
nu-/cum/ edition

Posts by Denmark(certainly not a proxy), footkraut(probably busy having sex with asian women), Ryan, Fist of flames and other amazing poster encouraged

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*strokes e-peen"

i do NOT like this OP



who is this ryan i keep hearing about
same one from brit?

no more posting pictures


>TFW 21 with no drivers license

Is it hard? Are driving lessons intimidating, will the instructor be patient with me?

being a vet can be an extremely tough road. very demoralizing. maybe she's at a crossroads of what she wants to do. I feel the same way a lot, because I want to be on the other side of the country, and I feel like I'm wasting years over here, but sometimes you have to ground pound and keep pushing even if you don't want to

can you find her school email on the student directory (I am not condoning stalking)?

Maybe it would be for the best if you contacted her mother, and not her directly. Make it clear to her mother you are just concerned about her daughter suddenly cutting people off, and wanting to check on her status. That way, you aren't imposing on this girl who wants to be alone, but you will have a peace of mind.

just drive one of these

I got mine at 17, in America it is very easy.

seems like a good lad

Advisory - the following lyrics contain explicit language:

Work work work work work work
He said me haffi
Work work work work work work!
He see me do mi
Dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt!
And so me put in work work work work work work!
When u ah guh
Learn learn learn learn learn learn
Mi nuh cyar if him
Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurting12

Dry! ...me a desert him
Nuh time to have you lurking
Him ah go act like him nuh like it
You know I dealt with you the nicest
Nuh body touch me you nuh righteous
Nuh badda, text me in a crisis
I believed all of ya dreams, adoration
You took my heart and my keys and my patience
You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration
You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation
All that I wanted from you was to give me
Something that I never had
Something that you've never seen
Something that you've never been!
Mmmmm! but I wake up and act like nothing's wrong
Just get ready fi2

Work work work work work work
He said me haffi
Work work work work work work
He see me do mi
Dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt
And so me put in
Work work work work work work

Read more: Rihanna - Work Lyrics | MetroLyrics

I failed my road test 2 times
I waited a long time between when I took dt and when I did my road test which allowed me time to pick up some pissy driving habits.
Rolling stops in particular are something I have always done. I got pulled over for it a few times too.

>because I want to be on the other side of the country
Lmao, don't fall for the grass is always greener meme, moving wont suddenly make you happier, you know that.

Also she was studying for biomedical engineering so the vet thing probably wasnt bothering her. I have her email of course, but I'm not sure if she uses it much and she hasnt responded to any messages. Her mother doesnt even speak english and they have a rough relationship, that wouldnt work at all. Sometimes I think about just showing up at her house and knocking but she lives a ways away

oh and I'd like to add that her mother sounds like a heli parent. weird that she would make her quit working; my parents yelled at me for having a month of summer downtime where I wasn't working or studying

I forgot why she wanted her to quite, but she used to call the dentist place she worked at and yell at the people to fire her

How far? If you are really worried you can try, but from the sound of it, you should expect a door to slam in your face. Then you may be left with even more anxiety than before.

I've had a rough situation with a troubled girl before, but it is sort of the opposite of your story so I'm really not sure what advice to give.

Jeez. If I had to bro-science this, your ex prolly feels extremely smothered by everyone. if I was doing engineering and had a mother that controlling, I would get pissed off and cut contacts with everyone too. she wants to escape that stress, and if you can offer her that somehow maybe she'll take you back (if that's what you want)


should have joined a frat
i didn't know they were exclusively white men having fun with one another

another homo cum poster

please fuck me please fuck me please fuck me

not what i had in mind, bud

I don't think she was stressed or smothered, I think she just had a disorder. She always talked about seeing a therapist but when she was finally given a recommendation by her doctor she said she didn't want to go anymore. She lives in the city, so it would be a bit of a trip to go and see her

Borderline maybe? Schizoid?

If you think she is a danger to herself, then I would go. It will hinder you from getting over her though. Take some time to think about visiting

are you looking to help her, or for her to take you back?

C! O! C! K!

feeling that ol' brainfog, buds.
need something productive to do

Hey hey!!
You You!!

organize your room

I don't like ur girlfriend!!



it's already organized

set some goals for the week

I slept for less than 3 hours, now I have to go to work for a 7 hour shift
Please kill me

>tfw only 12% thic

I already have things to do and places to go, but they're not open on sundays
exercise? good idea

Fuggen STICC hahaha

She's not a danger to herself, she would always tell me she wasnt sad. She took some online mental disorder test as well and her scores perfectly normal. And I would like to get back together with her, I already helped her plenty, I'm the one who convinced her to go back to university and finish her degree

i've been planning my suicide for a couple of months now

what is the best way to go


Then go man go. Just mentally prepare in case she shoots you down. good luck

Don't do it... (:^(

Have sex with women until you die of exhaustion

why are you doing it?

considerable option

life is difficult i much rather have nothing

Don't you have any options? Can't you run somewhere and start anew?

not appealing in the slightest

when you find something that works let me know because I'm thinking of doing it myself thanks

You should eat cum.
I heard that it helps








I could die in the morning and no one would know, my woman she'd weep she'd weep and she'd mourn. Soon as I was buried, forget id been born

Getting good vibes here lads
Keep on doing a good job

peace out yall






Link that song again

Okay wheres that illinois faggot, I'm ready to throw hands

St. Paul (Penis)

You better watch yourself kid

9 rounds nigga

S-s-stop fighting!!!

*dodges missouri until I'm done pooping and can go back to my pc to grab my punching pepe+wojak folder*

*jams my fist from Bellow the toilet into Illinois ass and works him like a sock puppet*

*pulls missouri out of the toilet and socks him right in thdata:image/svg+xml,e jaw*

I've never seen anything this autistic in my life. Going to screencap this and post in autistic/cringe threads.

I short circuited

*Perma heems ilinois and >77235371 in one fell swoop*


You guys are a buncha meanies

You rednecks are done!
This is our america now
*shoots missouri with my legally registered firearm I got after applying for a foid card*

nice echo chamber you guys have...

Why won't government offices work a shift similar to 6pm - 2 am so people with jobs can actually go without interrupting their days?

*shrugs off bullets and welcomes Illinois to the family*

*doesn't join the family*
Ya feelin lucky kid?


norteƱos out please

did i ko him?

*Sneaks up behind you just as your leaving thinking you've won

*a new poster approaches*

*grabs missouri as he falls for my trap and punches him in the nuts and then throws him into the dixiecuck a few posts up*

this thread...

rent a car, no seatbelt, at night drive till you hit 130-40 and careen into a support pillar for an overpass

If you top off the gas tank beforehand the resulting fire will burn whatever remains of your splattered corpse so no need to worry about psychologically damaging emts

bonus points if you drive into the grand canyon (don't know if this is possible but sounds cool)


*beats the living fuck out out of this weeb*

>this thread



*tells both of you to join in the party and start shitposting*

*slides past illinois and breaks >77235804s nose

>Mom is really going to start forcing me to pay rent soon


Brother Ephraim sold his Cow
And bought him a Commission;
And then he went to Canada
To fight for the Nation;
But when Ephraim he came home
He proved an arrant Coward,
He wouldn't fight the Frenchmen there
For fear of being devoured.
Yankee Doodle came to town,
For to buy a firelock,
We will tar and feather him,
And so we will John Hancock.

*desperately searches google for more punching pepes so i can finish missouri*

*circle jerks with a bunch of autists for the small dopamine hit you get when you feel you are part of a anti-social social interactionon an anime image board. in posting this he hopes they stop.*

anime !

You're done, kid

just dont pay
whats she gonna fuckin do
she will find out who really wears the pants

missouri help me beat the shit out of this syrup chugging milk-in-bag-putting canuck