to their pictures, and would have jerked off to their pillows

I fucking love Joy

1-2 Rookies left, they still have at least 6-7 others plus a fuck ton of stealth trainees supposedly including Taeyeon's younger sister.

Hell the Rookies are providing songs for some animated cartoon that SM is involved with.

stuff like this shouldn't happened with respectable companies

happened with Stellar, but their company also tried to have them dance with thongs on, they get treated as meat by their company

>Of course, they apologized to fans for the album being late, but then they revealed the reasons. Mainly it was that the regular physical album release was screwed up because Gayoung was excluded from the pictures, and then for the Makestar physical release Junyool and Soyoung were excluded from the pictures.

HELLO MIRACLE FRIEND! are you excited?!

You are just fucking jealous cuz your uggo waifu isnt as hot as Joy

they shouldn't have mediaplayed their company forcing the slut concept because the comeback after that one was really slutty



would you buy a gfriend daki?

This looks like those motels you can rent in mexico to do drug deals or have sex with prostitutes

just a simple mistake on source's part


looks like Yeri here

Sana is ready for my body

