
race mixing is diz gustin edition

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race mixing is good

where is neck





>all the patels who drove the price of GPUs through the roof for ETH mining are getting arsefucked

Only poor people use public transport.

Only 25% of Londoners (at most) are able to afford a car.

i dont want to

Someone needs to do a chop of that LOTR scene with London as wormtongue

haha i've never noticed that, i guess the cartoon creators were having a late night

>Only poor people use public transport.
In America or the countryside here yes

In cities everyone uses it

polite reminder that the 787 is the best looking plane in the sky

am unironically in an interracial relationship myself


honestly haven't posted or browsed outside of /brit/ for years now.

Very little clue as to what happens on the rest of Sup Forums these days except from the small souvenirs of other boards and threads you runts bring in here.

>Train autists

you fucking spackers


Leave Björk alone, jerk
(Jerk rhymes with Björk(if you don't pronounce it that way then you are saying it wrong))


fucking hell imagine getting hit by that

I'm not poor and I use public transport


me too (partially because we're both mixed and both have half of the same ethnicity)





quite partial to decathlon myself 2bh

drank too much last night and made an arse of myself in front of the 'itis lads

woke up, dad's taken my car somewhere, left me "money for the train" to get to work
takes me about 40 minutes to walk to the nearest train station, then 3 trains to the town near my work, then another 30-40 minute walk to get to the office, for a 6 hour shift
he left me 3 pounds

am unironically in an interracial relationship (finnish gf) myself

ask ME anything

what colour is she? (he)


im white
hes yellow

fuck off

shouldn't've laughed @ this

>only poor people use public transport

Average salary of Waterloo & City line user is £81,250, sweetie

I don't like how the F35 looks and my dad worked on it

dead inside

trains are quintessentially british

>people get attacked with acid
>uk govt bans acid
>thousands of people get shot everyday
>us govt pretends there isn't a problem
feels nice having a responsive government lads

some guy in my area crossed the train tracks and got hit, his body was projected on some guy waiting on the side that died on impact

been on a sleeper to fort william last year, hell on earth. fucking freezing at night, slow and you have to change in edinburgh, and uncomfortable.

dreadful thing took 13 hours as well.

only reason gentrification started was because of the overground

prove me wrong

Part and parcel?

what a fucking waste of money the f35 is


we in agreement that historically the Spitfire is the most aesthetic plane ever created?

haha absolute banter champion dad

>People get raped everyday
>Penises still aren't illegal

Guys, who is this woman

ashley rae goldberg

who died on impact? the guy on the side or the man who got hit by the train?

Goldie doesn't get anywhere near the credit he deserves as a musical visionary

>uk govt bans acid

keep in mind that you pay 15% for the London diversity tax, 10% on Jizya, 25% on rent, and 12% on transport so in reality you only have 30K to live on

not racist just want white kids simple as

guy on the side got hit by the other guy's flying carcass

just want to die

they're probably going to make acids hard to get

London is urban equivilent of robert Deniro. Was absolutely beautiful, super rich and second to none in terms of performance in it's time. But now is washed up, tired, old, seemingly useless and has a bunch of black people leeching off it

that's what you get for being a spacker who still lives with mummy and daddy


u lot watchin wembley

>other countries don't have sunday roasts
fucking bananas


they're restricting sale significantly and reclassing it as an offensive weapon like knives - legal but you can't carry them around town at 1am

always found this absolutely mental

Depends which part of London you go. Obviously Hyde Park is a no go, the blacks claimed that a few summers ago through conquest with the police, but other places considered middle class are really good. Well looked after too.


Need a cosplay gf


the only reason that acid attacks are on the rise is because knives are trickier to get

should just legalise guns desu

*checks my 40 grand saved for a deposit*
worth it

Was fantastic 1800-1939
Declined 1939-2008
Fantastic 2008-current


they also don't have letterboxes in their doors

nah watching the goldrock

but guns kill people
knives seriously injure or kill people
acid just burns a little bit
hopefully by 2020 they'll have to use blunt instruments because obviously those will never be able to be controlled

what the fuck are you talking about you retard

london was far worse in the 70s/80s. than it is today

*Dips my knife in acid*
What now, officers?

ah but if everyone has a gun, nobody will be shooting anyone because that would be mutually assured destruction


70s/80s london had a gritty natural feel, you could live wherever you wanted to

*puts corrosive chemicals in my bullets*
you're fucked now

*loads up a cannon filled with acid soaked knives*

honestly if you are uppermiddle class or better, London is the absolute best place to live in the world by far

its decent if youre middle class too, but if youre anything lower than then dont bother and go somewhere else


guns should be legalised but only for the top 1% of IQ test participants
gun owners should also be given judge dredd style extrajudicial privileges

>/brit/ has shit taste in planes

As expected desu

>ashley rae goldberg
Thank you. Now I know she's not a girl in California with whom I went out on a date many years ago. She looks like a twin almost, but not quite. I was starting to wonder.

no it wasn't

have a fucking word with yourself
it's as ugly as the eurofighter

He misread the headline where a single Labour MP called for corrosive substances to be lumped in with knives but the police immediately shot that down because it would be impossible to legislate because of the sheer amount of things that sulphuric acid is actually in. The other poster is a retard.

>150 IQ
>Use gun to kill myself

>when people say british food is shit and you're about to tuck into a beef wellington with all the trimmings, honey glazed parsnips, cranberry sauce, and yorkshire puddings



Didn't this little beta cuck flee the country because people had his address? Lol

>Simon Laurence, chief superintendent for Hackney borough in east London, called on retailers to question youths buying household chemicals alone that could potentially be used in attacks.
>"It's drain cleaner, oven cleaner, ammonia -- different types of household products which can be bought. My plea is to sellers to have moral responsibility, social responsibility, to ask the questions," he told CNN in an interview.

>cranberry sauce with beef

have a word

horseradish I think you mean sunshine

Hate parsnips, disgusting things


Any good nonce hunting videos?

this desu, british food is fantastic

you the absolute MONG who invested in digibyte?