Classical nerds of /mu

Classical nerds of /mu
what piano compositions / pieces should I learn?

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Bach WTC books 1 and 2.

What level are you at?

anything by Scriabin

Guys, how do i teach myself to play? I've had a teacher before but i had to stop taking classes and pretty much stopped playing. I was looking for some route of exercises or something like that.
(I was about to do a thread myself)

Btw, learn Jesu Joy Of The World

Buy a piano book and start playing.

Grieg's Lyric Pieces

this and rachmaninoff preludes.

also learn vince guararldi's peanuts songs so that youre a big hit at christmas

i always learn pieces that i really enjoy and want to play. if they're too complicated for my current level, i just single out one instrument from a midi or do some fuckerious cutting and octave-shifting in ableton

Start with the basics, it's more fun honestly. I started out instantly playing Bach inventions, because I liked them as compositions. But it took me ages to learn just one and I wasn't actually improving. So now I just play simple pieces that I can handle, it's more rewarding and better in the long run.

I've heard of Sup Forums but what's /mu what piano compositions /?

hmmm. i don't know about the more 'fun' part. but yeah, if i care about improving myself, i should try the second way too. thanks user.

Hanon + plus some music theory

This, vince guaraldi is not only great for christmas, but also a great intrduciton to jazz piano. It's not too hard to play, but can be challenging.


we'd need to know this
before giving you a definite answer.
However, any of the mozart sonatas are always good for basically any level since they aren't too techncially difficult but they still pose a challenge in trying to play them "nicely" and with the correct style

youtube lessons work for me
i just look one up when i feel like learning
keys aren't my main instrument so i don't really have pressure to do it and it works

Satie's Gnossiennes
Grieg's Lyric Pieces

You should try to play any piece (hard or easy) to the best of your ability, think about what you are doing and what is appropriate for the music. Only then and after a lot of practice will you be able to play a grade 8 piece correctly.

The last song I played was "may be" by Yiruma

Yes but what level are you at? RCM? How difficult do you consider that piece to be on a scale of 1 to 10?

None it's a waste of time

this user wants to get into piano playing, why should he torture himself with useless shit that isn't even music?

Compared to other non profesionel I'm about 4-5/10