The American dream is for everyo-

>The American dream is for everyo-

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wow really makes you think

>dumb college students make the life of the people they claim to protect harder
wow who would've thunk

It's for everyone who isn't a criminal, yes

What if we labeled our ancestors as criminals and they were violently deported? Only difference is that our ancestors were violent criminals that took land from natives whereas these people just want to take care of their kids

too obvious

>implying the natives didnt scalp the fuck out of your ancestors
they just lost, like you are now


Why do people act like being deported to Mexico is a death sentence? Most of the time they don't even get punished once they get back.

Literally take a few hours to cross the border lmao

>americans use an internal combustion engine to deport chicanos

>black cops

Is it the opposite day?



>The Mexi-cans?
>Put em on board ill call it in

well, how else do you think we can curb the overtaking of this country by minorities, many of whom have been living here illegally to begin with

>Get deported
>This starts playing

Reminder. If you're in the States though, remember to run in zig zags.

Harder for libs to scream racism when black cops deport

>tfw no illegal gf

>live in country illegally despite the inherent risks
>get caught and kicked out


You're literally an illegal immigrant yourself.

Altright stop post memes & listen
ICE is back with a brand new detention
Zipties restrain'n 'em tightly
Crashing graduations daily & nightly

No I'm literally a legal immigrant that came here a month ago

they are cute

Yup I should marry the older one

>The American dream is for everyone who wishes to immigrate to and stay here legally.
You forgot to finish your statement. Don't worry, I understood what you meant.

I just hear this song every day on the radio.

>our ancestors
The farmers under the Austrian boot, or the farmers under the Danish boot? My ancestors came here long after the country was established, and they were fleeing subjugation and starvation.
Git fukt.

American acronyms strike again!

W-Well then I'll marry the 2nd one


In the Netherlands its a lot harder for illegals to do anything than in the USA.
You need to prove your citizenship for work, education, housing, pretty much anything.
So not getting deported means you will likely end up as a criminal bum.

Uncanny. He looks exactly like me even down to the fashion

Is this really Ronald Brumpfs America??!?!?

Same here, our voting ID is required for almost anything

Here too. Some states and cities etc. ignore these laws though

fuck you

they ought to all be in the hand, filthy law breaking scum

Good on ya. Provided they integrate, I'm very pro-immigrant (in my cunt; don't care about immigration elsewhere).

Voting requires an ID and a code that is send to your home as well yeah.

Everyone is registered here. So they just push your number into the system. And if things dont add up its pretty clear.

>go after small children
Nice edge, Dylan.

there was nothing here, but savages, we ain't giving this planet back to the saber toothed tiger asshat

Met an ethnic Korean girl with a strong Aussie accent just yesterday. It surprised me but was pretty hot

>be place you're not supposed to be
>be removed from that place
whoa watch out gaiz we got a real edgelord here xD

I am quite literally listening to trump's victory speech right now, it's at the bit where he's taken the podium and that victory movie score is playing and people are chanting USA

Sounds like the EU.

wtf I LOVE common borders now!

Why? :,^(
We go to a voting office when we turn 18, we give proof of citizenship and a living adres, our fingerprints are registered, and we are issued a photo ID
Cards have your citizen number, and basic info about you
So its easy to know who is who by just looking at the card

It never was for everyone.

That's what they get for breaking the law. It's not fair to the folks who immigrate legally.

It is for me at least (I hope) also
>american math education



it's absolutely amazing to me that these people are so used to being able to openly declare they are in the process of breaking law that it's actually shocking to them when something like this happens

fuck previous administrations so much

Props to the good cunt who went there on his clandestine mission to phone them in

how nice for you, bloody murder is cried (by democrats) whenever the prospect of identification for voting is brought up, because apparently it's believed black people are too stupid to get them??

Everyone who is 14 or older is required to be able to show his ID on request. The police can ask everyone their ID and they need to be able to show it on the spot.

They introduced this more than a decade ago.... against terrorism. Because terrorists can obviously be stopped by asking them their ID.

In practice the police uses this law to stop people they find suspicious but havent committed a crime. So they can stop you for a talk, check out who you are and write it down. Im pretty sure 0 terrorists have been caught yet but countless of people have been fined.

>Criminal parents smuggle themselves and their kids into the country
>Get caught and get deported as per the law

Do people just have no respect for borders or laws anymore?

We are in a post-border world, my racist friend. :)

Well, here some illegal party registration is done by tricking senior citizens to give a photocopy of their cards. Hideous trick, but it's still harder and your have names when someone tries to do fraud, or get out with shit. You should really do it.
Like I said, even if you want to buy a cellphone a pre paid one you need to present the card.
That's why so many deportees here can't do shit, they can't even get a phone to call their relatives because, they have no Mexican documents either
Here they were issued in the late 90s to prevent the PRI to continue the single party state system, and shortly after opposition parties started winning elections.
Still a long way to go tho.

Add to this clusterfuck, completely delusional and clueless libtards who preach shit like open borders and are "sympathetic" to their cause. I want to know how many illegals have Clinton and Neil De Grass Tyson accepted into their houses.

>fuck previous administrations so much

I'm pretty sure Dubya and Obama have some of the most successful deportation records (i.e. net deportation of millions) of all presidents. Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan deported more, but almost all of them returned.

I think a lot of people simply dont understand how governments and nations work.
Most people arent even able to keep up with the news.

You called kids who have no say in where their parents take them criminals, you massive faggot. I don't disagree with getting rid of all illegals, regardless of age.
Claiming that children of illegal immigrants are have the same culpability as their parents is just retarded.

Pretty much this.

These people will continue to illegally cross the border as long as leftists keep inviting them. Canada has it's own fucking border issue now because our absolute dumb fuck PM put out a somehow super popular tweet basically saying our doors are wide open so now there is a stream of Somalis illegally crossing the border from Minnesota and our law says we have to take them in and give them free shit and a place to stay while we process their "refugee" claim.

Border hopping would literally not be a problem if we just said "no, fuck off we shoot you as soon as you step foot on our soil". They do it because they fucking know they can get away with it. Fucking retarded liberals man.

No they don't

Having laws n shit truly sucks ;(

>Here too

this. The federal government has little to no say in what IDs are required for, it's almost completely a state power. Which means if California decides to give illegals drivers licenses and then makes it so all you need to vote in federal elections in California is said driver's license, we're powerless to stop it.

as a Minnesotan I say take them all Mr. Trudeau :D

and to think I thought he was a total idiot

This is why each state should get two electoral college votes each. I also think the seventeenth amendment was a mistake.