Ok what are the best 3 songs on this album?

Ok what are the best 3 songs on this album?

you won't see me
i'm looking through you

>You Won't See Me
>If I Needed Someone
>Norwegian Wood

what goes on
the word
run for your life

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
Run For Your Life
Nowhere Man


nowhere man
norwegian wood

Drive my car
Norwegian Wood
In my life

...contrarianism is so 2017.

>In my life
>Nowhere man

You won't see me
In My Life
Damn you that's hard to pick.

Nowhere Man
Think for Yourself


nowhere man
In my life

In My Life
Nowhere Man

>You Won't See Me
>I'm Looking Through You

I'm looking through you
Girl or Run for your Life

>Run For Your Life
Wtf, you picked the only bad song on the album

Norwegian Wood three times

>there are bad songs on Rubber Soul

Norwegian Wood
You Won't See Me
What Goes On

Yeah, only one. Thank god it's at the end, makes it easier to skip.
It's still my favorite Beatles album.

And I love her
I'm happy just to dance with you
Can't buy me love

>soy af

What's wrong with it? it's fine.

He's a soft lad.

It's not the worst song in the world. It's just weird and not good. Always felt to me like it was just tacked on at the end, for no reason. They don't even seem like they enjoy playing it.


What point are you trying to make here?

Nowhere Man
If I Needed Someone


Use words, you can do it. You can overcome your autism if you try.

There are no good songs on that album

>not good
You already said that. Why is it not good?
>They don't even seem like they enjoy playing it.
How can you tell either way?

The music isn't very interesting to me, the lyrics are awkward and unpleasant, and it doesn't feel like it fits on the album.
And for the record, John hated the song and regretted writing it. I might be embellishing unnecessarily, but I always felt like he didn't sing it with much conviction or enjoyment, even before I knew he didn't like the song.

How so?
>doesn't feel like it fits on the album.
Why not?
>John hated the song and regretted writing it.
He also hated Strawberry Fields and Sgt pepper. Do you hate those two?
>I might be embellishing unnecessarily, but I always felt like he didn't sing it with much conviction or enjoyment, even before I knew he didn't like the song.
Yeah you're actually completely wrong about that. He regretted the person he was when he wrote it, not the song itself. Nice try though.

It's just my opinion, man. I don't feel the need to get into so much detail. It's fine if you like the song, but I don't. It makes me cringe and I pretty much always turn it off.

Norwegian Wood
Nowhere Man
You Won't See Me

Honorable Mention: Drive My Car

I really got into this album after reading Men Without Women by Murakami. They're both in my head like a pair now. And man, did they both hit me hard after a breakup.

>It's just my opinion, man
And opinions need to be validated. "it's not bad just because" is not a valid reason

Ehh, maybe another time.

Fine, your opinion is wrong until then

In your mind, sure.

What do you mean?

>all these norwegian wood mentions
redpill me on this song, its always been my least favorite on the album

It's biting, sardonic, has a nice hook and a unique instrumentation, and is generally a really good example of the sort of aloof intricacy that defined the mid-Beatles

It's a beautiful melody, scandalous lyric, tight harmonies and whimsical sitar juxtaposed with a folky track. Whats not to like?

First time a sitar was used in a rock song (raga-rock)

One of the forerunners of world music (similar to how Helter Skelter is a forerunner of metal)

Almost directly inspired indian sound in Paint It Black according to Brian Jones

Key in convincing Bob Dylan purists Beatles were not just another pop group

Also it just sounds fucking awesome, don't get how one doesn't like it but you're entitled to your opinion.

>Norwegian Wood
>What Goes On
>Run for your Life

i misspoke in saying it's my least favorite, it's just one of my least favorites on the album. i suppose i've just never understood the hype around it.
that's actually some interesting background about the song that i didn't know. i don't think it's enough to change my opinion on it per se, but i think i can understand a bit better why others like it so much

No. Brian Jones actually said the idea that the Beatles inspired Paint It Black was 'utter rubbish'. He played the sitar at a higher level than Harrison and was a more successful student

>drowning in a pool after being fried form your own band is more successful

Let me know when brain Jones ever made an All Things Must pass

>All the atrocious picks in this thread

The correct answer is
>Norwegian Wood
>In My Life

>he said it was rubbish so it must be true!!!

>Men Without Women by Murakami.
>Not Norwegian Wood by Murakami

Dude is a big Beatles fanboy for a jap.

Nowhere Man
If I Needed Someone
In My Life

The ONLY right choice.

You Won't See Me
Nowhere Man
I'm Looking Through You

tough shit, their best album in my opinion.

Only correct:

Nowhere Man

Check this out. You take the Day Tripper/We Can Work it Out single (recorded during the Rubber Soul sessions) and you fit it between sides A and B. Now you have the best Beatle abum.

Wrong, it's too long.

Nowhere Man

It's 42 minutes you fucking idiot.

It's sixteen songs you numbskull


It's already hard enough not to hit the skip button when What Goes On comes on, I usually manage to stick it out because Michelle and Girl are very similar downtempo songs. This ruins everything.

>skipping songs on a Beatle album

It's too much information. If the songs were simple, maybe. But the album with 14 songs already feels like it's too much information. Squeezing in those two songs kind of bloat it out, and it's not necessary

>adding songs to a beatles album

If you think going from 14 songs to 16 songs, especially when those two added songs are among the best in the Beatle catalogue, well I have to say you're a silly goose
>not doing whacky things for fun when you've already heard an album 50 times

norwegian wood
if i needed someone

You could be spending that time working on your won 14 to 16 songs

How's that coming user

>How's that coming user
Alright I guess. I need more time

What have you got? How many shows have you played? Who else is in your band?

I have like 5 songs I've done on the keyboard/daw because I was bored. As a group we have like 20 songs but we have ADD and never see one through. Have a girl singer/trumpeter, a bassist who rarely shows up, and a guitarist (my main partner). I'm on drums. Haven't played a gig yet but we played school events in high school and some open mics. I really wanna get a gig this year, like paid to play. It's hard to get other people to match your energy when you're the driving force yknow

good shit

Yeah sounds like you don't know shit about making an actual album, do you?

Please leave this to the professionals

Well, alright

Recommendation, keep your album to your 11 strongest tracks, that’s the magic number trust me

Unless all your songs are like extremely short and doing that would make your album 15 minutes long don’t do that

Ill remember that, thank you

>I'm Looking Through You
>Norwegian Wood
>The Word

He is an obsessive lover of music of all kinds.

Men Without Women is a collection of short stories, about just that. It's more comprehensive in that way. You're introduced to many different characters who are all experiencing the loss of a woman in their lives, and how it changes them. In my opinion, albums are more akin to collections of short stories than full novels. Each song containing a story, contributing to a central theme throughout. That's why Men Without Women led me to this album, rather than Norwegian Wood. That, and the first story is called "Drive My Car".

"Only Men Without Women can comprehend how painful, how heartbreaking, it is to become one. You lose that wonderful west wind... The bottom of the sea, with the ammonites and coelacanths. Calling someone’s house past one a.m. Getting a call after one a.m. from a stranger. Waiting for someone you don’t know somewhere between knowledge and ignorance. Tears falling on the dry road as you check the pressure of your tires.”

In My Life
Think for Yourself
You Won't See Me

Cool, I haven't read that one. I'll check it out. I loved Kafka on the Shore, Wind-up Bird Chronicles and Norwegian Wood. Haven't read his others.

Nowhere Man
You Won't See Me
In My Life

In My Life
Think for Yourself
You Won't See Me

If your top 3 doesn’t include “I’m Looking Through You” than you are GAY

I would switch Drive My Car with In My Life but nice picks

>drive my car

The beatles were so fucking good at intro songs and this one is my favorite. It gets me so hyped for the rest of rubber soul as much as Sgt. Pepper

>U.K. Edition
Drive My Car
Nowhere Man
What Goes On

>U.S. Edition
I've Just Seen A Face
It's Only Love
And even though it appears on both the U.S. and U.K. version, Think For Yourself is GOAT.

Hmmmm hard pick but
>looking through you
>run for your life
>what goes on

think for yourself, if I needed someone and what goes on are the only good songs on the album

>wikipedia says its a throwaway song so its bad
well done fellow newfriend :^)

more successful student of the sitar you retard


the ending hahahahaha :o


>there's actual posts in this thread that don't include the words 'In My Life'

The Word
Drive My Car