Is Sweden safe?

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If you use rubber

Yeah, 'Le rape capital of the world' is just some reddit tier /lol/ meme

*Sup Forums

yes is very safe!!

I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I don't think that video was filmed in Sweden.


It's a lot safer than France, desu senpai. Not trying to be rude.

It's okay

Absolutely not. When murder rates are above 1, then it's time to flee the country. All ethnic Swedes can come to Norway, just don't bring any black wives with you.

Vad är ABB?


Anders Behring Breivik when he went berserk.

No it's not

But you can't just ignore something s horrible from the statistics. It's relevant to the murder-rates to show that in Norway mass murders have happened.

Also, dude. Less than 0,2 percents difference doesn't make a country not safe.

I can go to Sweden and not worry about being mugged. If I go to France I worry about being mugged.

Who ignored it, it says right there the stats with him.
I think it's informative to see both, because while one shows the reality in which a freak incident occurred, the other shows the general trend.

How explain that?

Explain what? Are you so dense that you only understand selective meme videos from Sup Forums?

how much oil norway has?

also that's not in Sweden. Our trains don't look like that.

Enough to make Russia worry.

also it's probably the least violent fight i ever saw. literally one pillow punch landed and a pie in the face? more like 1950's slapstick comedy

>Absolutely not. When murder rates are above 1, then it's time to flee the country

what site is this?

doesnt russia mainly sell gas, not oil?

They worry about our gas too. Maybe more about our gas. They are terrified of the pipelines planned to go to poland.

Right now yes, in the future possibly not

Thank you for sharing your energy with us senpai

Just make sure you protect us again from invaders.

It's a deal

And more successfully this time, that would be great.




Are there Somalis throwing literal grenades at each other in Malmö? Might wanna stick to the countryside

H*ck yeah

I worry they'll just redeploy after France is fucked up, again. By muslims this time.

It's still more or less the same if you don't live in one of the really notorious migrant heavy areas. In my area there hasn't been anything worse than a few muggings and the robbery of some little kiosk.
