Post your lunch

Eating this fish I caught earlier this morning atm



Its sunday

Hangover time

isn't it normal to eat lunch at 2pm?


is more typical at 14:30 or 15:00

a true spanish/mediterranean never has lunch before 4pm

tourists here in Portugal always complain that we eat lunch and dinner too late

when do you usualy eat dinner? 8-9pm here

Lol greeks can't afford food so they have to catch it like the savages they are

it was 15:02 in Greece


here we typically have lunch between 11:00 and 13:00 and dinner at about 16:00

Here lunch 12:00 and dinner 18:00

Lunch is the main dish of the day



jealous immigrant with inferiority complex

Greeks are better than other humans

literally the dumbest post i've ever seen on int or at least one of the most retarded

Spain is more offset from its timezone than we are, so we end up eating at the same time in the physical day. It's just that the clocks mark different hours.


Breakfast at 6:30 AM
Lunch at 2 PM
Dinner at 9 PM

All of your food look like shit. How do you guys even survive with shitty food like that?

What is that thing?

I know, I was just saying it's too early in Spain for us

this schedule is the old people's one in Spain, lol

Is siesta before or after the lunch?

You mean people who start working at 8 am and have to go bed early?

ok, you're right

Sorry i like you but it's a secret


after obviously lol

Is 11:30 not early enough for you?

you don't usually feel sleepy after eating?



I feel energized after the lunch and imho you should burn that energy with some hard work

I caught my fish with my girlfriend earlier this morning

she caught more than me (three in total, one for me)

we were late for lunch which is why we ate at 3 pm, the potatoes look bad because we were in a hurry


oh shit I thought they were orecchiette

:( burger looks so sad.. needs some plating skills

never seen orechiette served with fish before, is it even a thign?

>scalloped potato

This is definitely the worst way to cook an earth apple

this. baffles me how some southeners eat dinner at 8pm

>dinner at about 16:00

the fuck

What is your meal order?

Tea is any light snack in between

Here's how we do it:

Breakfast: Upon waking up, generally 6/7/8 am depending on your scheduling. Some people eat at home, others at the café next to work (mostly the former, though). Small breakfast, only to hold you until lunch. It's quick because you'd have to work in the fields from early before the heat hours.

Lunch: starts at 12:30 to 14:00 and takes roughly an hour due to the heat (from when we were in the farms. We don't do siestas at all, but we do take that break to cool off a bit. Lunch is a heavy meal.

Mid-afternoon snack: 16-17, to hold us until dinner.

Dinner: 19/20 mostly. Sometimes at 21 if you work in a city. Not as large a meal as lunch.

We mostly adapted to escape the heat and work the field early in the morning/late in the afternoon. Between lunch and the mid-afternoon snack we'd often work carpentry/fixing tools/feed animals or something in the shade as opposed to direct field work. I suppose Southern Europe works similar, for the most part.

This carried over to modern days where we eat a small breakfast early, a large lunch and a late/small dinner, with the mid-afternoon reinforcement.

What is this?

I just eat when I'm hungry so dinner is usually between 18-21

At work lunch time is set at 12 which sucks
