The absolute state of Frenchistan

>the absolute state of Frenchistan

>niggers and pashtuns everywhere

i wish we had more niggers here 2bh

The fuck

I'm not advocating for genociding or any other Sup Forums-tier shit, but there is a point where it's too much tbqhwymf

>europeans willingly ruin their countries
nothing new here

I remember London being majority white in like 2003 when I was 7. What the fuck happened?

There is only one race, the human race. Hopefully these hateful comments will be deleted soon.

I went in 2007 and I remember it being already full of South Asians and Eastern Europeans.

That's pretty bad, though I must say that even such districts full of 3rd world dindus look surprisingly nice and comfy at a street level. It's really amazing just how nice of a city Paris is at street level.

Also, seeing Amerifats and Congolombians criticize others on the basis of non-whiteness and ghettos is nothing short of cringe-inducing.

Stop judging others based on the colour of their skin.

Holy shit Paris is even worse than I thought


England still feels completely foreign to me for the same reason

The areas outside of the cities are almost exclusively white

So the low density, low population, less educated and poorer parts of the country are all that remains of local people? Fantastic. Why do you say that as if it dismisses what I'm saying? Your cities should be majority white British too

>why do you say that as if it dismisses what I say
I don't, the main cities are fully of disgusting third worlders I was just telling you
Can't throw stones too much though can you China 2.0

Aus isn't even close to being as bad as England is but I agree it needs to be more controlled here too.

Everywhere needs to be controlled, a country shouldn't be less than 98% indigenous

Yep, unfortunately true. I've been to Berlin and it looked very white compared to P*ris

Comparing anything in whiteness to Paris isn't a good idea, the only worse place is probably London

Does that include the actual aboriginals in aus, usa, can, and nz?

If we hadn't massacred them to such a degree then yes, it would

Conquest vs immigration t bh. If pakis beat us in a war they can have the UK