Top 3 Albums, games, and books

Post your charts and rate/recommend

How do i read through the osyssey without getting bored? Does it get better as it progresses? i couldnt even read half of the iliad without giving up

Yeah I definitely feels like it gets better as it goes, but it could also just not be ur cup of tea.

Dota 2
NBA 2k
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Spirited Away
Waking Life
AnCo - Merriweather Post Pavilion
A Winged Victory for the Sullen - s/t
Fishmans - Long Season
Jennifer Egan - A Visit From The Goon Squad
Albert Camus - The Plague
Samuel Beckett - Endgame

>Resident Evil
>Hotline Miami
>Stalker: SoC
>Pulp Fiction
>American History X
>ISIS - Panopticon
>Squarepusher - Go Plastic
>Boards of Canada - MHTRTC
>One flew over the cuckoos nest
>Catch 22

You should check out What do we do in the shadows or Hunt for the wilderpeople.

Actually watched Hunt for the wilderpeople not too long ago, really enjoyed it.

got a template friend?

Here's the template

Spirited Away terrified me as a child and I haven't watched since.
I like your taste in literature.
That's some great IDM.

why is people's taste in videogames such surface level trash most of the time

Fatal Fury Special
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
Last Temptation of Christ
Underground (1995)
Shin Godzilla
Kraftwerk - Radio-Activity
Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Jun Togawa with Vampillia - Watashi ga Nakou Hototogisu
Arthur Schopenhauer (all works)
Steppenwolf (Hesse)
Ficciones (Borges)

Madden 12
madden 13
Madden 15
> movies
Horton Hears a Who
Despicable me 3
Now that's what I call muisic 34
Fate of the furious official sound track
Money store
Rodrick rules
Dork Diarys
The Hunt for Red October

cuz not everyone is super into video games homie

araby is a fucking short story. I need to read more

also fallout new vegas is a very close fourth

dogtooth is brilliant, have you seen his new film?


My movies are r/eddit as fuck I know but whatever
Good taste all around.

cmon man atleast pick a good COD title

Love Vonnegut's Sirens of Titan
Want to read more by him.

I've read a majority of his stuff, including sirens of titan, he has such a strong voice in his writing that if you like one of his books, chances are you'll like everything else he's done too. A lot of people shit on his work for being normie trash and whatnot but idk man I like the way he writes so I'm going to continue enjoying Vonnegut's stuff

Yes. Sadly I didn't really like it. I felt like I was missing something the whole movie.
But if you liked Night in the woods you should check out Oxenfree.

Armored Core
Super Mario World
(cheat: Undertale)

Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Wind Rises
(cheat: From Up on Poppy Hill)

Ramshackle Glory - Live the Dream
Endless Mike and the Beagle Club - We Are Still At War
Andrew Jackson Jihad - Can't Maintain
(cheat: BTMI! - Vacation)

Candide by Voltaire
Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett
The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
(cheat: Maus by Art Spiegelman)

ssx3 barely beat out Fallout NV if it matters


>implying your tastes are superior
post yours cuddy

well at least they're good films

Because this is Sup Forums where we spend our spare time listening to music more than playing video games

You have a good taste in movies

> Killer7
> Tomb raider 4
> Rayman (1992)

> Ran
> Chungking express
> Hiroshima mon amour

> Biosphere - Shenzhou
> Blank banshee - blank banshee 0
> Klaus Schulze - cyborg

> House of mirth
> I, Claudius
> War and peace


>hurr durr you can't like music AND vidya at the same time

>Super Mario Galaxy
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

>Kubo and the Two Strings
>Spirited Away
>Toy Story 3

>Radiohead's OK Computer
>Faith No More's The Real Thing
>Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly

>The Secrets of the Immortal: The Enchantress
>The Three Doors Trilogy: The Third Door
>Animal Farm

> Pink Floyd - Animals
> Nick Drake - Pink Moon
> Slayer - Hell Awaits
> Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
> Resident Evil: Code Veronica
> Halo 3
> Aliens (1986)
> The Thing (1982)
> There Will be Blood (2007)
> Eragon, by some jabroni teenager that wanted to rip off the lord of the rings and get away with it. (my favorite childhood book fuck off)
> The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells
> Tigers in the mud, by Otto Carius

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
No Country for Old Men
Harold and Maude
Little Kid - Logic Songs
Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy
L - Holy Letters
Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go

i loved sacred deer, almost as much as dogtooth. wasn't a big fan of the lobster though. i'll have to check out The Hart of London, looks like we have similar tastes in movies, albums, and books (joyce and csh overlap, and I like the other two movies as well).


kino names?

+half-life 2, wu-tang, dead kennedys, battlefront 2
-black ops 2

+journey, it's such a beautiful day, anco
-spirited away

+hotline miami, dogtooth, squarepusher, boc, catch 22
-resident evil, pulp fiction

+the greatest game, ikiru, harakiri, mount eerie, silver mt zion

+last temptation, shin godzilla, kraftwerk, genesis
-link's awakening

+synecdoche, new york, slint, carseat headrest, clockwork orange, night in the woods, slaughterhouse five, undertale

+contra, diablo, big lebowski, fargo, talking heads, vonnegut
-pulp fiction


Super Mario 64
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Pulp Fiction
The Big Lebowski
Pink Floyd, The Wall
The Beatles, Abbey Road
Nirvana, Nevermind
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson
The Hobbit, J.R.R Tolkien
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald

Basically things that are timelessly great/shaped my life immensely.


Life is strange
Gothic 2
Vampire the masquerade:Bloodlines

The holy mountain
Valerie and her week of wonders

Burzum - filosofem
The birthday party - junkyard
My bloody valentine - isn't anything

Coin locker babies - Ryu Murakami
Lord of the rings - Tolkien
The shadow over innsmouth - HP Lovecraft

i hate my taste in books. im too lazy to finish them.

Finally got a real patrician in this thread

>im too lazy to finish them
>posts 2 doorstoppers

ij took me at least 18 months


>Fallout New Vegas
>Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
>Pokémon Emerald

>Donnie Darko
>Quiet Days in Clichy
>A Ghost Story

>Faust - Faust
>Filthy Huns - Leopard on My Right
>Throbbing Gristle - 20 Jazz Funk Greats

>La ciudad y los perros (English name: the Time of the Hero), by Mario Vargas Llosa
>Metamorphosis, by Kafka
>Faust, by Goethe

>I'm too lazy to finish them
This. Faust took me so much time and effort.
I know literally none of those albums. Everything else is good.
Fantastic vidya taste.

+Spirited Away and Fishmans
Immaculate taste
+Snake Eater
God tier vidya

>Taking video games seriously
Literally just made for killing time
Everytime someone tries to make a work of art with Vydia you end up with shit like Metal Gear or Half-Life

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy V
Xeno Blade
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Perfect Blue
Charlotte Gainsbourg - 5.55
Beck - Sea Change
blur - 13
Mark Z. Danielewski - House Of Leaves
Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist
Haruki Murakami - Norwegian Wood

good choice with Beck
Team Fortress 2
Hotline Miami
Nuclear Throne
American Psycho
Pulp Fiction
Full Metal Jacket
Black Flag - Jealous Again
Nirvana - Incesticide
Beck - Odelay
The Catcher in the Rye
The Hobbit

Cool music and movies
Great albums, how'd you feel about Protomartyr's new album?
+Hot Fuzz



Zabriskie Point
Hiroshima, Mon Amour

SMiLE - The Beach Boys
Pure Guava - Ween
Trout Mask Replica - Captain Beefheart

Finnegan's Wake - James Joyce
Gargantua - François Rabelais
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes


taxi driver and city of god, my nigga
+scott pilgrim
+fable, +trainspotting
nice albums

-Final Fantasy VI
-Demon's souls
-The master
-Citizen Kane
-Fight Club
-Lucio Battisti - Anima Latina
- AnCo - MPP
- Wire - 154
-Fahrenheit 451
-Io non ho paura


Verry good taste overall, especially Mount Eerie and Ikiru
Good film and music taste my dude
+++Coens, Ellis, Talking Heads, Issac
TF2 is phenomenal so is The Glow Pt.2 and Grand Budapest
Incesticide is very underrated
Nice taste, I've been meaning to get to Infinite Jest for a while now

oh fuck why didnt i think of nv? thats definitely in my top 5. only problem with it now is that ive done everything, ive basically exhausted the world, starts to feel empty when you've done every side quest and most of the DLC



Emerald best Pokemon
good taste
what's The World Ends With You like? Is it like Kingdom Hearts? Cos I'd dig that

Fallout New Vegas
Age of Mythology
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Blade Runner
Spirited Away
Steve Reich - Phases (it's a large compilation but if that's cheating then Music for 18 Musicians)
Anubis - A Tower of Silence
2814 - 2814

ssx3 was so much fun, they really made the open world work in a great way

only one in the entire thread with good books. grats

everything is trash

great stuff lads

is this like a riddle or some shit

You guys seem pretty cool

>Zelda Majora's Mask
>Barry Lyndon
>Picture of Dorian Gray

Forgot chart, my bad

some tracks from the new album were fantastic but some were just ehh

Pokémon Platinum
Majora's Mask
Kill Bill
Scott Pilgrim
From Mars to Sirius
Demon Days
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
American Gods

Pleb and proud here

>Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick
>Ween - The Pod
>Bathory - Blood Fire Death
>The Big Lebowski
Video Games
>Half-Life 1
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Team Fortress 2
>Less Than Zero
>The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath
>Helter Skelter
Love seeing Lock, Stock get mentioned.


Your /lit/ is pleb but the rest is real good taste!

makes sense why you like BoC then since it really is an homage to his body of work

Jet set radio future
The world ends with you
Transformers war for cybertron
The end of evangelion
A love Supreme
Never mind the bullocks
Beggars Banquet
The stranger
The great gatsby
The most dangerous game

>being this basic

>shaolin soccer
god help me

Half Life 2
Fallout 3
Apocalypse now
Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen...
Duster - Stratosphere
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise
Gravity's Rainbow


please rate...first time ive done this

I thought it was pretty good, I should relisten to The Agent Intelect I found it kinda boring on my first listen

+Grim Fandango, Future Days, Woman in the Dunes
+Marcos Valle, GR, Silver Globe, all 3 games
+all 3 books, Wire, Majoras Mask
great books section
nice. first time I've seen Nostos on someone else's chart


I'm pretty basic but I don't really feel the need to make my favourites deliberately unique, as I feel some of you might do. What's good is good, doesn't matter how mainstream it is.

ask me how i can tell you never read a book in your life

Celine's a really phenomenal writer.
Your books are great, especially Proust.
You don't seem very pleb, I approve of all of your games and books.
Not a fan of Beach House, but I like the rest.
>nice. first time I've seen Nostos on someone else's chart
Yeah, I love Piavoli. As much as I like Tarkovsky, I think he improved upon the meditative qualities of his films. The Blue Planet and Nostos are the best examples of this.

>You don't seem very pleb, I approve of all of your games and books.
Meant for