Would you racemix with a colombian girl?

Would you racemix with a colombian girl?

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you guys shouldn't racemix. It's filthy, wrong, goes against your genetics, and destroys the proud white race. However, I will take one for the team and racemix with this girl, so my brothers aren't tempted.

I would definitely have sex and possibly cuddle with such a woman, but my white seed is for Indian (India) women.

i will do this, leaf-man, go on without me

truly a noble soul.. ;_;7


Why does every single latin american look the fucking same 4/10 brown mongrel?

If I say yes will you jungle monkeys quit making these fucking threads

Wouldn't even be racemixing

>dat morena
Of course yesssss, i cannot resist my genetic impulse.

Because you're a homosexual.

I'm mixed, might as well double down

*and not the good kind either (traps)

Of course



Not with those dark, cavernous eyes. Like forever staring into the abyss.


neck yourself for real

brown a best




Yeah, I must guarantee the continuity of white race. Besides many of them are hot.

t. dude who has added as a friend on fb a Colombian qt


Colombian girls just look like darker turk girls.

no lad, this cuck is just posting tanned ones. if anything they're about the same skin tone if not slightly lighter sometimes




Yeah, only with the force of 5000 suns though.... Jesus, how is this even a question??! Are y'all gay?


wouldn't be racemixing desu

I saw you about 2 times before.
Why are you still making these threads? :^l

A Mexican racemixing?

Women too attractive for such a shitty continent. We should send them all to Europe and leave Latin American men to butcher each other until there's no one left in this place.


Argentina white

No, I dont want my children to be short, brown and stupid like OP




Definitely no. Most people in europe would laugh about you if you would bring home some latin american whore

Yes. I love Latinas. I want to impregnate them with a European so the native is washed away.
Are Latinas interested in white men?
Who gives a fuck what Europe thinks, get raped.



Cuck level is to high. Broke my screen faggot

You sound very virgin, faggot

I agree with abdul al hanz.

>on Sup Forums
Jesus crist hang him. How dare a virgin hang around us. Superior fuck masters. Well tag along my tranzudo friend. Fucking 2 girls while writing this.

Imagine the face of your mother bringing a non-muslim/not covered in trash bag girl. That would be outrageous

t. Underage virgin

What? How dare you? Just because i am under the legal age to be considered an adult and have never had intercourse with another individual it sure doesn't mean i am an Underage virgin.

On serious note now. Uou are on a japanese image board on international banter calling an underage Brazilian a virgin. You should probably comit suicide

I'm a white guy with 141 IS, course not

You have been reported due to a violation of Global Rule #2

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.


what is the racial makeup of colombians?

how much % is indigenous?
how much is european and how much is negro?

Yeah sure pal

About 60% indio
40% euro
And 100% coke

Latinas are already partly european you dumb shit

Yes, and breeding with a European would dilute the native.
Learn to read fucking idiot.

>Completely heterosexual alpha males think about geopolitics while interacting with women

49% mestizo
37% white
10% black
3% indigenous
The rest are other un identified races. If you're talking about admixture, the average mestizo is like 60% euro

honestly preffer her brownish skin than the Kardashian style tan women have in the british isles

Only Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay are whiter in SA. Venezuela is about the same

Only with Emma. I believe she's from Colombia.

Alot of them look like Arabic women. Good looking BUT will bring shame upon your ancestors and people and possibly get you honor killed.

Ahh yes, we have those too. Pretty common

>tfw sweden has basically become a south american country
Favelas drugs and hue monkeys when?

Who is she?

sure, why not?
im such a loser anyway, so anything goes

I would, but hazel eyes makes me doubt. It's a shit color, amigo. Very churka.

Emma. She's from Colombia.

but i would rather have a black chick

This but i hardly find turkish girls attractive dunno why

pic rel durkish girl





Would you racemix with a donkey?

muh boy

South America is one of the few places where I think the just be white meme is true. They seem to associate whiteness with wealth and high social status.

There's even a wikipedia article on it

the real question is: would a colombian girl racemix with me :)

Not here to be frank. There are whites here cleaning toilets and working at entry level positions. Also lot of whites living in poverty. Same applies to brazil and venezuela. it might apply to bolivia or Peru and even then I could be wrong

You sure about that? White Brazilians always seem to be a lot richer than the mixed ones.

Lots of white brazilians living in favela tier condiotions lad afaik. Let me summon some brazilians who can shed some light on this

There's also one about blacks and natives and even Arabs...

You didn't bother to read it lol.
I can tell this conversation is cutting you deep.

Not sure, if my kid would have blue eyes and blonde hair I would be fine with it


Would a Colombian girl race mix with me?

only self-hating brazilians are on Sup Forums, so whatever they say needs to be viewed through that lense

I don't understand why white supremacists are so opposed to the idea of white men race-mixing with brown women. I can understand opposing the mixing of non-white men with white women. Sperm is chead, eggs are expensive, etc, but as a white male, you can spread your seed and impregnate dozens of non-white women with your white children, making the world whiter in the future. Then you can raise a family with your white wife to guarantee your name and legacy.

This is pretty much what Muslims are doing in Europe, by the way.

You could pass as local, so I'd say no. You don't stand a chance with an HB 8+

this is kinda how shit went down in most of latin american countries, you would have your main squeeze your wifey have her put out 4 or 5 children recognize them as yours and then have 3 or 4 queridas on the side raising your bastard offsprings

well that is at least how it happened for upper middle class men in my home cunt.

>happened half a century or so ago.

That's only because a sizeable amount of south american who find themselves in Europe are only here as escorts/dancers.

webcam grill

These threads have convinced me that very dark eyes are the best for women.

good taste

I keep wanting to complain about you posting these threads every day.
But by the time I reach the bottom I can't find a reason to.

Oh my goodness