Are people in your country familiar with East Asia?

Do people in your cunts think Asians all the same people or can they tell apart the cultures and languages of Japan, China, and Korea?

How are they perceived?

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arr rook same


no arr rook same
now wait for that one netouyo and gook to come and quarrel
the best show in Sup Forums

>literally uses Kanji
>all traditional architecture
>considered themselves more Chinese than the Mongols/Qing

They're definitely easy to tell apart if they're in large groups. Individuals, however, not a chance.

plenty of weebs here

I want move to Seoul but my mom thinks that seoul is a Chinese city

venezuelan people are so fucking norm*es and monkeys

Russians mostly know China, Japan and Koreas.
But they are unable to tell languages apart.

Japanese are never in a big group, thats a hint they are Japanese
Chinese are always in a big group, dont interact with ANYONE who is not chinese, and take pictures of EVERYTHING.
>a piece of litter on the ground? GROUP PHOTO!
Koreans look like they have had plastic surgery, because they have had plastic surgery.

I use these guidelines to tell them apart and it has about a 95% chance of being right. Occasionally an outlier proves you wrong, but not often enough to warrant ditching the guideline.

Japanese attitude towards China is the same as English attitude towards France.
They owe 99% of their culture and way of life to the latter but muh misplaced pride.

Japan is best
China is worse
I don't know about korea

Japan is China

>literally uses Kanji
using arabic numerals doesn't make us arab either
not chinese
clearly japanese. traditional chinese culture has a phobia about raw food, and eating raw food was considered barbaric. they don't even drink cold water. this fundamental difference in food alone makes japan culture very different from china.
not unique to china
>all traditional architecture
not all. many stereotypical japanese architectural stuff like tatami, shoji, etc., originated in japan.
using forks doesn't make us european either
>considered themselves more Chinese than the Mongols/Qing
that's korea. japan has no 'little china' syndrome.
that's not tradition at all.

This. All you East Asians are the same.

Why the fuck isn't Japan listed as "Sinic" lmao

t. chang
Fuck off Japan isn't anything like you. Chinese are nigger tier

because we're too great to be reduced to sinic

>Japan is China
It's same thing that saying UK is France

t. zhang ling
t. kim yo sook
>Japan is China
under that logic, France is Germany

I'm Italian but you all look the same to me.


in this case,france is made by Rome

How different is dutch culture from british or german or even Mediterranean?
There's more differences between japanese and chinese. Sure there are difference but most of the time the differences are far more different than in Europe


low quality cherrypicking as usual

>Sure there are difference

I can tell them apart by hearing their accent.

The whole western world is under one label, and Japan is completely separate?

Are you that dense? Gtfo, nips.

Chinese - zing zong xing wang tong qi
Korean - samsung hyundai kim park sumida
Japanese - nakamuri nakada suzuki desu

I'm quite certain even us Westerners would prefer to be labelled by our own cultures/cunts rather than one enormous and broad umbrella term.

By that logic all countries should be separated, and China divided into 10 different pieces since it's just a bunch of different cultures tied together by communism

culturally and linguistically England is France

there is nothing in common between France and Germ

what are Asian countries famous for
China - ching chang chong
Korea - North Korea, Kim jong un
Japan - anime, sushi

We were greeting bunch of azn tourists at my work, i said they are Japanese and my friend asked me how could i know, i just said i can recognize Koreans and Japanese. She said they are all ''one face'' to her

fasw pzdbhgj ikzejhfioaza vgf giouzopaz

I doubt Asians can differentiate between Europeans either

well i cant either just from looks

I'm French and look French as fuck and one day a chink came to talk to me in French about Le Pen.
Otherwise some dude guessed I was Russian then French.

chinese: like a high-pitched explosion for every character pronunciation
usually have a strong yellow hue
japanese: language is soft, cute, and :3
people look "white" but probably because of jomon genes so they stick out from other east asians
korean: never heard it spoken lmao
1mm opening eyes with big, strong, manly jaws

I hate K-pop but K-hip hop is not so bad

Korean is most beautiful language compare to ching chong zing zong chinese and child like japanese language.
Chinese language is the most terrible and horrible language thank you

The japanese look like genetically inferior versions of Koreans. As if they're expressing one too many recessive genes

Dutch people don't even know Koreans exist.

Asia is Indonesia (with a few things like Thailand and Vietnam), China and then perhaps Japan.

you are just saying dutch people are stupid.
Korea have bigger economy than Spain or Russia

Although, North Korea has now put itself on the map. Because we're going to war with them.

Poo Peeland btfo again

With 50 million people your still relatively small compared many other Asian countries.

>England is France

This. Korea is still rather obscure. Everyone knows china and japan though.

The Chinese are LITERAL subhumans. Their tourists are awful and rude. The Japanese that I've encountered are much more polite. Fuck China.

Not only that. We have no Korean migrants and no tourism towards Korea.

We are same

a chinese girl I used to occasionally put my willy inside of and get free takeaways from told me that chinese people often visit japan to look at their historic buildings because they are just copies of the Chinese ones that no longer exist there

is this true?

It's like time resets every time such a thread dies.

>clearly japanese. traditional chinese culture has a phobia about raw food, and eating raw food was considered barbaric. they don't even drink cold water. this fundamental difference in food alone makes japan culture very different from china.
No, Chinese people used to eat raw fish and meat dishes called "kuai" until the Qing Dynasty.

>considered themselves more Chinese than the Mongols/Qing
>In an ironic affirmation of the spirit of Sinocentrism, claims were even heard that the Japanese, not the Chinese, were the legitimate heirs of Chinese culture. In the early Edo period, neo-Confucianist Yamaga Soko asserted that Japan was superior to China in Confucian terms and more deserving of the name "Chūgoku". Other scholars picked this up, notably Aizawa Seishisai, an adherent of the Mito School, in his political tract Shinron (新論 New Theses) in 1825.

This map has been criticized because it oversimplifies things. It acts like Norway shares a common "Western culture" with Portugal.

In Huntington's book, he actually agrees that Japan is Sinic but split it up from the other East Asian countries because he believed they had leftover "Altaic culture" and this would cause it to "clash" against the rest of Asia.
Now the Altaic theory has been largely discredited anyways.

Yeah. Mostly from the Tang Dynasty. There was a lot of cultural exchange at the time. Japan kept many Tang Dynasty traditions (like tea ceremony and sitting on the floor) while China transitioned into the Song Dynasty and ditched them.

t. /his/fag (Ancient Rome is my specialty though)

China is a cockroach
Brothers in Korea


My mother thinks that they all are chinese.

Chào các đồng chí

japan is more cockroach desu, can surrvive nuclear blasts

Japanes 8 / 10
Koreans 4 / 10
Chinese 0/ 10

Makes a lot of sense lol

No chance, most people here think they're all chinese.

I can recognize them by language.