In the car with friend

>in the car with friend
>put on some comfy music I want to listen to
>"hey user if you like this you should listen to x, can I show you?"

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sure thing bro, just let me listen to a few more tracks on my playlist, k?

Why get all faggy about it?

>"yeah sure buddy after this is over, tho"

was that so hard?


i can't relate to your feels m8

Oh no! A friend wanted to show you some new music you'd like!
You. Poor. Thing.

yeah I hate when it happen, I usually don't put my music in someone else car, I just let them listen what they want so I would appreciate if my friends do the same when they get in my car.

>for sure, lemme finish this song though

Please. Kill.Yourself.

>Some other idiot complains about a friend wanting to show him new music but I should kill MYself

It's not that they want to show me new music, it's that they have 0 interest in listening to the shit I put on and only want to satisfy themselves immediately.

well the nice thing about saying
>lemme finish this song first
is that not only do you deny them the ability to satisfy themselves, but you put it in their head that they won't be able to do this again in the future.

Maybe your shit isn’t actually comfy and they can’t stand it
You do go on Sup Forums after all

If that was the problem then just say no and have them listen to your music.

Maybe they'll grow interested. Maybe they won't.
Either way didn't really warrant a thread for it.

>they play electronic music or rap

>why are people not interested in music I only like because of my own personal bias and life experience??
Where are you on the spectrum?

>they play Faust

wtf what kind of autist soyboy can do this confidently ? youre just gonna have a bad time because now you know your friend would rather listen to something else.

>in the car with friend
>i learn that he has a cool music taste
>i rec him some similar stuff because i think he would like it
>he bitches to Sup Forums because i wanted to show him something new

I don't bother showing my friends music anymore because of this. Going both ways honestly. Am reconsidering having friends anyways.

This. This thread is full of
>if I had friends I would TOTALLY do this

desu they played this

and it was pretty based as we arrived at the party

>Listens to music you describe as "comfy"
It should be interrupted

its just music dude

you're gonna have a bad time if you are an antisocial, insecure r9k tier person. otherwise, it'll be fine.

usually when my friends interrupt my car music i just kill them

I have a friend nicknamed "Next"