Before dota

>before dota
>good at guitar, friends and family compliment me all the time
>after dota
>haven't learned a new thing in months and hardly ever play
Does this mean I like Dota more than guitar?

Also, why are you still playing that game, it's been shit since last major update.

After playing overwatch for 500 hours, I can assure you that playing videogames will make you an unproductive piece of shit

>play WoW for years
>pick up bass
>get good, start playing with friends, play WoW less
>finally form a band, spend all time practicing
>play the high school talent show, win 1st place
>continue playing music through the years
>hear about league of legends
>try it out, fall in love
>stop practicing
>get really into the game
>bass is getting dusty
>sell it for a new computer and in-game skins
>social life deteriorating
>i dont care, i have league of legends

Single player story based games are okay imo. They have an end point and have a greater ability to speak to the player kinda as art (not that they need to)
Esportsy games on the other hand don't really have a finite point where you've finished the game, it's just a continuous cycle of more or less the same game with minor variations.

I don't know. I'm 22 and my absolute only interests are smoking weed, video games, music and grey's anatomy. No really, I think I've seen every episode of grey's anatomy over 19 times. I think it's because I'm severely depressed.

>he doesn't noodle during queue

yeah but honestly name a competitive game that isn't shit

>before meth
>good at guitar, friends and family compliment me all the time
>after meth
>haven't learned a new thing in months and hardly ever play

does this mean i like meth more than guitar?

Tbh I think competitive multiplayer games sap people of their competitive energy. A healthy amount of competitiveness is needed to get shit done.

i'm on the same boat. i've been recently playing in a band with friends but i havent been practicing at all. but thats fine because we dont really care. just want to have a good time

when you make good music, you have a good time. try harder user


No, it's the weed, no matter what anyone says, weed makes certain personality types depressed

What did user mean by this?

Homie I'm 5000 hours in and can tell you Ive forgot guitar and still haven't finished making my own DAW speaking of which why are my most musically inclined friends all Dota players as compared to my friends who aren't musically inclined playing other games.

When I don't smoke weed I don't eat or bathe so lel

You should at least play guitar 2 hours per day, otherwise you'd suck penis.

What the fuck

That's because your brain associates eating with being on the drug. If you abstain for a little while your body will go back to normal. The bathing part is likely due to you having poor hygiene.

>thinks 500 hours is a lot to put into a game

video games made me stop playing guitar too
but i only play the games i make
so its k

>play games where you can listen music
>play better/get inspired at same time

I don't see the problem

damm u a cucc XDDDD

Other way around for me. Playing guitar and music in general made me lose my interest in video games.

came here to post this


>>play games where you can listen music
what games are those?

literally all of them, just mute the game's audio, that's what I've been doing ever since I started playing games

i tried that but i can't even play solitaire without losing focus on music

>still playing dota
what the fuck

You need to get your shit checked out.

Dota is a Chad's game

you don't like dota, you're just addicted and don't realize it. get out while you can, just trust me because I've been in the same place.

thats a nice ass, on the right

I thought the one on the left was better

thos are titz

yo rtz pls start winning something JESUIS CHRIST

It means you've become a fucking loser

>500 hours
you're dumb if you think this is a lot
I played gmod for a few months when i was like 15 and have 500 hours
at my peak dota year i played around 2000 hours

I actually used to have a pretty bad eating disorder. Weed puts the pleasure back into eating. I have pretty great hygiene when motivated/smoking weed.

>used to
This is your brain on weed