Tfw """island""" country

>tfw """island""" country

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south korea cheated in world cup 2002. so fuck them.


Actually it's a peninsula of a peninsula when you think about it.

I don't know why turks exist

>caring povertyball

says the """country""" saved from best korea by turks
go get a plastic surgery you degenerate worst korean

>saved from best korea by turks

hmmmm, guess your not entirely wrong

You are Chinese of Middle East
No thanks for that

my grandmother's brother died there so that these faggots could shitpost.

wtf I hate my country now

India wtf

merhaba türk dostum

>says the chinese of asia

while i have a neutral opinion on korean in general, your football team in the 2002 world cup was playing kung fu football like the commie china team.
the worst thing is its clearly refball and you all act like its the biggest and proudest achievement of your football history.

>china is like the russia of asia

>the chinese of asia

>Turkish ''''''''''education''''''''''

The Chinese of Asia are the Chinese, you dumb roach.

t. zhang

This tbqhwyf.

The Chinese police even dress like ww2 commissars

4d chess
you can't lose a war if you back both sides

Yep, I'm Chinese for knowing China's in Asia unlike the Turkroach. You got me.

Dumb cunt.


But you can't win either. Hurr durr

lmao nigger just walk across north korea i mean come on

It's called 'rism hedge'.

This. Korea is the China of Asia and China is the Russia of Asia.

*blocks your path*

It's called a zero sun game

What is Russia then?

Forgot pic

Russia is just white people

Not within the realm of the Asian universe

Russia of Asia

They behave like asiatic chimps tho

Most of Russia's land is located in Asia. They conquered the native Siberians.

Siberians are cucks. Russia won't mess with China. Enough said.

If you mean ruthlessly competitive and stubborn and desires face then yes, they do behave like asiatic chimps

you support both sides and join the winning side once it's clear who's winning just before all ends
basic war tactics

Except that's not how it works, losing side gets executed and then winning side install a puppet government that obeys it and only it.

>Siberians are cucks
WTF man
Do you want to offend the little Siberian girls?

too white

She was born in Tyumen (Siberia) and has pure Siberian/Uralic genes

>Siberians are cucks.

t. Moskal

that's a different case, I'm talking about a country who supports both sadies without taking part in the war

both sides*

You can't win against yourself. It's like playing chess with yourself.

If at the end the board isn't in perfect Nash equilibrium then you offer yourself the draw.

Who would win if Russia went to war with China?

how much for her?

United States of America
Isn't already*

>indigenous Siberians
You mean Buryats or Yakuts? They are further east than Siberia.

In Siberia live mainly Finno-Ugrics and Slavs ppl

Are Finns white tho?

idk about it

siberian finno-ugrics != finns

can you distinguish a Slav from Finno-Ugric?

More than 60%
Look at her mongoloid eyes.

give name ivan. i need it.

Russia would win because it has the nukes. But if it didn't want to use them then China would.

Not according to Nazi science.

Make sure to bring a parasol

Why do Koreans hate the Japs

And is it true that Chinese people are the niggers of Asia?

Chinese are like the Jews + Russians.

Is being an island a bad thing or somerhing?

She is from Altai (Siberia)


i am in love

You can't travel foreign country with bicycle or train

I never want to travel to china or russia

You can travel Europe through Russia.

I wonder how it is like when crossing border by car/train/bicycle.

Do you gooks like living in Korea? How is it? Cozy?

It's very competitive society
You have to work 24/7 forever
Being No.1 is our final goal

>Being No.1 is our final goal
How will you do that?

this, can't wait for Best Korea to bomb them

Siberians girls >>>> West Russians girls

Losers who can't reach no.1 kill themselves

>tfw saw a kid literally drop himself off a school dormitory and killed himself because he didn't reach #1

Feels bad

Kubanoid women>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Siberian whores>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>western Russian sluts

You will go extinct.

>Kubanoid women
But... they are cockhols...

>Zerg rush vs zerg rush

the world wins

That sounds like hell. What if you fall behind or just say fuck all and work more laid back? What if you stop caring about being No.1?

Your apartments are cozy as hell.

>That sounds like hell. What if you fall behind or just say fuck all and work more laid back? What if you stop caring about being No.1?

Probably shitposting at Sup Forums 24/7 nonstop

>cockroach education


I desperately wanna flee this hellish cunt before it crushes me with no mercy.

how does she look different from typical slavs?

she has a putin-esque facial structure imo.