Your country

>your country
>Darwinist or Clanker
American South
Canonically Darwinist

Other urls found in this thread:

>not being Clanker

Behemoth's Ottomans was unironically really really interesting

>reading YA fiction

i read when i was younger, and now I am reading Plato's Republic and just finished Marcus Aurelius' Meditations

Behemoth's Ottomans?

the novel where they are in the Ottoman Empire

cover of the book looks a bit goofy desu

which is strange, because the artwork inside is dope

its not like a comic though right? it just has artwork here and there

Are these novels about the WWI in a steampunk vs weird bio-engineered beasts setting?

Might start desu.

it's a novel with some occasional artwork


i ll write it to my backlog and check if i can find it in local stores

>that picture
fuck now i gotta buy the book

here you go some "ottoman metal" in return

when they said that the American Civil War was between a Darwinist South and Clanker North, i could only assume this to mean that we genetically engineered niggers to better pick cotton.

That Portugal is cutiepatootie

Also Binland looks adorable.

fucking what

>darwinist south
nice meme

did you read the books? The South was clearly demonstrated as Darwinist in Goliath.

I think he's saying southerners don't believe in evolution irl

yeah that one

Alek is a traitor to the Germanic people and his country desu baka

I choose clanker
and also my country back then used to be under Ottoman rule

What is this?

It's a pretty good book
It's called leviathan by Scott Westerfeld.

It has 3 parts

Thx brah

>pushing you shitty children's stories on Sup Forums